Russia arms Ansar Allah against Israel in response to U.S. arming of Ukraine

 The United States has withdrawn two naval groups from the Near East, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Ansar Allah (the "followers of God", derogatively referred to as the "Houthis", i.e. the "gang of the Houthi family" by Atlanticist propaganda) fired a missile at central Israel on 15 September. According to its spokesman, it covered 2,040 kilometers in 11 minutes.

On the contrary, according to the IDF, it was not a hypersonic missile. It was hit by Israeli air defenses, but was not shot down. A fire broke out near Lod, caused by the missile or by debris from it.

Mimicking the IDF’s behavior in Gaza, Ansar Allah issued a notice to the Israelis declaring that Tel Aviv is a "war zone" and that they must evacuate it to the Negev desert which they consider a "humanitarian zone."

On September 16, Ansar Allah said that the U.S. government had offered to recognize it on the condition that it stop attacking Israel. The State Department denied this.

☞ Let’s look at the change in the rules of the game, not in Israel and Palestine, but on a global scale. The Yemeni missile was not intercepted by the Israeli defense. It was therefore a satellite-guided hypersonic missile, comparable to the seven Iranian hypersonic missiles that hit their target on April 14. Ansar Allah did not have space technology at its disposal, so who provided it with the guidance data? It is unlikely that Tehran has embarked on this adventure at a time when President Masoud Pezeshkian is trying to reconnect with the West.

We have learned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly visited Russia last week, for a few hours. The information was strictly censored by the IDF in Israel. His meeting with his former friend, President Vladimir Putin, did not go well.

The withdrawal of the US aircraft carriers indicates that Washington did not intend to get involved in the Russian-Israeli quarrel.

But the most important thing is elsewhere: Moscow had warned that it would respond to the United States, which is giving weapons to Ukraine to attack Russia, by also giving weapons to Washington’s enemies to strike it back. Ukraine has just hit a Russian gas pipeline with US weapons. In response, Yemen hit the Ashkelon-Eilat pipeline with the help of Russian satellite data.

This is the editorial from our paywalled "Voltaire, international newsletter", n°100. For more information, do not hesitate to subscribe: 500€ per year.

Gregor Fröhlich


(Source:; September 20, 2024;
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