Linda Moulton Howe - Does Hopi Blue Star Prophecy still expect apocalypse?

TOPIC: Does Hopi Blue Star Prophecy still expect apocalypse?

Linda is back LIVE this week with a very special episode

Executive order 13526 - signed by Barack Obama

- all classified material over 25 years old will be considered for “automatic declassification”

Interview with Miriam Delicado, author of Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy

- Extraterrestrial contact has been happening for all time

- Their technology is so far advanced that we cannot comprehend how it works”

- “I had a massive 3-hour download of information”

- “Understanding the physics of our reality”

- “My psychic gifts…exploded after this experience”

- “They said to will remember this”

- “Protect life..both now and for the future”

- “Human beings are the most advanced technology on the planet”

- “We have the ability to manipulate the energy that surrounds us”

- “If humanity could focus..they would shift the planet”

- “One day, every human being alive will know that everything is tied to these extraterrestrial”

- “Who controls the information…controls the world”



By Linda Moulton Howe / Earthfiles Reporter and Editor

Linda Moulton Howe is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter for radio and internet and author who goes directly to the men and women at the forefront of science and environmental breakthroughs and to firsthand eyewitnesses of high strangeness.

(Source:; June 12, 2024;
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