CDC: 75-94 percent of covid deaths had at least four other causes listed on death certificate
In Brief
- The Facts:
CDC director Rochelle Walensky recently stated that more than 75 percent of people who have died with COVID had at least 4 other comorbidities.
CDC data states that the large majority of people, up to 94 percent, also have an average of 4 other causes listed as cause of death alongside COVID.
- Reflect On:
COVID has an extremely high survival rate, as mentioned and sourced within the article.
Why are we taking such extreme measures that are and have caused more harm than COVID? Why are we mandating products that don't stop the transmission of the virus?
Rochelle Walensky, the director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently stated the following,
According to official CDC data, “For over 5%” of people who have died with COVID-19, COVID-19 was the only cause listed on the death certificate. The CDC also states that, for “deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.”
Given that the director said more than 75 percent of those who died with COVID-19 also had average of four or more other conditions and were already ill, this number is obviously somewhere between 75 and 94 percent.
According to the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, “for over 5%” means “95% of people who have died with COVID-19 have had at least 1 comorbidity listed as the cause of death. The average is 4 comorbidities.”
This is the latest data from the CDC, and it’s something we’ve seen throughout the pandemic.
For example, out of all the deaths that have been labelled as a COVID-19 death in the United States within the first year of the pandemic, for only six per cent of them COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For 94% of the deaths, there were other causes and conditions in addition to COVID-19. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.
It doesn’t mean that for 75 – 94 percent of people, COVID was not the cause. It simply shows that people with underlying health conditions are exponentially much more susceptible to hospitalization and death from COVID, just like we’ve seen throughout history with other similar type of viruses.
It highlights the real pandemic. Poor health, for which there are a number of contributing factors from toxic personal choices, to unethical actions by big corporations like the spraying of toxic chemicals on our soil and food, to other environmental factors that contribute to a wide variety of diseases. All of these factors and more make us quite unhealthy in our old age, including old age itself.
The graph below shows the exponential increase in deaths by age in the older population compared to the younger population. Infections will always remain, even with mass vaccination given the fact that they (COVID vaccines) do not stop the transmission of the virus.
COVID-19 Deaths per capita by age in the United States (as of June 5, 2021). Population-based on U.S. CDC WONDER Bridge-Race Population Estimate 2019. Data obtained from
That being said, we simply don’t know in how many of these people COVID actually contributed to their deaths. If someone already has a respiratory and/or heart condition and contracted COVID and then died in the hospital, it’s quite obvious their death was due to COVID, and their comorbidities would also be listed as a cause of death.
But if someone who wasn’t suffering from COVID symptoms has a heart attack who already suffers from respiratory illness and perhaps, diabetes for example, who happens to test positive upon arrival at the hospital, this doesn’t necessarily mean that COVID contributed to their death.
There’s been confusion around this topic since the beginning of the pandemic with regards to “COVID” hospitalizations and deaths. And there’s confusion now. For example, here in Ontario Canada, Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s chief medical officer recently explained that up to 50 per cent of “COVID hospitalizations” are not a result of COVID.
Not only have COVID “hospitalizations” been inaccurately portrayed, but COVID “deaths” seem to be inaccurately portrayed too. On their own website, the Ontario government states the following in their footnotes (#7),
Any case marked as “Fatal” is included in the deaths data. Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death. - How Ontario is responding to COVID-19
This is one of many examples. At the end of the day, does it really matter? There is no arguing that COVID is much more lethal for people with underlying health conditions and the elderly. This is where the vast majority of deaths have occurred. Again, this is what we’ve seen throughout history with other viruses, so it’s not a surprise.
It’s difficult to put in context with other viruses that have been circulating the globe, including coronaviruses (which make up a large percentage of your normal “cold” or “flu”) given the fact that we are doing something with COVID we’ve never done before, mass testing. Imagine testing every single person in the hospital who died for RSV or the flu, for example, or testing all patients and healthcare workers and these numbers were added as causes to death certificates if they were positive. How much more would those numbers increase from what we normally see every year?
At the end of the day, even with the amount of deaths recorded, COVID infection offers the following survival rate.
This means that if you’re a healthy person with no underlying health conditions, you have a near 100 percent chance of survival and reaping the benefits of the robust protection that natural immunity can provide. Which begs the question, why hasn’t natural immunity been included in health policy?
Another fact to put COVID into context is the fact that hospitals have long been at over-capacity. ICUs have never been adequately equipped, and have always struggled on and off throughout the years.
Why are we continuing to lockdown? These measures have killed more people than COVID itself. Why are we mandating vaccines and demonizing the unvaccinated when COVID vaccines do not stop the transmission of the virus in any significant way? Why aren’t we focusing on those who are actually at risk like The Great Barrington Declaration has advocated for since the beginning of the pandemic?
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