Come together: The rings of Atlantis and Lemuria

The rings from Atlantis and Lemuria we have now number five, but, if I had my way, the tally would be zero. From the very first ring get-go, I made it clear rings were of no interest. It is not that I have an irrational bias against finger jewellery as such, it is just that metal rings have never been on our Australian archaeological radar.

It was close to two years ago when Ros first rang expressing an interest, verging on calling, to bid for a ring. She did send a photograph, which I felt duty-bound to at least look at. It didn’t strike any bells or compel, I couldn’t get past my original so what, it just wasn’t part of any Original Old Way stock-take. Despite my ambivalence, Ros persevered in successfully bidding for the ring. My take on that purchase was that was fine, it made her happy, now back to the many tasks at hand.

For a month or two the ring from Atlantis was with Ros and I do remember her making repeated references to it ‘disappearing.’ Maybe it was the casual way she spoke of this, compounded by an audience that was only half interested at best in her centre of attention, for whatever the reason, to begin with there seemed no need to ask about what actually constituted a “disappearance.”(1) It was only when Ros told me about her husband, David, who was still a touch dubious about the whole vanishing scenario, placing the ring on the kitchen table, then returning five minutes later to find it had decamped somewhere out of sight, did I begin to take a marginal interest in ring proceedings.

Four Finger Rings Later and Fifteen Months Further Forward

After the self-imposed tacky sub-title imposition due to the two recent Oregon rock reports, the time is right to indulge in musical nostalgia and idle word-play banter again. I do apologise for the alliteration above, the title to an excellent Beatles song with lyrics that do resonate and needs no defense in that selection and prime position, but without doubt four f’s was more than enough to begin with, because substituting forward for on is dreadful grammar and an overkill.

Before commencing this comparison of the chemical read outs of all five rings we have against that of the 6th Century BC Sicilian orichalcum ingots recently salvaged in 2015, we need to be clear as to what orichalcum is made of, and more importantly, why this metal is universally agreed to be “mythical”(2) by all respectable academic institutions and texts.

There are many historical references of this supposed mythical metal made by highly revered figures who were in no doubt that the metal actually existed. At the same time the Roman ship and its cargo sank near Sicily, Homer dedicated the same metal to Aphrodite in a poem extolling her life. Plato and Socrates made many references to Atlantis and the unequalled spiritual prestige of this alloy, and because of this was compelled to discuss the metal and its chemistry. He stated it was primarily made of copper and zinc, with a far smaller input of lead, nickel and Iron. What only confirmed its antiquity, and the fact it no longer was mined or forged, was that all of Plato’s references to this holy metal were in the past tense. So too, Roman historian and scholar, Pliny the Elder, was adamant that all mines extracting orichalcum were “exhausted.”(3)

Repositioning the Deck Chairs

We do need to understand why Atlantis fell, no-one ever gave specifics as to where or when, but of one essential point there is complete consensus. Atlantis was destroyed due to its own faults, mistakes and arrogance. That is a central thread in all Atlantean narratives, of which there is no dissent or equivocation.

All the research, legends and those who feel they were Atlantean in a past incarnation, often miss a crucial point in this cataclysmic equation, Atlantis is a ‘poison chalice.’ Most of what came out of that civilisation should be avoided at all costs. There is so much talk about where it could be, many have mounted costly expeditions seeking out Atlantean remains and potential locations, while Lemuria sits patiently in the background biding its time. The truth is Lemuria preceded Atlantis, but the lifestyle, ethics and culture were so different. Atlantis embarked on a well-intentioned hybrid crusade in creating a sedentary lifestyle rich in technology, power and military might and tried to balance that against spiritual imperatives and magic. While Lemuria remained steadfast in maintaining a mystical focus with a far less intensive emphasis on technology.

 Both civilisations fell some time ago, but their legacy still lives on. Those committed to an Indigenous lifestyle/culture are primarily following a Lemurian social construct. Low in technological aspirations where esoteric concerns and ceremonies were always of the highest priority, Lemuria never wavered in maintaining the Old Ways that Original Elders and Keepers of Lore are so desperate to uphold and foster today.

