Linda Moulton Howe - Who or what is killing and mutilating cattle in Kansas?
TOPICS: Who - or What - Is Killing and Mutilating Cattle in Kansas?
Dec 23, 2022, Biden signs $858 billion defence bill
- Christopher K Mellon tweeted, “far reaching legislation that could solve the UAP mystery” - - “This provision is intended to determine the veracity of longstanding allegations indicating that the US government has recovered extraterrestrial technology and perhaps even extraterrestrial beings.”
- “That process alone could validate claims the US government has been concealing proof of an extraterrestrial presence near earth.”
Loud, unexplained booms in McMinnville Oregon, on December 25, 2022
More strange animal mutilations in Gypsum, Kansas
- Interview with Brent Laas
- At least 5 known mutilations in the same region in the last 2 years
- left check and lower jaw excised at LAAS Farm in Brookbille, Kansas
- 1971 UFO sighting in Delphos, Kansas by Ronald Johnson