RFK Jr on the business of medical propaganda (including the CIA’s influence on the media)

RFK Jr. and Dennis Prager explore the CIA's and Big Pharma's influence on media and the conflict of interest in health agencies profiting from the drugs they regulate.

RFK Jr. and Dennis Prager discuss how Big Pharma’s advertising clout has given it the power to pressure media outlets to favorably cover its products, and how health agencies’ financial interest in the drugs and vaccines they investigate constitutes a clear conflict of interest. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also explains how the CIA spends billions of dollars to influence media coverage around the world—often in favor of Big Pharma’s vaccines, SARS CoV2 included.


Dennis Prager: The amount of lying done to me by the medical and pharmaceutical establishments in the last few years has completely changed my view about whether or not they will tell me anything that is true.

RFK Jr.: NIH has a $42 billion budget. It used to do science. Now, … a lot of what it does is developing new drugs for the pharmaceutical industry, which it gives to them, essentially for free, in many cases. It's a terrible arrangement. NIH itself gets royalties; they can take about half of the royalties on some – like the Moderna vaccine, they own half of the royalties. So they'll get billions and billions of dollars. Not only that, but there are six individuals who work for NIH, who were Anthony Fauci's deputies, who each got march-in rights for the patent, so they own royalties. It's pretty astonishing because these are the regulators that are supposed to be looking for problems with these drugs before they give them to us to protect us. If this drug does well, they're going to pay for their boat, they're going to pay for their children's education, and as long as that drug is being sold to people, they can make a profit. So, the last thing they want to do is find problems within it.

Dennis Prager: So, that explains the moral corruption in the FDA, the NIH, and the pharmaceutical companies, namely money. How do you explain The New York Times and The Washington Post? Are they getting money from Big Pharma?

RFK Jr.: The pharmaceutical industry is one of the biggest advertisers. Now, I think it was on a 9.6 billion dollar in advertising. The reporters themselves would deny that there's any kind of censorship or any kind of editorial prodding, and they will say the science is what CDC says it is. And I say to them, journalists are supposed to maintain a posture of fierce skepticism toward government officials. They're now doing the opposite. They have become propaganda for the government. Now, why is that happening? You can't just say they're being bought off by pharmaceutical companies. Part of that dynamic is a lot of influence by the intelligence agencies throughout the press. The largest funder today of journalism around the world, mainly funded through USAID, they spend about 10 billion a year funding journalism around the world. But there are two things that happened: one, the Patriot Act, and then President Obama issued an executive order that allowed the CIA to begin propagandizing Americans again. And we started seeing the press become overt kind of propaganda vessels for the CIA.

Dennis Prager: I understand the CIA and war, the CIA and elections. I don't understand what on God's Earth the CIA cares about vaccines.

RFK Jr.: The CIA's first project when it was created was Operation Paperclip. They were bringing over missile scientists and bioweapon scientists and chemical weapon scientists from Germany. When you're doing bioweapons research, every bioweapon requires a vaccine. You can't do bioweapons research to develop bioweapons, but you can do what they call dual-use research, which means bioweapons research that is also necessary to develop vaccines. The punchline of the story is that in 2014, three of Anthony Fauci's bugs escaped, and Obama declared a moratorium and ordered Fauci to shut down. Fauci transferred most of those studies to Wuhan. The biggest funder of gain-of-function research at Wuhan was the CIA through USAID and then Eco Health Alliance, through which NIH was laundering all its money. We now know that Eco Health Alliance was a CIA front.


By clnews
(Source: consciouslifenews.com; January 17, 2024; http://tinyurl.com/2xwfp6an)
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