The Proof is in the Best Science

As we begin these comparisons, one elemental consequential truth must be either validated or dismissed. If indeed, as Wikipedia alleges, both orichalcum and Atlantis are intrinsically intertwined into one overriding “mythical”(4) category, if either element of this ‘fictional’ partnership is scientifically established as true, so too must its partner be accorded the same tick of approval. It is all or nothing here, it is either one or the other, science and logic will entertain no other outcome. If orichalcum is a real metal, then Atlantis is a historical fact and location.

By Emanuele riela – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

We intend to use the archaeological and scientific analysis of the many orichalcum ingots salvaged from a 6th century BC Roman ship that sank near Sicily as our comparative base. It is factual, scientifically recognised, yet at the same time that begrudging acknowledgement is utterly symptomatic of blinkered research and stifling conditioning. Wikipedia boldly dismisses orichalcum as merely “mythical”(5) and lacking in credentials, yet present in the same posting a photograph of the reclaimed orichalcum ingots, and in the accompanying credits openly conceded it is actually the same orichalcum that they claim just doesn’t exist. There is no disclaimer here, it is orichalcum, but it does have one saving grace in that is was found in a Roman shipwreck. Therefore, Atlantis is still a fanciful legend, so one exception can be tolerated.

The problem with granting admission for one exception, is that we have five more, and the only 100% guarantee we can make is that none of these rings are Roman. So knowing that the analysis of the chemistry showed that all Sicilian ingots had a copper content greater than 75%, zinc was always less than 20%, with the other three ‘lesser’ participants being iron, nickel and lead, making contributions of between 5-10%., that is an agreed comparative base no academic or even Wikipedia would dispute.

Beyond that base what can be added before the specifics are addressed is that the orichalcum reclaimed was mined, assembled or recycled by Romans and came from one mine or source. What this analysis of five rings prove is that there are most obviously other mines or variations in assembly. Equally, we believe that orichalcum is quite simply a base template and transition point. The five elements found in this alloy were added to, replaced or subtracted from. In its crudest form, it is adequate for the needs and lesser stage of development in Atlantis, but certainly not in Lemuria.

What the Very Expensive Machine Detected Within

That machine is so expensive, so technologically advanced in analysing metal content, and best of all, absolutely free simply because of the respect these people hold for Ros. When I did take the Lemurian Ring 2 to be analysed they refused to accept any payment once hearing we came because of Ros’ prompting. Our deepest and eternal thanks to the kind owners of this electronic machine for providing all five read outs, plus another that leads down a different path not directly relevant to ours.

The table below contains those five readouts, plus that given by the supervising archaeological team investigating the 6th century BC salvaged bullion of orichalcum.

Atlantis Ring 1

The metal looks very golden, so much so that when dug up by a professional gold prospector in the goldfields of Hill End, he immediately arranged an analysis convinced it was a very ancient marked golden ring worth a lot of money. The least likely verdict of absolutely no gold whatsoever was a huge disappointment.

Nonetheless, Ros did buy the ring and I managed to stumble upon its true identity. In comparison with the Sicilian orichalcum standard, we begin with a mandatory and never before given tick of authenticity. There is no recent paper on metallurgy that lists the five elements that Plato, Pliny, Homer and others mentioned that must contain a large helping of copper and zinc, with a much smaller input of iron, lead and nickel. Nothing else in relation to ratios or percentages was given. So this ring becomes an Atlantean first, or at the very least and highly unlikely, a Roman second. The check list is identical and in the exact prescribed order, but that is it, nothing else comes close.

The copper content (73.96%) in the Atlantean ring is 1.04% below the minimum Sicilian level of 75%, but the reverse is the case with zinc, which is 5.57% above the maximum Sicilian level. In combination, the copper and zinc are the main elements in both the ingots and ring, but it is the finer details and mathematics that keep asking the same questions. In the ring that copper/zinc metal duo makes up 99.56% of the full metal content, whereas the Sicilian ingots fluctuate between 90-95%. With so much of this ring’s package taken up, this automatically means the residual three elements (iron, nickel and lead) have been diluted by a factor of between ten and twenty when compared to the ingots. Yes, both the ingots and ring are made from orichalcum, but it is clear that they did not come from the same source/mine/location. All five elements in the ring sit outside the maximum and minimum Roman parameters. The metallic signatures are too different and share nothing in either location or percentages.

