Movement restriction planning for Australia in the New World Order

 How Australian drivers could be TAXED for every kilometre they travel - as government ponders radical replacement for fuel excise as petrol cars disappear from roads

  • National Electric Vehicle Strategy discussion paper noted threat to petrol excise
  • Petrol, diesel excise provides $19billion a year in federal government revenue 
  • BAEconomics managing director Brian Fisher said EV distance is charging likely
  • Nationals senator Matt Canavan said he was concerned about privacy erosion 

By Stephen Johnson, Economics Reporter For Daily Mail Australia

A leading economist has warned Australian motorists could be taxed for every kilometre they drive because petrol cars being phased out will blow a massive hole in the budget. 

A wholesale switch from petrol-powered cars to electric vehicles is envisaged as part of Labor's plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 43 per cent by 2030, which  passed through both houses of Parliament in September.

But the federal government's National Electric Vehicle Strategy discussion paper acknowledges that such a shift will see a massive drop in money raised by the existing fuel excise, which is nominally used to fund upkeep of the nation's roads.

'They've got to find an alternative source of revenue,' BAEconomics managing director Brian Fisher told Daily Mail Australia.

'The sort of thing that comes to mind is taxes by distance travelled.'

Australian motorists could be tolled for every kilometre they travel as petrol cars are phased out (pictured is the WestConnex M4 tunnel at Haberfield)

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Stephen Johnson / Big Think, Associate Editor

Stephen Johnson is the Associate Editor of Big Think. A long-time contributor to Big Think, he is a St. Louis-based writer and editor whose work has been featured in U.S. News & World Report, PBS Digital Studios, MSN, Eleven Magazine, and The Missourian.

(Source:; October 3, 2022;
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