Linda Moulton Howe - Have 'artificial city lights' been discovered by Webb Telescope on other planets?

TOPIC: Have “Artificial City Lights” Been Discovered by Webb Telescope On Other Planets?

James Webb Telescope just detected city lights 7 trillion miles from Earth” - Headline from Beyond Discovery YouTube channel -    • James Webb Telescope Just Detected Ci...  

Update on “UFO Pod” near Corona, NM in July, 1947


Books mentioned:

MARTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY: "Stunning Evidence of a Vanished Civilization" David Gannett book

Wars of the Anunnaki: Nuclear Self-Destruction in Ancient Sumer Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.


By Linda Moulton Howe / Earthfiles Reporter and Editor

Linda Moulton Howe is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter for radio and internet and author who goes directly to the men and women at the forefront of science and environmental breakthroughs and to firsthand eyewitnesses of high strangeness.

(Source:; January 11, 2024;
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