European farmers fight back against the globalist scheme

 ... to destroy the World's food supply (Video)

Amy Mek

The European Union is fighting to slash its carbon emissions by 55% by 2030, a goal requiring radical policies that will destroy farmers.

For weeks there have been protests by farmers in the Netherlands against their left-wing government’s Great Reset policies, the EU’s “Green Deal,” and the associated forced closure of farms. Their government’s radical ‘climate change’ measures aim to slash emissions in some provinces by 95%. That would mean the end for about 30 percent of the farmers.

The Dutch government has recently announced new policies which limit the number of cattle that farmers can legally own. The radical measures are aimed at helping the European Union E.U. reach its emissions goals set under the Paris Climate Accords. The bloc aims to reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030, which will require a radical overhaul of member states’ economies and end modern farming, reports National File.

Other policies being forced upon the Dutch include the banning of fertilizers that use nitrogen and the forced dismantling of many cattle ranches. As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, the plans stipulate farmers will give up their farms voluntarily and receive compensation for doing so – on the condition that they guarantee never to go back to farming. If they disagree, the state will take over their farm. So the great expropriation has begun.

The Netherlands is one of Europe’s largest agricultural exporters, which has made it a target of E.U. climate change policies. As reported at RAIR, “the socialists pushing these outrageous proposals care much less about the environment than about controlling you.”

Farmers in other nations, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, and France, have begun their own protests as the E.U. intensifies its efforts to slash emissions in all member states causing harm to citizens livelihoods and the global food supply.


The Netherlands protests and blockades are already affecting some supermarkets that are running out of food. Moreover, Spain’s farmers have again taken to the streets because of inflation.

Especially in the southern part of Spain, in Andalusia, farmers are protesting because of the enormous increase in prices for energy and food. In Spain, inflation was already above the 10% mark in June.

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By Amy Mek
(Source:; July 8, 2022;
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