But is it just what lays within that bears witness to an Atlantean imprint? There are two symbols repeated in the nine panels engraved into this ring that are easily recognisable as Atlantean motifs. The minority contribution of four figures seems to be some sort of curled scroll or perhaps a clover leaf. The answer is neither, Ros set off once again finding every possible detail, and it turns out that exact same Berber symbol runs all around the base of a rather famous sculpture of Atlas holding the weight of the world upon his shoulders. Most construe this as being some sort of homage extolling Atlas’ incredible strength, which at the superficial level has some merit. But if looking a little deeper, Atlas was involved in a temple revolt and was punished accordingly. It must have been treason of the highest and most sinister order, as it was deemed that Atlas had done something that would cause grief for everyone, forever. Such was the burden he created (which we suspect is inextricably ring-related) he carried weight of the planet on his shoulders.

As powerful and mixed the blessing Atlas bestowed on humanity, was that motif beneath the statue is in the minority of four on this ring. There are five 4mm x 4mml panels that each contain five circles, each of a slightly different diameter, with a set of one vertical and horizontal line above and another below the circle. This part was easy, we didn’t need Ros’ detective skills for this piece of modified geometry. Plato made it clear that the inner sanctum of Atlantis consisted of five circles of land and water of diminishing diameter. The only access forward to the Temple of Poseidon and Clieto was through straight roads running vertically and horizontally towards the centre connected by bridges. That is exactly what is on this ring.

What we have on this ring is one of the main players and all the geometry, depicted through Atlantean icons engraved into a ring made from pure (non-Roman) orichalcum. That being the chemistry, the status of Atlantis begins to firm. 

Atlantis Ring 2

I knew nothing of the ring found in England Ros bought close to twenty years earlier. Until Ros found out that the motif on Atlantean ring represented Atlas, then noticed that exactly the same symbol is engraved into this earlier ring six times over, there was no reason for any of us to take a second look. The problem was at a superficial level the colour of this ring was far less golden and decidedly copper brown, which meant there had to be chemical differences between this ring and both Lemurian rings we had already analysed. To an extent, if it wasn’t for the fact that Ros had just bought a third Lemurian “giant’s ring,”(6) which was to be analysed anyway, this ring may have never been examined.

The location where it was found, is some way from every proposed Atlantean site. However, it has to be remembered that it is often claimed that when Atlantis fell the few that survived escaped to Egypt and Avalon (England). For me, the location is irrelevant, especially since Atlantis Ring 1 was found one and half metres beneath the surface in Australia, and England is far closer. The only issue I had with a second Atlantean ring turning up, if it turned out to be the real Atlantean deal, was that it was undamaged and uncut. Knowing the grief, drama and death threats created by the earlier Atlantean ring that has a second later cut which infected and tainted the inner nature of this ring, lining up for a second dose of damaged goods was something we preferred not to reconnect with.

Unlike the first ring, comparisons with the Sicilian lower grade orichalcum seem to highlight a fundamental omission that questions whether this is even orichalcum. The chemical check list is missing lead, which has been replaced by gold, outside that substitution, the ring does contain the other four elements. A base alloy of copper and zinc, supplemented by just a trace of three elements, two of which are iron and nickel, is the same as Sicily. However, the copper content of 91.66% is exceptionally high, far above the maximum reading of the Roman ingots. The reversal of extremes continues with the zinc (7.7%), which is well below the lowest reading of the ingots and all other rings. Again, as it is with Atlantis Ring 1, the trace element read out is less than 0.5%.

It is only when making a direct comparison to the first Atlantean ring, do what seem to be irregularities in the Sicilian chemistry, become a simple matter of context and personnel.

The total percentage of copper and zinc in the first ring is 99.53%, while in the second ring it is 99.36%. A very close match up, but we still have the issue in the divergence of 18% upwards for copper and the exact opposite in zinc between both rings. But that really is not an issue, as at no stage did Plato, Pliny or Homer get specific and prescriptive in supplying percentages or ratios, just a check list from most to least, and in both rings, irrespective of the huge amount of copper in Atlantis Ring 2, that counts for nothing. The iron input of 0.073% in ring one, as opposed to 0.092% is close to identical. The first Atlantean ring has nickel reading (0.12%) which is almost half that found in the second ring (0.259%). With four down the comparative concord between rings is nearly proven, but why is the lead from orichalcum missing? Surely that means that irrespective of a synchronicity in markings and most of the chemicals, that one exception breaks the orichalcum rule?

