South Carolina warns citizens of ‘Lizard Man’ sightings during solar eclipse

The South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) is warning citizens in several of its counties to be vigilant of paranormal activity associated with the upcoming total solar eclipse.

Considering that the eclipse is a space event, you might think the warning is simply an amusing alert to keep an eye out for UFOs, but that’s really not the cast. SCEMD is being quite specific about its advice, and it’s asking citizens to be wary of… Lizardmen.

It might sound like an April Fools’ joke, but SCEMD’s warning is apparently completely legitimate, as South Carolina has a history of Lizard Man sightings. The agency tweeted out a handy map of where Lizardmen have been spotted in the past along with an overlay of the path of the solar eclipse.

“This historical map is in response to recent media reports about possible paranormal activity associated with the upcoming total eclipse,” the agency explains. “SCEMD does not know if Lizardmen become more active during a solar eclipse, but we advise that residents of Lee and Sumter counties should remain ever vigilant.”

The first reported sighting of a Lizard Man in the state dates back to the 1980s. Described as a “red-eyed demon,” the creature (or creatures?) have crossed paths with other South Carolina residents in the years since, with several more reports of large lizard-like creatures helping to build the local lore.

The eclipse, which is slated to take place on August 21st, is sure to be an exciting event, but if you happen to live in South Carolina it might be safer to just watch it from your windows.


By Mike Wehner / BGR Reporter

Mike Wehner has reported on technology and video games for the past decade, covering breaking news and trends in VR, wearables, smartphones, and future tech.

Most recently, Mike served as Tech Editor at The Daily Dot, and has been featured in USA Today,, and countless other web and print outlets. His love of reporting is second only to his gaming addiction.


(Source:; August 10, 2017;
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