101 Steps to Enslave Humanity (Part One: 1-56)

 Plotting a century of transformations toward collapsing civilization and rising global technocracy for a Malthusian transhumanist (eugenics) agenda.


JAN 30


The final phase: convincing humans to sacrifice themselves for sinister deceptions.

A three-part series.

Part One: How we got here 19th & 20th century—Phases 1 and 2
Part Two: How we got here 21st century—Phases 3, 4, and 5
Part Three: Where we’re (likely) going (2022-2030)—Consolidating Phases 1-5 and implementing Phases 7 and 8.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. Any glaring omissions noticed by readers would be appreciated in the comments below and added post-publication with credit to the commenter. Most geopolitical events, including the world wars, are intentionally omitted.

This series was designed to put historical events and sociocultural phenomena into a structure that helps us understand how we arrived at the world we’re living in. If for no other reason than to dispel the deception that we arrived here suddenly and without warning. 

To most of the western world, who are indoctrinated by public schools and presented a highly curated version of history that are at best benign fabrications, most of these steps will appear completely foreign. 

This series took weeks of planning, writing, and sourcing. Please consider joining the flock to support more works like this.

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Global Hierarchy
The events focused on this list mostly refer to the dominant western empire of the past century and her anglo predecessor. Occasionally there are references to anglosphere allies and global partners and institutions like the United Nations. Hovering above all governments, including the British Monarchy and the United States are what we might call the High Order. 

The exact composition of this High Order is speculative, though everyone has their theories, including zealots who are absolutely certain theirs is the right one. The details and speculation around this 'High Order’ aren’t worth fretting over too closely to understand this list, only that this top group is not more than a few hundred people and it exists and asserts total power and control over all other bodies and institutions below it, many that were created or coopted to serve at its command.

Central Banks and Taxation
There is no greater method of controlling a population than through finance and laws, from where taxation, debt, and inflation become the ultimate chains. Only closed societies of socialist or communist states have greater control over their people through agriculture and food insecurities.

From the 2nd Smartest Guy’s Substack post on the original social engineering sin of servitude through taxation and debt: 

Under the various guises of liberty throughout the ages, one of most effective means of control has always been accomplished through finance.  Limit disposable income, and the propensity to borrow increases.  As debt increases for the average person, so do fears and insecurities.  Increase fears and insecurities, and it is that much easier to impose control.

This list begins with the 19th-century hijacking of the U.S. financial system and money supply by the Rothschild banking cartel located in the present-day City of London Crown Corporation, where twelve families have controlled the British Monarchy and the United States Corporation for more than two centuries. 

New Caste System
The rise of western liberalism and performative democracy never actually dethroned the old caste systems of western monarchies. Even the American constitutional republic didn’t exist for more than forty non-concurrant years. The hereditary aristocracy and the international banking interests that controlled them through debt-financing wars as far back as Napolean never relinquished power. A new caste system moved the pieces on the board so the people believed that a substantial change in power was underway, while behind the scenes the machinations to capture governments and institutions of real power were set in motion by the wealthiest families, tycoons, and barons, all posing as benevolent philanthropists. Many of these families still run the world today and rule over billions of people. They are presently in the final stage of consolidating power and establishing their New World Order.

New Religions

  • Scientism

    • An expert class (high priests) that determines selected truths to frame perceptions to alter human behavior

    • Dogmas like “Follow the Science” and “Trust the Science” or “The Science is Settled” and “Science Denier”

    • Ritualistic behavior 

  • Technological Solutionism

    • Artificial Intelligence (superior to humans)

    • Data Collection for Surveillance Capitalism (control humans)

    • Robotics and Automation to render human labor (existence) redundant

  • Transhumanism (Eugenics Contd.)

