Precognition? Our body can react to events up to 10 seconds before they happen
This article examines a number of experiments regarding precognition that were conducted by several different laboratories.
Over the past few decades, a significant amount of scientific research has emerged contributing to the notion that human precognition could very well be real and that we all might possess this potential -amongst various other extended human capacities. Thanks to the research by various scientists presented in this article, extended human capacities are beginning to exit the realm of superstitious thinking, delusion and irrationality and find their way into the world of confirmed phenomena.
I recently wrote about a study from China, archived in the CIA database, demonstrating the ability of a gifted girl to physically write on a piece of paper inside a closed container using her mind. You can read that here if interested. It sounds unbelievable, but someone once said condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. Examine the sources and study methods and see if you deem them credible.
Claims of precognition or future telling have occurred throughout human history in virtually every culture.
So what exactly is precognition? It’s the ability to have a premonition of a future event that could not be anticipated through any known process. It’s the influence of a future event that has yet to happen on an individual's responses. These responses can come in the form of their biology, they can be conscious responses the individual is aware of, or they can be non-conscious responses that the individual isn't aware of, which is mostly the case when it comes to the scientific examination of precognition.
A 2014 paper published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience titled “Predicting the unpredictable: critical analysis and practical implications of predictive anticipatory activity” examined several experiments regarding precognition that were conducted by several different laboratories.
They cite a meta-analysis and many other experiments that indicate the human body can detect randomly delivered stimuli that occur 1-10 seconds in advance. In other words, the human body seems to know of an event and reacts to an event that has yet to occur. What occurs in the human body before these events happen are physiological changes that are measured in the heart, lungs, skin, and the nervous system.
“The key observation in these studies is that human physiology appears to be able to distinguish between unpredictable dichotomous future stimuli, such as emotional vs. neutral images or sound vs. silence. This phenomenon has been called presentiment (as in “feeling the future”). In this paper we call it predictive anticipatory activity (PAA). The phenomenon is “predictive” because it can distinguish between upcoming stimuli; it is “anticipatory” because the physiological changes occur before a future event; and it is an “activity” because it involves changes in the cardiopulmonary, skin, and/or nervous systems” - Predicting the unpredictable: critical analysis and practical implications of predictive anticipatory activity
It is important to note that these types of responses to future events measured in the body are unconscious responses. This means that the subject (human) isn't aware that these responses are taking place. It's a form of precognition, but not full-blown conscious premonitions as one would usually associate with precognition.
The fact that changes in our physiological activity in the autonomic nervous system take place and prepare us for future events is remarkable.
More than 40 experiments investigating this phenomenon in humans have been published over the past 36 years, including: Hartwell, 1978; Radin et al., 1995, 2011; Bierman and Radin, 1997; Radin, 1997, 2004;Don et al., 1998; Bierman, 2000; Bierman and Scholte, 2002; McDonough et al., 2002;Spottiswoode and May, 2003; McCraty et al., 2004a,b; Sartori et al., 2004; May et al., 2005;Tressoldi et al., 2005, 2009, 2011; Radin and Borges, 2009; Bradley et al., 2011).
The paper concluded that:
“The predictive physiological anticipation of a truly randomly selected and thus unpredictable future event, has been under investigation for more than three decades, and a recent conservative meta-analysis suggests that the phenomenon is real.”
Another paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology by Cornell University professor Dr. Daryl J. Bem suggests that precognition may be real. You can access his publications here.
Dr Bem’s study outlines nine experiments that involved more than 1000 participants that “test for retroactive influence by time reversing well-established psychological effects so that the individual’s responses are obtained before the putatively causal stimulus events occur.”
After going through and examining these experiments, Dr. Bem concluded that all but one of them yielded statistically significant results.
“Historically, the discovery and scientific exploration of most phenomena have preceded explanatory theories, often by decades or even centuries.” Dr. Bem
Another study by Dr Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), conducted four double-blind experiments showing some intuitive hunches that were measured by fluctuations in the autonomic nervous system. These involve unconscious perceptions of future events that have yet to occur, and the experiments supported this idea.
A significant study (meta-analysis) that was published in the Journal of Parapsychology by Charles Honorton and Diane C. Ferrari in 1989 examined several studies that were published between 1935 and 1987. The studies involved attempts of individuals to predict “the identity of target stimuli selected randomly over intervals ranging from several hundred million seconds to one year following the individual's responses.” The authors investigated over 300 studies conducted by over 60 authors, using approximately 2 million individual trials by more than 50,000 people.
They concluded that their analysis of precognition experiments:
“confirms the existence of a small but highly significant precognition effect. The effect appears to be repeatable; significant outcomes are reported by 40 investigators using a variety of methodological paradigms and subject populations. The precognition effect is not merely an unexplained departure from a theoretical chance baseline, but rather is an effect that covaries with factors known to influence more familiar aspects of human performance.”