Okra – one of the most powerful natural remedies against diabetes, high cholesterol and fatigue

Okra is a thin, green plant also known as ladies’ fingers, and is most popular in the southern part of the United States. Although okra may not be a regular part of your diet, after hearing the incredible benefits that it has to offer, you may want to make it a special on your daily menu!  

Okra is a good source of protein, potassium, zinc, and copper. It also has a large amount of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, and K as well as calcium, magnesium, and manganese. As an extra bonus, it is low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. (1)

The Powerhouse of Super-veggies 

There is no doubt about it, okra is a powerful vegetable. Take a look at everything okra can do for you. 

Boosts Your Immune System 

Vitamin C is your immune system’s best friend. And since okra has so much of it, this vegetable can really give you that immune boost that you need to stay healthy. Okra is also a powerful antioxidant, which can help fight bacteria and environmental damage. (2) 

Improves Your Eyesight 

Research shows that okra is good for improving your eyesight. Due to the vitamin A in okra, making this vegetable a part of your diet can do wonders for your vision. (3, 4)

Treats Fatigue 

Fatigue is a growing issue in today’s world, and is an accompanying symptom to many illnesses and conditions. Luckily, okra has proven helpful in fighting fatigue, which means adding it to your diet can help in this area as well. (2)

Regulates Cholesterol Levels

If you tend to have high cholesterol, okra is the vegetable for you. Okra can help normalize your cholesterol levels and prevent fat accumulation. (5)

Controls Diabetes 

Diabetes is another common problem for numerous people. In addition to okra’s cholesterol normalizing abilities, this green veggie can help control your blood sugar levels. Both of these benefits can help those who suffer from diabetes. (5)

Curbs Your Appetite 

Okra has a good amount of soluble fiber, which can help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Chances are if you’re full, you have less of a chance of opening the fridge or cupboards to snack. Okra can help curb your appetite, reduce cravings, and prevent weight gain. (6)

Good For Your Blood And Bones

Okra has lots of vitamin K, which is great for your bones and your blood. Vitamin K promotes better blood coagulation, preventing excessive bleeding in case of injury. Vitamin A is also an essential vitamin for your bones, so okra can help keep your bones strong and healthy. (7, 4)

Prevents Gastritis

Gastritis occurs when the stomach lining is inflamed, irritated, or eroded. There are many causes for gastritis, one of which being the bacteria helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Okra is a strong bacteria fighter and can help keep this bacteria from gathering in your stomach, thus preventing inflammation and reducing the risk of gastritis. (8)

Eat Up Your Okra!

When raw, okra may look a little funny with its thin layer of fuzz, but there are lots of delicious ways to slide it on your plate. Okra can be pickled, fried, crusted, baked, or mixed up into a giant, southern gumbo. So get creative and to watch out for these amazing benefits. 

For full references please use source link below.


By Emilyn Gil

Emilyn is a student at Utah Valley University. She has won several awards for her writing, including the Scholastic Art and Writing Gold Key, and was featured in the Kolob Canyon Review in Cedar City. Aside from the written word, her other passions include learning new things, performing in musical theater, and playing piano, guitar, and ukulele. Some of her favorite pastimes are baking, napping, and hanging out with family. She has traveled to Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, and Canada, and currently resides in Lindon, Utah with her husband Jorge. You can find more of her work online at emilyaddn.blogspot.com

(Source: healthy-holistic-living.com; May 29, 2018; http://tinyurl.com/y7oe6rqr)
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