    • Altering human DNA

    • Gender confusion and abolition for transformation

    • Genetic injections posing as “vaccines”

    • Announcing the ‘end of humans’ as an agenda

Event Triggers
This list and organization of a hierarchy of influence over world events do not imply that everything that appears here was intentional or methodically planned out. The list is a mix of social and political events triggered partly by social engineering through government policy, sociocultural phenomenon through happenstance, and yes, bureaucratic failures through grotesque incompetence. I do not make an effort to distinguish which label applies to which events or phenomena, as many would be impossible to know. 

The most pertinent consideration is that some events led to others, creating a kind of snowball effect, while others were carefully planned out and implemented. All of them revolve around themes of moving the world toward Global Technocracy for population management and implementing Agenda 2030. 

This agenda is ubiquitous now and can be seen through their technocratic lingo like “sustainable future” of “net zero” and “stakeholder capitalism” to create conditions of neofeudalism where the sovereigns of the New World Order own and control everything, including the people, and the world of individual rights and liberties are destroyed for creating their “sustainable future.” 

Alexander Dugan frames this as the Great Awakening versus The Great Reset. The latter destroys humanity, while the former affirms it by destroying the latter before it completes its phases.

Understanding the language of the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 is key to decoding their agenda. Creating an encyclopedia or dictionary of terms to translate their coded language would be arduous and time-consuming.

All of their terms and proclamations for a “better world” are in service to the Malthusian technocrat’s agenda for population control through various deceptive means, and the mass enslavement—first psychological and then physical—of those who survive the culling and transformation stages.

Phases 1 and 2:

  1. Laying the foundation for centralization through capturing governments, controlling central banks, engineering wars, and buying academia, medicine, and science (1800-1970)

  2. Continuing Eugenics for population control through climate hysteria and fifth-generational warfare (1970-2000)

Phase 1: Laying the foundation for centralization through capturing governments, controlling central banks, engineering war, and buying medicine and science 

  1. The founding fathers were opposed to direct taxation and central banks. The U.S. Constitution specifically stated under Article I, Section 9 "No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken."

  2. The British Monarchy and its controllers at the Rothschild Bank of England may have lost the American Revolutionary War but they were not about to let their colony declare financial independence. In 1791, the Rothschild family gained control of America's money supply through Alexander Hamilton (the family's agent in George Washington's cabinet) when the family established a central bank in the U.S. named the First Bank of the United States, which received a 20-year charter from Congress in 1791. The is the first nail in the coffin of the American Constitutional Republic, still in its crib. The Rothschilds would lose their charter in 1812 and engineer the War of 1812 by financing Britain’s end. With the U.S. in financial turmoil from the war, in 1816, Congress passed a bill authorizing a second Rothschild-dominated central bank with a 20-year charter. Named the Second Bank of America, this bank gave the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again. They would lose it again under President Andrew Jackson, only to regain it permanently in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. 

  3. In 1884 The Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act was introduced as the first peacetime income tax money grab in America:  This “Act” was basically a 2% tax on “income” of over $4,000, which at the time would have impacted less than 1% of households. In 1885 SCOTUS repealed this illegal scheme as unconstitutional.

  4. The 16th Amendment is ratified by two-thirds of states, nullifying Article I Section 9 of the Constitution. This paves the way for citizen servitude and the 1913 Revenue Act reinstating the federal income tax. Amendment XVI

    The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

  5. Federal Reserve Act 1913—The Rothschild banking cartel finally seizes the U.S. treasury to loot the nation on behalf of the controlling class. Bankers and industrialists plot their takeover of the nation from Jekyll Island in the years prior. This is the final nail in the coffin of the former constitutional republic. Years later Woodrow Wilson will call signing this legislation his biggest mistake as President.

  6. John D. Rockefeller captures western medicine—setting the stage for health destruction, regulatory corruption, naturopathy and homeopathy abolition, and blatant medical malpractice with the transformation of science to “the science” via germ theory and bio-pharma tyranny. Establishes American Medical Association (AMA), controls Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and eventually the Center for Disease Control (CDC). After monopolizing control of pharmaceutical companies, the first act of the AMA is to capture University Medical schools, destroy those that refuse to adhere to AMA allopathic standards, and rewrite all medical school literature to capitalize on the health of the American population by removing any naturopathic or homeopathic remedies. Thousands of years of medicine are thrown out and relabeled “alternative” to make it seem strange and ineffective to the average American know-nothing. This medical cartel will suppress real cures for diseases and ailments including cancer while pushing extremely expensive and deadly “solutions” like vaccines and toxic drugs while suppressing known treatments. (SEE number 12 for one of the earliest). 

