Linda Moulton Howe - Does Hopi Blue Star Prophecy still expect apocalypse?
TOPIC: Does Hopi Blue Star Prophecy still expect apocalypse?
Linda is back LIVE this week with a very special episode
Executive order 13526 - signed by Barack Obama
- all classified material over 25 years old will be considered for “automatic declassification”
Interview with Miriam Delicado, author of Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy
- Extraterrestrial contact has been happening for all time
- Their technology is so far advanced that we cannot comprehend how it works”
- “I had a massive 3-hour download of information”
- “Understanding the physics of our reality”
- “My psychic gifts…exploded after this experience”
- “They said to will remember this”
- “Protect life..both now and for the future”
- “Human beings are the most advanced technology on the planet”
- “We have the ability to manipulate the energy that surrounds us”
- “If humanity could focus..they would shift the planet”
- “One day, every human being alive will know that everything is tied to these extraterrestrial”
- “Who controls the information…controls the world”