Linda Moulton Howe - Remote viewer Leonard 'Lyn' Buchanan interview, Elon Musk interview excerpt and Q & A
Remote viewer Leonard 'Lyn' Buchanan interview, Elon Musk interview excerpt and Q & A
- Peru’s Minister of Culture announced cat figure found in Nasca, Peru
- NASA’s OSIRIS REx gathers samples on Asteroid Bennu
- Elon Musk speaks about Mars mission and the need for a self-sustaining city
- Retired Military man Leonard ‘Lyn’ Buchanan interview
- Involved in Project Star Gate in DIA
- a controlled remote viewing program
- From 2020 to 2050, overwhelming change will occur
- Reduction in population and cities
- “Largely agrarian society with almost no cities” - “…we have the ET genes within us”
- “the die off will be from things like poisoning in our atmosphere and poisoning in our food”
- “only one specific type of ET that… has ben mixing with humans for centuries”
Update from Kenyan family that had bloodless cattle mutilated