  7. The rise of ideologies like Communism, Socialism, and Totalitarianism, in the east, and Secularism, Scientism, and Behavioralism in the west will transform the coming century generating great turmoil, and social upheavals, by creating new false profits in dictators, celebrities, and other false gods utilized to control the masses.

  8. The first globalist non-profit “think tank” is founded in 1921. The Council on Foreign Relations will influence an expansive and destructive U.S. foreign policy for the next century and control policy decisions for both political parties. It will capture academics and scholars, politicians, and policymakers to mold and shape globalist thinking and decision-making and serve the global technocratic ‘high order’ that orchestrates social engineering experiments, and later global transformation agendas including population control.

  9. Technocracy, originally a philosophical movement founded on the idea that governments and states should be completely abolished so that societies and populations can be managed by a centralized group of technocrats or specialists/experts is founded at Colombia University by Howard Scott and Walter Rautenstrauch. Technocrats wanted to do away with the capitalist price system in favor of one that used an energy theory of value. Scott argued that energy certificates equal to the amount of power available for production should be issued to each citizen, who would then be required to spend them in the free market. Here we see the early stages of the Net Zero carbon scam married with China’s current social credit system. Human Behavior is to be totally surveilled and controlled by carbon credits under the guise of “saving the planet.”

  10. American Eugenics Society is Founded (1922). Eugenics was a commonly accepted means of protecting society from the offspring of those deemed “inferior”—the poor, the disabled, the mentally ill, criminals, and minorities, and to the funders of eugenics, also the Jews. It gave rise to the term “moron” and led to the forced sterilization of tens of thousands of women over decades

  11. American Eugenics movement: embraced and funded by ruling class industrialists of the time including John Harvey Kellog, Mrs. E.H. Harriman, and The Carnegie Institution established precedence for criminally invasive corporeal management of American citizens. All of it is deemed justifiable and legislatively supported by the state in the name of “science” which will later be absorbed by the medical and pharma cartels funded by John D. Rockefeller in the 20th century and subsequently Bill Gates in the 21st century. Malthusian eugenics will morph into scientism and transhumanism and be justified as “Trusting the Experts” and following “The Science.” 

  12. There are endless examples of the intentional suppression of known successful health treatments that could have saved American lives. One of the earliest was related to pellagra and intentionally undermined by fraudulent studies conducted by the Harriman-funded Eugenics Records Office run by scientific huckster Charles Davenport—the original Anthony Fauci:
    In the early years of the 20th century, ~5,000 Americans died every year (equivalent to 30,000 in 2022) as a result of the vitamin deficiency disease pellagra, and an additional 300,000 per year died (1.8 million in 2022) as a result of being weakened by pellagra and succumbing to an infectious disease. Almost all of these deaths occurred in the rural South, with 50 percent of the victims drawn from the 10 percent of the U. S. population who were black. In a series of experiments in 1914-15, Dr. Joseph Goldberger of the U. S. Public Health Service discovered that pellagra is caused by a shortage of niacin and can be cured by feeding its victims a balanced diet including meat and vegetables. Conversely, limiting a diet to com, the typical Southern staple of the time would invariably produce severe cases of the disease. Goldberger's findings were instantly unpopular with the Harriman circle and the Eugenics Record Office, who had long championed the idea that pellagra and other diseases result from the inferior heredity of the stricken individuals. Davenport's statistical fraud carried the day in the medical profession, and he continued his campaign to suppress Goldberger's cure for pellagra. As a result, it was not until the mid-1930s that Goldberger's findings were accepted into American medical practice. In those two decades of delay, approximately 6 million Americans (3 million black and 3 million white), were killed by pellagra, murdered by the fraud run out of the Harrimans' Eugenics Record Office.