If it wasn’t for Atlas’ motif being engraved six times on this ring, there would be no reason to include gold and extract the lead. In the inner sanctum of the Temple of Poseidon and Cleito, there is sacred column upon which Poseidon, along with his first-born mortal son, Atlas, personally inscribed their words, laws and observations. That column, along with the walls, floors and most of the ceiling was covered in the most sacred of Atlantean metals, orichalcum. But just above the column is a small section at the crest of the dome, that is not coated in orichalcum, but gold. That special hallowed place is almost entirely orichalcum, with just a dash of gold to complete this sacred internal assemblage. That is what the ring reflects. It makes perfect sense and harmonics to put in gold and take out lead. Especially so when the percentages once again, are also in balance. In the broken Atlantean ring the lead content is 0.276%, while in the unbroken Atlantean ring a delicate balance was maintained in that the percentage of substituted gold is 0.289%.

In both rings the secondary set of three elements seemed to be used in an approach similar to that used in homeopathy. Somewhat like one drop of iron, three of nickel and six of lead or gold, infused into a large base liquid/powder mixture of copper and zinc. Before objecting to what may seem to be an opinion in validating substitution into a substance that for many is still a myth, with the benefit of knowing that all the Lemurian rings also share the same orichalcum base to which additions, subtractions and modifications were made, all we are doing here is providing a link to the three Lemurian rings. Our intention is to establish a commonality in source, manufacture and mystical inclinations in all five rings.

What we do believe will become increasingly evident as we make our way through this analysis, is that orichalcum comes at three levels of refinement, and of itself is merely a base metal from which to add to or subtract from. And that is where the Lemurian rings enter this expanding chemical equation.

Lemuria Ring 1

As it was with Atlantis 1, before, during and for some time after Ros successfully bid for the first Lemurian ring that come from the grounds of Angkor Wat, I took very little to no interest. It is not as if we were reluctant to engage with rings anymore, quite the opposite. It was only because of the drama, chaos and division caused by Atlantis Ring 1, I just couldn’t focus on what Ros was trying to alert me to. Yes, it did look like a “giant’s ring,”(7) but it was found in Cambodia, at least the Atlantis Ring 1 was found deep within the soils on Australia. All I could see was this is not from here, not made or found here, and we had enough to deal with one incredibly errant ring, why even bother making room for another exotic import.

As before, circumstances changed and it became mystically weird and ring-telepathic (to be discussed further on), and soon after another ring from Lemuria joined the collective. Once the paint began to peel, it was agreed between Ros and us that both rings had to also be analysed.

However, before going any further down any Lemurian path I am under ‘starter’s instructions’ in that Ros rung me recently suggesting, perhaps issuing a soft ultimatum’ is a closer call, that I make mention of what both a Cambodian baker she personally spoke to, along with the videos of two tourist guides from Angkor Wat were filmed stating. She was right to insist, in our case some Original people had contacted us querying why we were so obsessed with ‘all this ring stuff.’ A fair call, and something I was still grappling with, well I was until Ros told me about her conversation with a Cambodian baker at her local store. Once I saw both videos, the reason why the rings came our way was simply because I now knew they were always ‘Black-fella business’, and very big Black-fellas too. (8)

Both in conversation with Ros and in transmission via you tube with both guides, what all three local Cambodians shared was their absolute conviction the ancient rulers who sat at Angkor Wat were “giants”(9) who looked like “the Australian Aborigines.”(10) This happened before the “Chinese”(11) came from the north, and if Original giants were seated at the throne, that would explain why all the doorways of that famous temple are so large, and why the diameters of all three Lemurian rings are so massively oversized.

