Miscarriages and dead infants were described in a secret FDA review

 - but hidden from the public

Pfizer Tried to Hide Its Report for 75 Years


A new document was released to ICAN this April, thanks to a FOIA legal action that compelled the government to provide Pfizer documents they tried to keep secret for 75 years. Indeed, they had a good reason to hide it.

That document is called “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW.” Many findings in it validate several concerns of COVID vaccine skeptics.

Pfizer identified 458 pregnancies where mothers were vaccinated.

Of the 673 case reports identified in the search, 458 involved BNT162b2 exposure during pregnancy (mother/fetus) and 215 involved exposure during breast-feeding.

What happened to those pregnancies?

The Vaccine Does Cross the Placenta

We were told that the vaccine “stays in the arm.” Was that true?

On Page 3, Pfizer describes two cases (out of 458) of unborn babies affected by transplacental transfer of mRNA Covid vaccine. Pfizer’s own words:

So, instead of staying in the arm, by Pfizer’s admission, the vaccine traveled through the mother’s body, penetrated the placenta, and adversely impacted the unborn fetuses.

One infant in the above report died of “severe respiratory distress.” (AER 2021191405)

Another infant, born at 24 weeks of gestation, was not followed up because Pfizer did not care enough to discover what happened. However, 24 weeks gestation (5 months since conception) is a very premature birth. About half of the infants born at 24 weeks die, and of the remaining ones, 40% end up with health issues. I pray that that specific infant survived and is doing well; however, we cannot know, and Pfizer chose not to disclose what happened.

The “health experts” who guided pregnant women through the pandemic claimed that the vaccine does not cross the placenta:

High Rate of Miscarriages

Of the 458 pregnancies, 52 ended with pregnancy losses: miscarriage(pregnancy loss under 20 weeks) or spontaneous abortion (pregnancy loss past 20 weeks). That is an 11.3% rate of pregnancy loss. 

This did not count the premature infants who died shortly after birth. For example, the above-described premature baby AER 2021191405, died in severe respiratory distress after an emergency C-section following the mother’s COVID vaccination.

Is 11.3% of pregnancies lost normal, or is it abnormally high? Arkmedic explained that answering this question is difficult because the chances of pregnancy loss depend on the week of gestation and are highest in the early weeks. Once pregnant women pass those early weeks, the chance of a loss drops dramatically.

For example, the women who get vaccinated at 23 weeks, like the mom of AER 2021191405, already did not have an early miscarriage, and their chances of pregnancy loss would be low by that moment. 

As women of all gestational ages were vaccinated in Pfizer’s population of 458 pregnancies, the expected rate of pregnancy losses (from the moment of vaccination) should be much lower than if the losses were counted from the moment of conception.

If we ask, “What would be a normal pregnancy loss rate of those 458 women if they were injected with a placebo instead of the Covid vaccine,” the precise estimate would be near impossible. However, it is less than 11.3%. Read Arkmedic’s article if you want to know the details.

We also know that the Moderna vaccine (higher dose) increases the chances of pregnancy loss by 42% compared to Pfizer, suggesting a dose-response relationship

Igor’s Newsletter

CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% MORE Miscarriages Compared to Pfizer

[I am in a hospital ER right now with a broken foot. Please forgive me if this post is more incoherent than usual. The wait is taking a while, so I decided to try to finish my post about this] Summary This article will show that CDC’s own statistics prove beyond statistical doubt that the higher dose Moderna vaccine causes 42% MORE miscarriages, compared …

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The picture below, a blast from the past from two years ago, proved that the concerns of the person demonstrating were prescient:

Pfizer Report Omits Dead Infant 

The Pfizer report, listing adverse events to breastfed infants on page 6, does not mention any dead infants who died while breastfeeding. However, the previous Prizer postmarketing report does mention one breastfeeding infant who died soon after his or her mother was vaccinated. I wrote about that infant a year ago.

Igor’s Newsletter

Pfizer Confidential: 1 infant DEATH vs 1 Successful Birth

Hat tip to Claus L who reminded me that new Pfizer documents were released. Summary: Only two births were recorded, one was successful and another resulted in infant death. Breastfeeding indeed affects infants and proves mRNA vaccine shedding by breastfeeding mothers…

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Not sure why Pfizer “disappeared” the dead infant. Maybe they forgot? We can only guess.

In a way, the mothers who received the Pfizer vaccine are the lucky ones. The women who received Moderna were 42% more likely to suffer a miscarriage and 93% more likely to have their infant die after birth.

What do you think?

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For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Igor Chudov

I own a popular math website and run a business.


(Source: igorchudov.substack.com; April 24, 2023; https://tinyurl.com/2ykxaaub)
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