  13. The Rise of Psychology, Psychiatry, and the Public Relations Industry will give birth to Propaganda and research into controlling populations through messaging. State control of media and information will not be limited to Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. This will all morph into 5GW or Fifth Generation Warfare, a psychological and information war of governments against citizens. It will also fuel a turn of the masses “inward” and launch The Century of The Self and hyperindividualism, which will eventually morph into an epidemic of rabid narcissism.

  14. The Harriman family (Eugenics), along with Prescott Bush father of two future U.S. Presidents, and Henry Ford hold sympathies with Adolf Hitlerand The Third Reich. Other prominent eugenicists end up controlling U.S. immigration policy for the next thirty years and even block over 900 Jewish immigrants escaping Germany and Europe from being granted asylum in New York in 1939. Nearly 700 Jews aboard German-American Lines ship St. Louis are returned to Europe and end up in Nazi camps.None of them survive.

  15. In 1933 FDR signs Executive Order 6102 criminalizing ownership or “hoarding” of Gold. Throughout history, common themes of controlling a population are controlling money, information, energy, and the food supply.

  16. 1948 Nuremberg Code establishes human rights foundations for bodily consent and bodily autonomy under a judge’s decree titled “Permissible Medical Experiments” of which the first sentence of the first code is “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” The Nuremberg Trials are a performative gesture. For every Nazi war criminal hanged at Nuremberg, thousands were escorted out of Germany by Army Intelligence through Operation Paperclip. Thousands more fled to South America on the rat lines with help from Switzerland and the Vatican.

  17. Bypassing Nuremberg Code: “vaccines” will become a new method of reverting back to the pre-Nuremberg era, without the state's or the people’s permission or realization, all through a combination of scientism, and a completely corrupted pharmaceutical industry that controls government oversight and policy, which itself will be run by a global Malthusian technocracy. Nazi sterilization campaigns and extermination camps are influenced by the American Eugenics Movement, which is never dissolved after the war. It merely coopts government organizations like the AMA, CDC, FDA, and installs its agenda in NGOs and nonprofits like Planned Parenthood

  18. UNESCO is founded in 1946: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization charter calls for one world government as the only solution to mankind’s problems, at the time the focus was “averting war” and creating “peace” and “stability” by the transfer of sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization. It is founded by rabid eugenicist Sir Julian Huxley who in the same year (just one year after World War 2 ended) called for the continuation of eugenics policies. 

  19. United Nations—the expansion of powers toward global governance and the destruction of national sovereignty. Subscribe to Karen Bracken’s “End the UN” Substack to learn more about efforts to re-declare American independence from global organizations like the UN 

    Get the US Out of the UN - The Public Demands it

  20. National Security Act of 1947 — the rise of MIC and intelligence community that will serve as mass surveillance and police state organs. This birthed the CIA, NSA, and what effectively rules today as the “deep state” or what JFK termed the “shadow government”

  21. The U.S. Army begins experimenting with the weaponization of climate/weather events through geoengineering. This leads to later “conspiracies” about chemtrails and the poisoning of the air with heavy metals including aluminum, barium, and graphene. By the next century (21st) this poisoning of the air will be mainstreamed policy under the guise of stopping “global warming” and extreme weather events, the very things it is creating. 

  22. Introduction of national vaccination programs (vaccines create new disorders, illnesses, and diseases). The Polio vaccine's “success” gets carried as the false narrative of how Polio prevalence declined

  23. The U.S. Army establishes a biological weapons research program, performing experiments on unsuspecting populations, including its own soldiers

  24. In 1958 Planned Parenthood is established by avowed racist and eugenicist Margaret Sanger. Clinics are intentionally set up in “colored” neighborhoods to provide “services.” Abortion + Women’s Lib + Feminist waves with increasing extremist vigor will be an integral aspect of the population control agenda in the west.