So too all three rings not only share a huge diameter that I can fit both my index fingers, plus if had the dexterity of cat my little finger, but more importantly they share the same general content and icons. There are three animals suited up in an extensive and quite imposing display of armour, and they are the only animal figures used. Not only are the animals the same, the pose, features, proportions and fixtures are always identical on each of the three rings. What still intrigues is that the copper and zinc composite base fluctuates by nearly 20% in zinc content and over 10% in the amount of copper present within three Lemurian rings that look so alike. 

In comparison to the Sicilian crude norms, it is also below the minimum copper requirements of 75% or greater, by nearly 5%. However, in what is a first (and will be the last) the zinc level of 16.59% is within the less than twenty percent Roman setting. Of all six orichalcum samples this one has the most diluted copper/zinc base. With the first and second Atlantean rings both registering a reading of 99%, the next two Lemurian rings sharing the same percentile down to one decimal point of 95.2% and the Roman standard being between 90-95%, there is a degree consistency present elsewhere. However, by every comparison a reading of 86.77% for Lemuria Ring 1 gives a very distinct and unique variation to ponder upon. This ring may share the same shape and shell, but deep within it has a different function and inclination, as the trace elements are far more dominant (13.23%). What really stands out is the huge lead content of 8.78%, which much larger than any Roman ingots, Atlantis Rings 1 and 2 and the other Lemurian rings by a considerable margin. Such is the disparity between the lead percentages in this ring and the five other samples, it is about four times greater than the next highest read out in the Lemurian animal rings, and close to four hundred times more than what is found in Atlantis Ring 1.

It is distinctly possible that because of the massive increase in lead, that alone required re-balance in input. It could be that the nickel could no longer effectively function, whereas Titanium was not only far superior in stabilising and strengthening.

As for the roll call of three standard trace elements, if compared against the Sicilian checklist, one is missing, and two new elements have filled that gap. The nickel has been replaced by titanium (1.15%) in a straight swap. The other addition is certainly not an extra, the tin (1.68%) is a mandatory signature Lemurian requirement, it just has to be there. And it is also because of this intentional detour in chemistry and overload of lead, so much titanium was needed to fill and harden the breach. Such an incredibly large presence of a soft metal like lead must surely compromise the durability and strength of this alloy. That being the brittle problem at hand, the best metallurgist of today would surely prescribe a healthy dose of titanium, maybe close to one per cent of titanium would do the trick. After all if all 24 carat gold, which in its’ pristine natural state is very soft and malleable, has just under one per cent titanium and the remaining ninety nine and a bit per cent pure gold, and it is now harder than 14 carat gold, that should be sufficient in this ring. Around that amount smelted into the base would be the most logical choice today.  

Some Very Inconvenient History and Dates

Let’s cut to the chase, according to Wikipedia titanium was supposedly discovered by William Gregor in 1791 yet was “not used outside the laboratory until 1932.”(12) It is that agreed initial date of manufacture and smelting that forms a deep line in the titanium. This ring becomes problematic knowing that it is from Angkor Wat , which was rediscovered in 1835 and is agreed to be thousands of years old. The three rings display considerable aging and one still retains the grains of soil from where it was buried then stolen during the Vietnam War. So, dating through O.S.L. is very doable, plus it can also be done through the amount of decomposition in the band of the ring of Lemuria Ring 2. What is a fact, is that the ring has titanium, which was supposedly unknown until very recently, yet has a melting point of 3,000 degrees F and displays an expertise in metallurgy that is supposedly absent until recent times.

There are some serious technological irregularities front and centre here. This ring has more titanium than that melted into 24 carat gold, so the titanium isn’t an impurity, but was chosen because that particular metal has a “strength-to-density”(13) capacity that is the “highest of any metallic element.”(14) Of course, such an addition immediately ameliorates the softening effect of so much lead and explains why it is thousands of years old spending a considerable time in earthly erosive, leaching residence, yet each one is still in good condition.

Since the 1930’s titanium has been used in military weaponry, nuclear reactors and the most sophisticated metals, not only is its strength unequalled, so too are its non-corrosive qualities. What that addition does to the first Lemurian ring is make this product incredibly strong, it will never rust and will literally last for thousands of years.

Chemistry apart, the second Lemurian ring also has two elephants and two monkeys adorned identically, but there is more this time, in particular beside and above, are two boars/pigs also in battle dress with tusks extended.

