Austin Steinbart on the Mike Harris Show Part 2

In this week’s interview we explore in depth the real motivations behind the Q Anon movement and how this impacts daily life. We also discuss the future of the coming frontiers of rapidly changing technologies as they evolve.

I think everyone will agree that corruption of every institution and government function in the USA is readily apparent, the question is: How do we the people deal with this corruption. This is my second interview with Mr. Steinbart, and if what it represents is true and factual, and I believe it is, then our future may have several bright spots and the bad guys should be afraid….very afraid.

Mr. Steinbart is far more forgiving than I am.

We will be posting the 3rd interview very soon, stand by, it keeps getting better. Please become a subscriber to my youtube channel and I will have a website up soon.

Thank you for your support

In Solidarity, and God Bless America. Mike Harris


By Mike Harris Show Short End Of The Stick
(Source:; July 19, 2020;
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