Uses, meaning and healing properties of actinolite

Actinolite is composed of hydrous calcium magnesium iron silicate and occurs as elongated columnar, bladed or  prismatic crystals that are transparent to opaque. Actinolite belongs to the amphibole group of minerals and are included in the subclass of inosilicates.

​Actinolite is normally dark  to light green in colour and occasionally occurs in shades of greyish-green to nearly black. 
Transparent well-developed crystals of Actinolite are rare and are faceted into small attractive gems for collectors. The opaque form of Actinolite is generally cut into cabochon and also cut as Actinolite cat's eye.
Rutiles of Actinolite occur in quartz crystals.
​Witches Fingers are an unusual quartz crystal which includes Actinolite, Tremolite, Rutile and Mica all of which are included in the quartz crystal.
There is a green to silver grey actinolite that is found in talc deposits it is commonly known as Silver Aura

Actinolite is a good crystal for you when travelling to different countries to help you to tune into the lifestyle and customs of the locals and the energies of the place. 

Actinolite and Physical healing

Actinolite strengthens the immune system, stimulates the kidney, liver and spleen function. It aids in the elimination of toxins from the body.
​Actinolite is beneficial for detoxifying and metabolism. This stone stimulates cell and tissue function and the regeneration and growth of the body. 
This stone assists in processing nutrients and waste products through intestines, bowels. It will reduce rashes, ease hives and other physical reactions that are associated with allergies. Actinolite will reduce the physical effects associated with eczema, acne and rosacea. It will remove the effects that result from lead and mercury poisoning, toxins, adverse reactions to additives, parasites and fungus.

actinolite and your feelings

​ It is excellent for helping you overcome indecision, hesitation to begin a task and a fear of moving forward in your life. It will overcome a lack of confidence and belief in your self. Actinolite stabilises, grounds and offers certainty in your daily life. It will guide you to explore new directions without forgetting your original path.
It will aid you in increasing your self worth, gaining inner strength and patience.
Actinolite will help you to recognise your own capabilities. It encourages inner balance, patience and a sense of timing. 
Actinolite helps to prevent loneliness and alienation by opening your heart to others and so creating correspondingly friendly vibes in social encounters. 
Use this stone in your workplace to shield you from any negativity and especially from divisive energies, troublemakers and gossips. 

Actinolite is an anti-worry stone, at any time you are worried, sad or feel unnecessarily guilty, touch this stone with your index finger, name the worry and say "May this worry/burden be taken from me"

actinolite and the mind

​Actinolite helps in dream recall, removes blockages that stop personal growth. It eases grief, trauma, guilt and helps you forgive and find solace. ​Actinolite will overcome feelings of being isolated from others, it redirects psychic attack, illness and unwanted negativity. Actinolite provides an efficient shield against any negative thoughts, including your own.
Actinolite will help you to be aware of when and where you have diverged from your original, real goals. This will help you to correct your course.
Place actinolite in a window if you live in a neighbourhood where there is intolerance or trouble with your neighbours or gangs to shield your household from threat or harm. 
This stone promotes unity of all humankind by spreading goodwill and accentuating understanding and tolerance between people of different faiths and political systems.

actinolite and the spirit

​Actinolite is often called the ray stone as its energies radiate light throughout the aura so expanding a positive connection with others and with the cosmos. 

Actinolite will manifest your life's purpose on this our earthly plane.
This stone is helpful when you have lost your way and are looking for a new direction. It will indicate the path for constructive evolution, highlighting the right timing and showing the value in mistakes.
Actinolite is supportive when you are going to take a new direction. It helps you set new goals and will help initiate the required action. 

actinolite harmonises well with....



Clear Quartz

actinolite and the chakras

If the earth star chakra is out of balance you may feel disconnected to the earth and the people around you. You might be suffering from hallucinations, anxiety from unknown origins or feel no connection with the Divine.

If the heart chakra is out of balance you may have sudden bursts of anger, jealousy or blaming others for any issues that arise in your life. You might need constant confirmation of your self worth, feeling unloved or lacks compassion for others.
With this stone in hand, you are able to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras to achieve homeostasis. It will encourage compassion for yourself and others and enhance your innate healing abilities.
It will assist in encouraging the entire immune system to function at its peak. It maintains a healthy heart and circulatory system. This stone when placed on the heart chakra will help with tissue regeneration.


Earth Star


actinolite and the seven Auric bodies



actinolite and the zodiac



By Healing with Crystals


Hi Everyone
I have created this site to give you an accurate and in-depth knowledge of natural crystals and their uses in healing the mind body and spirit. I have also included information on colour healing, raising your Kundalini Energy through yoga and other informative sections.

(Source:; July 18, 2021;
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