Lemuria Ring 2

Every other artefact, be it rock, metal object, bone or whatever comes our way, irrespective of what is said or written, days are spent just holding and looking before beginning to muster together a response. Not this time around. My mind was made up in advance and nothing said or personally observed could change decisions made well before first sighting. It is not as if I had choice, the explanation as to why admission was unconditional will be discussed in the follow up article on the esoteric/magical powers of these rings, but what did happen is simply down to what mainstream would refer to as a ‘miracle.’

Whether by direction from this ring or merely at my initiative cannot be proven empirically either way, but from the time the ring appeared, I began to rub it. The drab brown overcoat, which we assumed to be the actual colour of the metal, began to peel away. What became increasingly obvious is the actual colour of the metal seemed identical to that of the Atlantean ring, when held side by side it was impossible to see anything past replication. It was for that reason I suggested to Ros she get her ring analysed also, and further on three more rings that turned up not long after.

Since the Lemurian Ring 1 has the same animals in the same guise and both rings came from the same place, it was our expectation the chemistry would be close to the same as the second ring. Yes the copper content of ring 2 is close (71.53% compared to 70.18% for ring 1), but that is all, everything else is at variance. There is 7.1% more zinc in ring 2, 0.302% nickel in the second ring and none whatsoever in its colleague, the lead in the second ring is quite high, the second highest reading of 2.39% but is dwarfed by the massive deposit of 8.78% lead in the first ring. When it comes to the amount of iron found it is somewhat close, but there is close to double the amount in Lemuria Ring 1 of 1.62% as opposed to 0.983%. Of course, both rings have a tin deposit as is the case with all Lemurian rings, but there is still a noticeable difference between 1.68% and the 1.12% in the second ring. That may seem close, but knowing that Lemuria Ring 3 also has exactly the same reading of 1.12%, in combination it is very apparent that even though these two rings share a lot on the surface, once delving a little deeper there is little they share in common. Throw in the 1.15% inside titanium in ring 1, with no register of titanium in the second ring, it becomes obvious these rings were made to achieve very different outcomes and purposes.

However, when comparing the chemistry between Atlantis 1 and Lemuria 2, they share so much and vary marginally around the edges. Listing Lemuria 2 first each time, the copper is 71.53% as opposed to the Atlantean percentage of 73.96%, which is roughly a two percent gap. So too the zinc is less than two percent at variance with 23.69%, while once again there is just a dash more zinc at 25.57% in the Atlantean ring. The three trace elements are present in both samples, but the Lemurian ring carries them at a higher level (Iron 0.983%, Nickel 0.302% and Lead 2.39%). Of course, there is an addition of Lemurian tin (1.12%) which is compulsory, but that addition aside, the match-up is quite compelling.

The only other variation that exists between that Atlantean and Lemurian rings is the ‘jockeying’ for fourth and fifth position, they are reversed. In both the Atlantean rings Nickel is fifth in line, with iron always greater in contribution, whereas, with the Lemurian rings the Nickel content moves up one rung. That aside, this ring is most like Atlantis Ring 1 and obviously outside any ticks in the Roman check list when it comes to active elements (plus one), as it is with every other ring (bar one solitary exception) nothing whatsoever is shared with the Roman cargo.

When compared to the sunken ingots, It is below the 75% minimum limit for copper, well above the maximum Zinc content and below the minimum combined level for the three trace elements.

Lemuria Ring 3

By now I had completely given up on predicting what any read out may be, and rightly so, for this ring set off into new tangents and proportions that none of the other rings ventured. However, as skewed and lopsided as the ratios and percentages are, it also shares so much with Lemuria Ring 2.

The best example of this wayward consistency has to be the comparison to the copper and zinc levels in both these rings. They are so far apart in one respect, yet so close together by less than half a percent in another. The amount of copper in Lemuria Ring 3 is 59.94%, every other reading is at least 12% more. But the zinc really stretches the limits and limitations. A percentage of 35.31% means that this ring is over 1/3 zinc. Despite that dramatic spread, it all comes back to a Lemurian base once the two percentages are combined. The combined copper/zinc score of 95.25% is only 0.03% larger in content than that of Lemuria Ring 2.

