Best crystals for EMF protection

In recent years crystals have become a popular tool to reduce EMFs around the home. Discover how EMFs can affect the body, which crystals are thought to help reduce EMFs, plus which crystals you should avoid!

What are EMFs?

EMFs are harmful electromagnetic fields that are sent out from power lines, electrical wiring and electronic devices. You will come across EMFs at home, at work, at school and even at the supermarket.

EMFs in the home

The main culprits for emitting EMFs inside our homes are desktop computers and laptops, mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, iPads and tablets, wi-fi modems and routers, smart meters, plus some TVs and microwaves.

Common symptoms of EMF exposure

Some of the common side effects of being exposed to high levels of EMFs include headaches, nausea, insomnia, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), chronic fatigue, anxiety or depression, dizziness, blurred vision, memory loss or having difficulty concentrating.

How to reduce EMF exposure

There are several ways to reduce your exposure to EMFs such as:

  • Turning off electronic devices when they are not needed
  • Using the speaker on your mobile phone whilst taking phone calls
  • Putting your mobile phone on airplane mode at night, or turning your phone off completely
  • Keeping wi-fi modems and routers out of bedrooms
  • Using a handbag or laptop bag to carry your mobile phone, instead of carrying it in your pockets
  • Placing EMF reducing crystals near your electronic devices

Crystals to help reduce EMFs

It is believed that some crystals are able to reduce the electromagnetic smog found within your home. The most popular crystals for reducing EMFs include:

  • Shungite (and if you can get it, Elite Shungite is even better)
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Amazonite
  • Fluorite
  • Hematite (don't use magnetic Hematite as it could damage your devices)
  • Black Moonstone
  • Orgonites (use Black Tourmaline or Shungite Orgonites for best results)

Crystals that amplify EMFs

As Quartz is an amplifier of energy it is best to avoid placing crystals that are Quartz based near your electronic devices - you don't want to be amplifying electromagnetic frequencies! Quartz crystals include Clear Quartz, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Aventurine, Agate and Amethyst, to name a few.



(Source:; October 24, 2022;
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