Foreign ownership of Australia’s water supplies revealed in Parliament

Foreign Control of Australia's Water: Exposing the Crisis and Demanding Change

Pauline Hanson's Please Explain

Nov 29, 2023

oon, the Albanese Labor Government will rush through significant changes to legislation governing water in the Murray-Darling Basin and this will be done without the normal agreement from all affected states. Labor has secured support from the Greens and some Senate Crossbenchers through a series of shady deals that will dramatically alter the legislation without proper review or oversight. There are real problems with this legislation and with how water is managed in Australia in general, they should be treated seriously, not rushed through without scrutiny. As I expose in this video, the massive extent of foreign ownership of water entitlements in Australia alone should raise serious concerns about the Labor government's transparency and accountability in water management. The fact that the disclosed information only categorizes water ownership by country, without specifying individual ownership, shows you the shocking level of secrecy surrounding this vital resource. We need transparency in identifying foreign license owners. We also need to look at linking water entitlements to farming land in a way that prioritizes local needs. Labor's shamefully dismissive response lays bare their lack of willingness to address the core issue of foreign control and their failure to prioritise community benefit. Labor's flawed approach to water management raises doubts about the practicality of their proposed changes and the additional Greens amendments they will wave through, proving this government has no real commitment to our farmers and the health of our regional communities. This entire process has been a disgrace.


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Pauline Hanson's Please Explain


(Source:; November 29, 2023;
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