British elections June 8 – reality check

Your Consent to Being Governed Why you should vote for Yourself!

Get Real News Radio commentary on the British Elections.

  • Is Britain a divided nation?
  • Corbyn for the people v May for the corporations?
  • Corporations first, people come second, banks bailed out people in debt, laws against rights, environment degraded.
  • The tragedy of Manchester – but why does it happen?
  • Britain, USA and Europe sell arms to these militant groups
    We war in the Middle East, destroy Syria, cause the refugee crisis – what can we expect?
  • Election campaigning paused (as after killing of Jo Cox MP and Brexit Referendum) while media distortion and lies continue unabated.
  • Open Borders policy used to enforce Brexit and police state Britain.
  • After OCCUPY, what next? Is it time to reject a flawed system? Anarchy “without leaders”, are today’s politicians relevant to our lives?
  • Vote on June 8 – vote for your own self-determination, for a life you can be in more control over for your families, for our humanity.

We are two citizens concerned with the course Britain is taking, our country of birth. We believe that “we the people” alone can make the difference, and now is very much the time to Get Real.

News Alert!

Teresa May has raised the Terror Alert to the ‘Critical Status’ putting the British Army onto the streets and in support of the police force that she cut drastically by 20,000 jobs while she was Home Secretary.

There is a pattern to these terrorist events.

Are you about ready to put “2” and “2” together? Notice the date, for example:

22.07.11 Norway
22.05.13 Woolwich, UK
22.03.16 Brussels
22.07.16 Munich
22.03.17 London
22.05.17 Manchester

It would seem that some but not all these events, like 9/11, are allowed to happen and that, when they do, human rights are curtailed and more enforced controls are placed on the people in favour of the establishment who fails to deal with the cause of it all – arming the “terrorist groups” in an endless pursuit of profit.

Where there is a pattern, there is a plan, some sense of order in what appears as random chaos. If that is the case, why would we as ordinary people wish to participate in a system that has the corporations with their favoured politicians running a game with no way out and no future, one that has been ruthlessly enforced that serves no one except a selfish heartless few?

Is our democracy even capable of restoring the imbalance?

In the midst of yet more tragedy comes the imperative to acknowledge the truth unseen by so many hidden in plain site that is now being revealed.

Choice we have to make, may it be one of recognition – we give our consent to being governed, we can choose! We can determine for our selves, for our humanity, our families, a way of life for a future that is for the greater good of all. Wouldn’t that be a wonder?


By Jonathan Eveleigh

Jonathan is a student of the ancient wisdom and practitioner of Tai Chi and Plant Spirit medicine. He has worked at Cern, Geneva and JET Fusion Project, Oxford as an IT engineer, and has been a trustee of the UK Permaculture Association, self-publisher, magazine editor. Alongside a renewable energy business he offers sacred site jouneys connecting people with the spirit of place across Southern Europe. He produces Real News Citizens Radio and manages websites for several consciousness groups. Website:

(Source:; May 26, 2017;
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