For those with an ingrained cynical disposition, they could put this synchronicity down to a coincidence, they are wrong. Yes, just maybe on one occasion the mathematics do align, but twice over is really pushing the haphazard boundaries to breaking point. That both Lemuria Rings 2 and 3 return exactly the same reading of 1.12% tin content is a pivotal issue. But that unity doesn’t end there, the nickel content of Lemuria Ring 3 is 0.318%, while that of ring 2 is 0.302%, which is an inconsequential 0.016% variation. With the lead, the gap is ever so slightly larger, the difference being 0.43% (1.96% (3) and 2.39 (2)). Next up is third trace element, iron and it sits around the same positioning as the lead in that Ring 3 0.48% deficient to what the iron registered in Ring 2.

Outside the imbalance of copper and zinc, there is so much shared, but there is one more addition in Ring 3 that certainly is missing elsewhere, everywhere. Chromium was first extracted into metal form in 1794, three years after Titanium was discovered. Outside titanium, it has the highest strength to density ratio and is very non-corrosive. It was not used industrially until the 20th century yet is found in an ancient ring thousands of years old. We immediately run up against the same glaring mainstream inconsistency in that every metallurgist will readily agree that both metals are very modern inside yet reside within somewhere exceptionally ancient outside.

Why was chromium added? Just as is with Lemuria Ring 1, with its high lead content that will inevitably compromise the internal strength of the alloy, titanium was added to remedy that deficiency. The same issue arises in third ring, in that being over 1/3 zinc will automatically weaken the integrity of the ring, but adding a hardener immediately restores balance. Both additions are strongly indicative of being intentional and due to a very sophisticated knowledge in metallurgy, to accidentally appear in one ring is very remotely possible, but twice over is past impossible, this is deliberate.

So, in concluding the case on behalf of orichalcum and Atlantis with a trilogy of scientific facts, Ring 3 carries the full Atlantean chemistry load, throws in the identical Lemurian tin signature, and tops that off with a sizeable dose of 20th century technology. What more is needed, as a dual entry and identity, orichalcum and Atlantis is no longer “mythical,”(15) it is scientific, chemical and logical.

The Science Inside Five Rings and Some Orichalcum Ingots

First up, there is absolutely no proof that the orichalcum ingots the Romans were transporting in a boat that sunk near Sicily was even Roman. What we do know was that it was in transit, whether from or to Rome cannot be proven. The chances are since the mint was in Rome it was going towards, especially since there are no orichalcum deposits in Europe or Rome. If so, who made it? If it came from somewhere else that had foundries and a history of mining a metal still regarded as mythical, then the metal is not Roman. If it was recovered or salvaged from an ancient deposit originally made in Atlantis, it is not Roman. If it was made at another unknown location using ores and metals not found in Rome, it is not Roman. So even though Wikipedia have proclaimed a metal that is mythical to be Roman, it doesn’t have any proof of origin outside naming the carrier.

Today Australia mines iron ore and sends most of it to China who turn it into metal. If a Chinese boat was carrying the finished product to another country and sunk, would those who salvage the sunken cargo claim the rusting cars were made from Chinese iron ore? Definitely not, but when it comes to something as incredibly inconvenient as orichalcum new rules apply, and logic goes walkabout awaiting an invitation to return.

Secondly, we believe this shipment is third grade orichalcum, it is the dross, a crude base from which higher grades of ore were added, supplemented to or deleted. These orichalcum ingots were not used to adorn a sacred temple or even a finger or ear lobe, but merely coins of an anointed value to be used in common day activities and bartering. There is nothing mystical or noble in design here, it is all mundane and monetary. There is no magic, nuances, secondary roles or ceremonies associated, it is just a matter of purchase and exchange.

It has to be remembered from the very beginning of Roman conquest, there had been a constant flow of stolen booty, riches and treasures towards Rome, never from. The most likely scenario is that from somewhere away from home base, they stole from a residual but quite substantial store of Atlantean lowest grade orichalcum. The only definite is that this cargo is not made or found in Italy, so everywhere else is the only possibility. 

