Australia's iron ore capital Port Hedland to warn all healthcare providers against mRNA danger

 The nation's most economically important export center will demand answers from health authorities and write to every council and shire in Australia to sound the alarm

Alison Bevege

Oct 12, 2024

Australia’s iron ore capital Port Hedland is sending a written warning to all health practitioners within its boundaries about the dangers of the covid gene-vaccines and is calling for their immediate suspension on safety grounds after DNA contamination was again found in the products.

Councillor Adrian McRae told Letters From Australia that five out of eight council members had already been injured by the products in 2022, one suffering blood clots and myocarditis.

Port Hedland Council voted 5 to 2 last night to denounce the shots at a Special Council Meeting requested by councillors McRae, Camilo Blanco and Lorraine Butson.

The Council heard video testimony from St George’s University of London Professor Angus Dalgleish in a closed session warning them of the dangers of the products, before passing the motion.

Professor Dalgleish, a specialist in oncology and immunology, is on a speaking tour of Australia for the Australian Medical Professionals Society, sounding the alarm about how the mRNA products cause cancer.

The video has been released and can be watched below.

Video available at source link below.

The council will join Member for Monash Russell Broadbent in writing to the Prime Minister, to all local health practitioners and medical clinics, and to every local government and shire council in Australia, urging them to suspend the products.

“We are gravely concerned about the potential health risks posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including the dangers of genomic integration, cancer, hereditary defects and immune system disruption,” the letter says.

Port Hedland Council will also call on health authorities for an urgent investigation into how the DNA contamination has gone undetected by Australia’s regulators, who are accused of using outdated and insufficient testing methods.

Australia’s drug regulator the Therapeutic Goods Administration ignored a media request from Letters From Australia on Friday asking if they were aware of the DNA.

Councillor McRae said the vote was a validation for all Australia’s gene-vaccine injured.

“At least one council in the country will stand up and acknowledge what’s happened to these people,” he said.

Pics: Port Hedland Council Facebookwebsite

“This is a really important win from a really important town.”

Port Hedland, 1600km north of Perth, is the economic engine of Australia, strategically vital due to its deep-water port for bulk mineral exports from the Pilbara.

The port’s supply chain was estimated to be worth $103.7 billion or 4 percent of Australia’s entire national economy in 2022-23 and is expected to contribute about $156 billion in royalties and taxes to both the WA and Federal Governments over the next 10 years, according to the Port Hedland Industries Council.

Port Hedland’s local government area has a population of about 16,000 people and a local economy valued at $3.7 billion in 2020-21.

The Council heard video testimony from St George’s University of London Professor Angus Dalgleish in a closed session warning them of the dangers of the products, before passing the motion.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, October 4, Sydney. Pic: Bevege

Exhibits tabled to the council included a new report by epidemiologist and researcher David Speicher documenting DNA contamination found in Pfizer and Moderna mRNA products, and Russell Broadbent’s letters to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Mr Broadbent’s letter, calling on the Prime Minister to suspend the products, was signed by 52 health experts.

It follows similar efforts by Florida’s State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo who wrote to the US Food and Drug Administration in December, also calling for a halt.

Port Hedland Council passed on Friday. Pic: Courage is the Cure, Facebook

Pfizer and Moderna switched to the cheap Manufacturing Process 2 for the mRNA injections they sold for public use. They cooked the genetic sequence in huge vats of antibiotic resistant bacteria that were broken open to release the mRNA. As a result, the gene-vaccine batches were contaminated to varying degrees by DNA fragments.

DNA contamination has been documented by geneticist Kevin McKernan here, and in September last year, University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults testified to a South Carolina Senate Committee that these DNA fragments could interrupt a tumor suppressor gene or activate an oncogene, potentially causing cancer.

They were also contaminated by the Simian Virus 40 promoter gene (SV40) which is known to cause cancer and which previously caused a scandal when found in polio vaccines.

Mayor Peter Carter voted against the motion on the grounds that it was a state and federal government responsibility rather than local council, but on Saturday he said he was happy each side had put their case and the motion had passed.

“We live in a local democratic community and everyone had their say,” he said.

Mayor Carter said the Council website could be updated as early as Monday with the documents and the video of the council session, however the video can be seen on Courage is the Cure’s Facebook page here.

For more, see Julian Gillespie’s excellent Substack Jules on the Beach, below.

Jules On The Beach

DNA Contamination .. can Canberra keep 537 Local Councils quiet?

good Substack Folk…

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5 days ago · 164 likes · 62 comments · Julian Gillespie

For the WA Premier’s response and more, see Rebekah Barnett’s story here:

Dystopian Down Under

WORLD FIRST: Australian local government calls for suspension of Covid mRNA vaccines

In a surprise move, the local government of West Australian mining town Port Hedland has voted to call for the immediate suspension of the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines pending an investigation into evidence of excessive levels of synthetic DNA in the shots…

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11 hours ago · 55 likes · 6 comments · Rebekah Barnett

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Update: 14 October 2024 - embedded video of Professor Angus Dalgleish’s video address to council, moved his paragraphs up. 15 October 2024 - fixed type “Headland” instead of “Hedland”, added Rebekah Barnett’s Substack link, and added link to the TGA report specifying manufacturing process 2, switching the Brownstone hot-link to Phillip Buckhaults’ concerns over DNA contamination to later in that paragraph.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


(Source:; October 12, 2024;
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