Panic propaganda: the government’s secret weapon

There is no more powerful tool than propaganda, especially when its wielded by government entities. Propaganda is misinformation peddled for political purposes. Most of the news pushed by mainstream sources and broadcasted on television is propaganda, or pretty darn close. Recall the image of a crying immigrant girl allegedly separated from her family, heavily publicized by Time: It didn’t take long for the child’s parents to come forward and announce the image had been taken completely out of context. The child was crying, sure, but she was never taken away from her parents.

Even so, this photo was used by Time and countless others to push a certain viewpoint on illegal immigration. The image of the crying girl was used to promote a fundraiser that has since raised $18 million. And just a few days ago, the photographer behind this “image” received an award and it was named World Press Photo of the Year. Judges said the photo depicted “a different kind of violence that is psychological.” That “violence” is also imaginary.

All of this is “outrage” and sanctimony is based on lies.

All of this is propaganda designed to push the pro-illegal immigration narrative, and to shame those who believe in immigration regulations and border security. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

“Panic Propaganda” is the new black

Panic propaganda seems to go hand-in-hand with the outrage culture or “call-out culture” that’s overtaken the United States. Whether we are taking about illegal immigration, Donald Trump’s presidency, GMOs, or vaccines, there is no shortage of propaganda, prepared to incite an emotional response from the target audience.

Writing for Waking Times, Roseanne Lindsay contends that propaganda and language manipulations are tools of the shadow government (and the United Nations) to push their clandestine agenda onto an unsuspecting populous — and to coerce the public into doing their bidding.

Lindsay points to the use of the term “public health” in pro-vaccine rhetoric as one such tool. She explains:

“Public” is a term meant to conform and meld individuals into a group mindset. It is part of a greater agenda under the United Nations (U.N.) that oversees a global doctrine to redefine unity as uniformity, where having an identity is no longer acceptable.

Likewise, Public Opinion, Public Safety, Public Body, and Public Perception are myths that political elites promote in order to manufacture consent to justify their right to power and to maintain the status quo.

According to Lindsay, “public health” and other such tripe doesn’t really exist. All that exists, she contends, are individuals; individual health, individual opinion, individual bodies and so forth.

Tricking the masses

Yet, the overwhelming message from the “powers that be” seems to be pretty obvious: Put the whims of the majority ahead of your own well-being. And they push this message insidiously, with careful phrasing and the use of key words to make the masses feel obligated to do or think a certain way.

These linguistic tricks are then combined with the “outrage” arm of the propaganda machine. The pro-vaccine narrative mirrors this perfectly: Big Pharma shills whine about falling vaccine rates as a public health issue — and then, they start spreading panic about disease outbreaks.

Even now, the mainstream media is spreading panic about a measles outbreak and insisting that unvaccinated kids are a vector for disease — even though research shows the measles vaccine is more than capable of spreading measles.  The mainstream media does not report on truth, they report on a predetermined agenda.

Panic propaganda goes hand-in-hand with linguistic tricks to manipulate individuals into acting against their own best interests to benefit Big Government and their puppet masters.

For full references please use source link below.


By Vicki Batts / Writer
(Source:; April 17, 2019;
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