On the balance of probabilities, we believe that these rings are not sourced from one specific ore, or any mine. There are eight elements in this assemblage and each mixture is purpose specific and chemistry unique. All six samples are different from each other, two are solely orichalcum and the other four add or subtract. What comes out of this melange are six read outs and not one has the same chemical pedigree. When comparing the five main elements across six samples there is a range of 32% for copper, 28% for zinc, 8.5% for lead, 1.6% for iron and nickel varies by 0.3%. What is immediately apparent is that the range in percentages is far too great to claim any form of consistency, common ore or source.

The reason why no orichalcum mine or ore in situ has ever been found on this planet is simply because there never has or will be such an ore or mine. This was put together, what we have here is hybrid of metallurgy, chemicals, homeopathy and magic, there are no shovels or mines in the final product. This is clear evidence of an alchemist versed in the art of magic.

As this stage of our investigation is complete, we want to return to a pivotal part of our dealings with Atlantean history, legacy, and in particular, two rings. We have already referred to Atlantis as a poison chalice, because that is what it is. There is a comment made by someone whose name we can no longer find, but because it is absolutely correct, it has to be included. ‘With Atlantis you can look, but never stare.’ Both rings will kill without conscience or discrimination, and in one case, does it with a smile. Remember Atlantis as a location fell on its own sword, and as a concept and approach to living, existence and disrespect has never left the room. It was transferred through to Egypt, Avalon and many other places, and is back with us in full force and utter arrogance. Everywhere we look on this planet it is Atlantis incarnate. That being today’s tragic truth, the best bet is to look everywhere else, and the first and final stop in this journey into new realms and thinking has to be the largest remnant Lemurian landmass: Australia.

That all three Lemurian rings are finally back home is not coincidental, but solely via providential design. It is these Lemurian rings that we trust implicitly. Trust me they have our back, while with the Atlantis rings they would readily stab us in the back. Lemuria is the way forward, while Atlantis is the way backward and prime cause of all the grief and chaos. Atlantis as a piece of geography is lost, Lemuria as a piece of geography is still here and never went away.       

For now, the science is done and dusted, but the rings are not. We have examined what the rings are made from, postulated over, how, when and where, but when it comes to what the ring does and why it was made, new parameters and mystical settings are mandatory.

Then There is the Copper

Put a germ, microbe, even some of that notorious Corona Virus on some untreated copper, and what happens? The viruses and malevolent microbes die, it is that simple, no antiseptic is needed as the copper kills. No other metal can do this, or even come close. Copper stands alone in this medicinal respect, and that is not all, not by a long way.

It goes further, whether wearing metal jewellery or a watch band it sits on the skin until taken off and nothing goes in or remains, unless. If it is a copper ring or bangle, which was so popular with arthritis suffers when I was a child because the copper was absorbed into the skin, they, including my mother, kept wearing the bracelets until the pharmaceutical companies recognised there was a lucrative growing market out there, and a healthy profit to be made in their pockets. Soon after that epiphany they sent their advertisers into the marketplace to spruik their lies and poisons. Regardless, of the deception, put an Atlantean ring with over 90% copper on my finger and the copper seeps in through the skin leaving a greenish grey circle on my finger. I am literally absorbing the content, magic and cruel tendencies of both Atlantean rings. The copper is the conduit and carrier of all the elements be they five or nine, they all go inside and after that, well that is where it gets real tricky.

Anyone versed in esoteric Lore or magic is fully aware that copper has no metallic equal. It is for that reason that in every sample, no matter what the variations, copper reigns supreme. Anyone versed in having these rings on their finger or in their presence as both Ros, myself, Evan and my wife can testify, knows the magic within is real, dramatic and potentially lethal. And because of this insurmountable, ever-present reality, irrespective of how unpalatable it is to many with a sceptical or scientific disposition, we must now step into the mystical realms.

However, due to the length of this report, the considerable list of ring-inspired magical activities are yet to raised, and less so the preference to keep science and magic separate, we intend to close proceedings now and begin anew with the second half of this investigation in our next article.   

For full references please use source link below


By Steven and Evan Strong / Forgotten Origin Researchers

Our main brief is to prove through scientific fact that which the Elders insist is true. We have assembled facts about archaeological finds, and also early contact accounts, genetics, Serpent myths, Dreaming stories, Amerindian myths, parallels in religious texts, etc into one coherent theory.

(Source:; August 24, 2020;
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