WEF plans to ban Car ownership by 2030

 Cars To Be Banned by 2030 Under WEF 15 Minute City Plans: ‘Travel Is Not a Human Right’

by Planet Today 

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

The World Economic Forum has demanded that world governments begin to phase out car ownership with a view to completely banning cars for everyone in the future except people with exceptional social credit scores. And when you read between the lines regarding what they mean by that, they are clearly referring to themselves, the elite, as the only people who will be allowed to operate cars in the future.

You might have thought the globalist elite were having the week from hell, with 9 million people and counting across France protesting and demanding the removal of World Economic Forum puppet Emmanuel Macron.

 In France they are sick to the back teeth of the former Rothschild banker and WEF Young Global Leader doing the bidding of Klaus Schwab and forcing unpopular and unconstitutional changes through parliament. But the globalist elite are completely shameless and are now operating with the total conviction that post-Covid they are now in a position to rule as an authoritarian world government.

According to the WEF, far too many people in the Western world own their own vehicles and this situation must be corrected by pricing them out of the market. The hypocrisy of the globalist elite knows no bounds. They really are completely shameless.

In Davos earlier this year, Japanese journalist Masako Ganaha spoke to a chauffeur who drives the World Economic Forum VIPs around. Despite the WEF’s policies, the chauffeur told her the elites will not let him use a plug-in car to transport VIPs, demanding good old fashioned gas-guzzlers instead. Why? Because they are better and safer than electric cars.

It’s one rule for thee and another for me.

While the elite are allowed to own whatever cars they want, the rest of us are being priced out of the market altogether. And make no mistake, this is orchestrated and intentional. And we’ve got the receipts.

In a paper published by the WEF, the Davos elite claim that communal sharing of cars must become part of a “circular approach” in order to reduce global demands for precious metals and fossil fuels, before cars are eventually banned altogether. You might ask what kind of world the elites have planned for us if there won’t be any cars. We have the answer for that, including all the details, on the other side of this break. And it’s disturbing as all hell.

The pronouncements of Klaus Schwab and his minions are becoming more out of touch with reality by the day. The situation would almost be funny if the WEF hadn’t penetrated the cabinets of governments all over the world with double agents doing their bidding.

These so-called Young Global Leaders received instructions from Davos that far too many people own private vehicles and they must be priced out of the market with massive gas price hikes.

And look what happened. Sky-high prices in the US and developed world. But Schwab isn’t finished yet. As though ordinary people aren’t suffering enough pain at the gas pump, Schwab is claiming the current prices are still severely “underpriced.”

via @planettoday #PlanetToday: https://www.planet-today.com/2023/03/cars-to-be-banned-by-2030-under-wef-15.html

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


(Source: planet-today.com; March 29, 2023; https://tinyurl.com/2kfskhcz)
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