James Meek, the journalist who knew too much about the war in Ukraine

Rolling Stone magazine published an article on the disappearance of ABC journalist James Gordon Meek at the end of April [1]. This case had not been reported on so far.

Meek had served as Senior Counterterrorism Advisor to the House Homeland Security Committee. He seems to have had a double professional life as a journalist and an intelligence agent. In any case, he was well introduced into this circle at a very high level. When he went missing, he was writing a book on Operation Pineapple Express that unfolded during the U.S. withdrawal from Kabul [2] .

He sent out his last tweet on April 27, basically reposting a tweet by a former CIA agent captioned “Facts.” The agent’s text reads: "Actually, it started long time ago. We learned this between 2014-2022. Not just now. It was a lab experiment on Russian TTPs [tactics, techniques and procedures]. On the EW [electronic warfare]. On everything. This is why Ukrainians (with our advice/assistance) are doing so well. Ask those in the IC [Intelligence community] or the UW [unconventional warfare] communities. We learned a shit ton.”

After posting this tweet, Meek abruptly resigned from his job at ABC. According to his friends and colleagues, he gave no explanation, but it seemed like the sky had just fallen on his head.

His home was the target of a raid witnessed by neighbors, who saw black cars and an armored vehicle, such as those used by the FBI, surrounding his house. He was allegedly searched by armed men, but it has not been confirmed whether he was home at the time. In any case, no one saw him leave, nor has he been seen him since.

The authorities are keeping the story uder wraps.



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[1] "FBI Raids Star ABC News Producer’s Home", Tatiana Siegel, Rolling Stone, October 24, 2022.

[2] “Private rescue in Afghanistan: “Ananas Express” and “Dunkirk” operations”, Voltaire Network, 30 August 2021.


(Source: voltairenet.org; October 26, 2022; https://bit.ly/3W1vOpw)
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