The “Black Goo” Conspiracy and the Falklands cover-up?

The “Black Goo” Conspiracy And The Falklands Cover-Up?

Anyone who is a fan of The X-Files will be aware of a recurring theme about black oil. This is an alien substance and is central to the overall story that is interwoven into the series. Very plausible – for a sci-fi TV show, right?

However, there are conspiracies in reality that suggest a very similar material exists.

The Black Goo is said to be an alien life form of some kind, and was the reason the Falklands War raged as it did in 1982. The sinking of the Belgrano – already an affair covered in suspicion – and the apparently imminent threat to British citizens of the island was part of the deeper cover-up, and draw attention from the real reason the British military suddenly descended as it did upon the Falklands Isles.

​As far as conspiracies go, this is as outlandish a theory as you are ever likely to hear. Although that doesn’t mean that it might not be true, or at least elements of it.

Regardless of “true” motives, the Falklands conflict itself was very real, and for many, very consequential or even fatal. Of that, there is no doubt. While we will not get into the specifics of the conflict – official or otherwise - but just to provide a backdrop, check out the video below that gives a brief outline to the gritty events of 1982.

It is not unusual at all for strange sightings to be witnessed and reported in times of conflict. Numerous accounts of “foo fighters” were reported in the battles over Europe in the Second World War for example. Similarly, as the Vietnam War raged, sightings of strange crafts exploded during this period in the area. It seems the Falklands conflict was to be no different.

For example, former soldier, Jeff Pearson, spoke of seeing a bright intense light hovering over the waters at the furtherst point of East Falkland, while on an R&R break. You can read about his experience in full here.

Another soldier spoke twenty-four years after the incident in 2006, about an “oval spacecraft with lights” that zipped across the sky at great speed. You can read his account in full here.

Of course, some believe the reason the UFO sightings were happening was due to the real reason the British military had been dispatched to the area in the first place. As outlandish as the claims are, the war was a distraction for them to obtain the mystery black goo, and bring it back to mainland Britain. 

Does this picture show a UFO in the Falklands Islands?

According to the conspiracy, this black goo substance made its way to the United Kingdom courtesy of Royal Navy ships. Deep in a hidden away lab, secret experiments and testing of the substance would take place. In short, things went wrong.

The Black Goo apparently found itself into the water supply and is now permeating every aspect of our lives. In the words of Miles Johnston, “it is in a state of learning!”

​The theory arguably seeped into the mainstream during the Channel 4 documentary by Dan Schreiber, The Great UFO Conspiracy from 2014. It was a tongue-in-check look at the general UFO community and their theories, but not something that mocked those who researched such things. Schreiber spoke on several occasions to Johnston, including in front of the MI6 building when he broke the news to him about the aforementioned black goo.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

Video can be accessed at source link below.


By Marcus Lowth / Mysteries Writer

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for anything interesting, from UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies and unsolved mysteries. He also has a passion for film, music, and the NFL. As well as writing for various websites, he runs and writes for Me Time For The Mind.


Me Time For The Mind

(Source:; March 1, 2017;
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