Uses, meaning and healing properties of alexandrite

Alexandrite is a beryllium, Aluminium Oxide. It is actually a Chrysoberyl which belongs to the Oxide Class of minerals. Alexandrite is named for the former czar of Russia, Alexander II, and was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia, supposedly on the day of his birth. Alexandrite has since been discovered in Russia, Australia, Brazil, India, Madagascar and Myanmar.
​Synthetic corundums spiked with trace elements that yield an alexandrite-like color change are sold as alexandrite on the gemstone market. These stones have a red-violet, near-amethyst color in incandescent light and a blue-violet color in daylight. They are far cheaper than natural alexandrites, which are some of the rarest and most expensive of gemstones in the world. 

​Chromium gives alexandrite its colour and while in most minerals a trace element like chromium would provide only one colour to the mineral, in alexandrite it gives it two. Colouring agents are dependent on the wavelength of light and the chemical bonds in the crystal to determine the colour that they will cause. An element like copper, in normal light, can cause a green colour in malachite and a blue colour in azurite, it all depends on the character of the chemical bonding. In a single specimen of alexandrite, the chromium is in such a balanced situation that the colour of the specimen depends on the character of light that hits the crystal. If the light is natural sunlight or fluorescent light, the crystal will be green; however, if the light is incandescent light from a common indoor light bulb, then the crystal will appear red.

alexandrite and physical health

Alexandrite balances the nervous system and glandular system, it will soothe inflammation and tension in the neck muscles. Alexandrite will help ease the symptoms of leukaemia. It supports and strengthens the pineal and pituitary glands, spleen, pancreas, male reproductive organs and neurological tissue.
​​Alexandrite will help you to be able to assimilate proteins more easily. It has a powerful detoxifying action and stimulates the liver so that it will work at its peak performance.
​This stone helps in healing the nervous system, reproductive organs and regenerates neurological tissue.

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alexandrite and your feelings

​Alexandrite inspires your imagination encourages you to listen to your feelings and attunes your inner voice. It will help you achieve emotional maturity and encourages you to find joy in everyday life. 
Alexandrite strengthens willpower and assists you to accurately assess emotions both yours and others and react to them appropriately. ​
​Alexandrite enhances feelings of creativity. It helps you to accept change and emotional issues that go with that change. It is particularly useful for chakra work and massage involving the heart when you wish to calm feelings of being lost and have no interest in pursuing a fulfilling career.

Alexandrite and your mind

​Alexandrite works to centre your mind, boost your self esteem, open you to surrounding vibrations and allow the closed hearted to experience love and joy. ​​With its ability to show two colours Alexandrite will allow you to see both sides of an issue and will link the heart and mind so that they come from a dispassionate, illuminated perspective that encompasses and integrates the rational and the intuitive viewpoints.

alexandrite and the spirit

Alexandrite reinforces and realigns the mind, emotion and spirit within you. Alexandrite opens intuition and metaphysical abilities. It creates a strong will and personal magnetism. Alexandrite is a symbol of royal power and acts as an  efficient guardian stone. 
Alexandrite is a useful spiritual purifier and renewal stone. Alexandrite allows you to connect with the frequencies of Divine Knowledge and Divine Love. It assists you to resonate with these frequencies and utilising them to gather knowledge for the growth of the self or others while sharing this knowledge from the heart. It facilitates the recovery of alternative-life information and Akashic records.
It is closely related to both ancient Egyptian and Atlantean energies and can assist those who were once priests or priestesses in recovering ancient sacred knowledge.

alexandrite harmonises well with....


Rose Quartz


alexandrite and the chakras

If the base chakra is out of balance you may be belligerent and aggressive toward others. With this stone in hand, you are able to relieve the symptoms of ADHD or ADD. It will reduce the desire to be overly possessive, craving continual excitement or manipulative. 
Use this stone to awaken your awareness of your past life talents and ease unwanted fears. 
It will balance the circulatory, reproductive system and increase the function of your lower limbs and pelvis.

If the heart chakra is out of balance you may have sudden bursts of anger, jealousy or blaming others for any issues that arise in your life. You might need constant confirmation of your self worth, feeling unloved or lacks compassion for others.
With this stone in hand, you are able to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras to achieve homeostasis. It will encourage compassion for yourself and others and enhance your innate healing abilities.
It will assist in encouraging the entire immune system to function at its peak. It maintains a healthy heart and circulatory system. This stone when placed on the heart chakra will help with tissue regeneration.

If the throat chakra is out of balance, you may be hyperactive, domineering or fanatical about your political or religious views. You might also resist change of any kind and slow to respond to tasks and reasonable demands on your time.
With this stone in hand, you will enhance your clairaudience abilities and manifest abundance. When used on the throat chakra this stone encourages and directs your creative abilities. It will help you speak and live your truth.
This stone will assist in improving and maintaining the health of your throat, esophagus, mouth, teeth and the respiratory system.

If your crown chakra is out of balance you may need to feel as though you are indispensable in your workplace, or need constant sympathy for perceived injustices. You might also feel misunderstood by others or find it difficult to treat others with tenderness and benevolence.
With this stone in hand, you will able to align yourself with the higher forces of the universe and connect to the subtle bodies of energy that surround you. It will assist you in linking to your past lives and determine their effect on your present.
It will help the function of the whole nervous and skeletal systems of the body. 






alexandrite and the seven Auric bodies






By Healing with Crystals


Hi Everyone
I have created this site to give you an accurate and in-depth knowledge of natural crystals and their uses in healing the mind body and spirit. I have also included information on colour healing, raising your Kundalini Energy through yoga and other informative sections.

(Source:; August 18, 2021;
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