  25. Pentagon’s DARPA is founded. Many top-secret military operations including weapons projects will spring from their research and implementation without the knowledge or consent of the population, or even elected representatives 

  26. November 22, 1963: John F. Kennedy is assassinated by the CIA— accelerating the rise of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and expansion of the secret societies he vowed to fight against

  27. The rise of the Welfare State through President Johnson’s War on Poverty expands the socialist state started under FDR, creates financial dependence on the government, and lays the groundwork for future schemes like UBI (Universal Basic Income) that will be tied to programmable CBDCs or Central Bank Digital Currencies that will allow the state to determine how and where people spend their own money.

  28. Sexual promiscuity increases through the decade leading to the destruction of sexual relations to coincide with the destruction of a key social civilizational pillar—marriage and family. The statistics on outcomes of children in single-parent homes are devastating and yet government policies over the coming decades will only continue to encourage it. By 2020 nearly a third of single-parent children will live in poverty, while only 5% of children in married households.

  29. CIA infiltrates the Hollywood/Culture industry, including novelists, writers, foundations, and academics in what will later be called The Cultural Cold War

  30. Mainstreaming psychotropic drugs (mind-altering enslavement) CIA MK-Ultra program investigates brainwashing and mind control techniques through drug-induced experiments and hypnosis. One of the patients abused by CIA psyop studies in the 1960s is Harvard Undergraduate Theodore Kaczynski

  31. The infamous Jaffe Memo is authored in 1969 by the Center for Family Program and Development. It called for “messaging” on population control to coerce the American people to have fewer children for “ecological” reasons.

    Jaffe Memo - Phase 2: Continuing Eugenics for population control through climate hysteria and fifth generational warfare

  32. In 1968 Club of Rome is Founded—Four years later their highly flawed MIT research project that concludes there aren’t enough resources on earth to sustain a growing human population is published as The Limits of Growth. Other works will follow, with paid “researchers” used to push academic propaganda of overpopulation on the masses. 

  33. The budget of MIC and Intel Communities doubles in one decade (black budgets—dark money that is untraceable/unaccountable to legislative oversight becomes majority) and increased by 2000% to the present day despite the Cold War ending.

  34. The Trilateral Commission is founded by David Rockefeller with guidance from one of his chief advisors Zbigniew Brzezinski, author of the new Technocratic manifesto—Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era. Their stated goal is to create a New International Economic Order. Other founding members include Executive directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and the transatlantic twin European Policy Institute.

  35. Destruction of family, church, and traditional pillars of socio-cultural stability accelerates. Divorce rates skyrocket.

  36. Women are sold by corporate America the idea of “liberation” through financial and career independence. The Rockefeller Foundation funds propaganda in culture, and Hollywood, spawning waves of militant feminists who believe they’re fighting the “patriarchy.”

  37. National media begins hysterically pushing “scientists” fears about a new ice age that is rapidly approaching which will completely eliminate summers in the northern hemisphere by the early 21st century.

  38. The U.S. Dollar is completely taken off the gold standard (1971). All currencies become “free-floating” worthless paper only backed by standing armies, fossil fuels, and geopolitical force, rather than a scarce commodity that historically provided stability 

  39. Henry Kissinger’s pupil Klaus Schwab founds the World Economic Forum. By 2015 the WEF will capture the major political parties of all western governments and have ties to the largest private equity firms, and global corporations’ executive and board levels. The WEF will serve as a front group and diversionary public relations syndicate for Global Malthusian Technocracy.

