You’ll own nothing and be happy!? - The Great Reset

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By 2030 you’ll owe nothing and be happy about it! These are the words of Klaus Schwab, head of the world economic forum. It’s part of his plan for the great reset. In this video you’ll learn why you’ll be so happy only nothing. And also why they’ll be even happier because they own everything.

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By AwakenWithJP

Author of "How To Be Ultra Spiritual." Available for Pre-order on Amazon NOW! (Sounds True Publishing).

I make videos to help you consider yourself and life in a more thoughtful way. Some of my videos are satirical comedy, others are more straightforward and serious. Satirical and serious are two parts that make the whole of me and what I do.

Humor and seriousness are perhaps two important keys that open the doors of our heart and soul. If we have one and not the other, we're at least half locked out of our own self.

Please subscribe to my channel! I'm looking forward to staying connected, laughing, growing, and healing together!

Business inquires? See below for email address and be sure to have a suitcase full of cash on standby.

(Source:; February 15, 2021;
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