  40. The first earth day is held and the environmentalist and conservation movements will soon be completely hijacked by global predators using “science” to peddle climate catastrophism that brainwashes generations into thinking they’re “destroying the planet”

  41. Henry Kissinger’s NSSM200 depopulation report called for U.S. Foreign Policy interests to monitor the growth of third-world populations, especially in countries with natural resources and minerals that the U.S. could extract for its own economic benefit

  42. Nixon declares War on Drugs, establishing a permanent drug enforcement administrative state that will triple incarceration rates. In the 1980s the CIA will bypass all of it to make millions trafficking crack cocaine to fund a coup in Nicaragua. By 2020 80% of all opioids globally will be consumed by Americans, and the nation will have wasted $1.5 trillion

  43. The U.S. and the west open their arms to China setting the stage for Globalization and the destruction of the American middle class through offshoring essential economic industries

  44. Church Committee Hearings reveal Operation Mockingbird—the public is first made aware that the CIA has infiltrated media/newspapers and the NSA has the power to wiretap the phone conversations of all citizens without a warrant

  45. The Jimmy Carter administration is run by two Malthusian Technocrats in American Eugenics First Family Harriman-spawn Averell Harriman and Polish cold war fighter Zbig Brzezinski who establishes the Trilateral Commission, another WEF-like Global Technocratic organization with strong ties to the CFR, Club of Rome, and Bilderberg Group. Harriman will commission the Global 2000 Report to the President warning of the “population bomb” and limited resource issues first fabricated by the Club of Rome earlier in the decade.

  46. The National Weather Modification Act of 1976: The purpose is to control the earth’s weather through geoengineering and coordinate policy internationally. Over the next decades, geoengineering operations will accelerate the poisoning of food, soil, and water with heavy metals like Aluminium, Barium.

  47. 1982 the first GMOs gain FDA approval—the rise of biotech and big Agra food meddling for “more efficient” crop production

  48. Food lobbyists including the sugar industry purchase the USDA Food Pyramid which leads to skyrocketing illness and soaring rates of obesity and diabetes. Big Pharma waits in the shadows with the expensive “cures”, which are never a healthy diet, vitamins, and exercise. 

  49. 1986 Reagan signs H.R. 5546 into law—Immunizing vaccine manufacturers from liability

  50. The HIV/AIDS fraud ushers in the weaponization of “viruses” and virus hysteria against humanity through procreation while pushing deadly toxic drugs like AZT on unsuspecting patients. Speculation about the origins of HIV is rooted in the pentagon’s biowarfare programs.

  51. 1996 Telecommunications Act—Creates media and Information monopolies that collude with state MIC/IC/Pharma. Consolidates the information-media complex. In 1991 there were a few hundred companies Manufacturing Consent. Thanks to this Act, today there are just five conglomerates that all function as one information monopoly by openly colluding with alphabet agencies. Infiltrated media monopolies foment social/racial divisions and the illusion of diverse political “choices.” They push the entire agenda of Global Malthusian Technocracy on the masses. Working directly for the uni party and its corporate owners they cheerlead wars and excuse the war crimes and atrocities of every American President since Lyndon Johnson.

  52. The top 10% of Americans now own 60% of all wealth as the middle class accelerates its long and painful decline due to many factors including globalization. Congress and The Federal Reserve will continue destroying the currency through inflation while engineering a massive transfer of wealth to the top 0.1% of global oligarchs.

  53. First SARS-CoV patent application filed by NIH

  54. Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999—creates market moral hazards that lead to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the socialization of losses by the financial services industry allowed to assume any level of risk with no consequences

  55. The Matrix is released ahead of the psyop Y2K that ends with nothing. It serves its purpose of seeing how the masses can be manipulated by controlling media and information while spreading fear through social bodies.

  56. The Technological-solutionist anti-humanity agenda appears in Wired Magazine in Bill Joy’s: “Why the future doesn’t need us.” 

Parts 2 and 3 coming soon.

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The Malthusian Technocrats have not stopped. They’re doubling down on convincing humans they are the virus. Airing earlier this year on the propaganda network CBS:

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Documenting the deliberate dissemination of propaganda and misinformation for control and manipulation of an intentionally dumbed-down population. Not you, of course.

(Source: thegoodcitizen.substack.com; January 31, 2023; https://tinyurl.com/265mob4e)
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