The unforgettable Scole Experiment

Scole is a village in Norfolk, England. There a small group of people, Robin and Sandra Foy, and physical mediums Alan and Diana Bennett, produced brilliant evidence for the afterlife. They also conducted other experiments in England, the United States, Ireland, Spain and Italy. During the six years of the Scole experiments. the top afterlife scientists in the UK, Europe and America witnessed amazing physical mediumship.

In the United States sessions were also attended by scientists including several senior scientists from the space agency NASA and others from the Institute of Noetic Sciences near San Francisco as well as representatives from Stanford University.

The spirit team in charge of the Scole experiment made it clear that the aim of the 1,000 hours of sittings was to produce physical paranormal phenomena suitable for public demonstrations to prove once and for all the reality of life after death. The short 6-minute video below gives an excellent overview of the evidence produced.


One thing that was very important about these sittings was that it was the first time in many years that experienced investigators from the Society for Psychical Research sat in on so many sessions of a physical mediumship circle. Three investigators were involved over two years: Montague Keen, Arthur Ellison and David Fontana. All were very enthusiastic and wrote a very favourable research report. According to Montague Keen speaking on behalf of three investigators ‘None of our critics has been able to point to a single example of fraud or deception’ (Keen and Ellison 1999). Read more.

The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death' - first published in 1999 - was featured on the front page of the Sunday Times Magazine and in the centre page spread editorial in The Daily Mail. The authors, Grant and Jane Solomon, were interviewed on Granada TV (UK) for the book launch.


Robin and Sandra Foy have now moved to premises in Antequera, Andalucia, Spain near the Torcal mountain, and have created The International Centre for Physical Mediumship. They will be working with Uwe Siegert, an excellent physical medium, and Kai Muegge and others and have been promised by their spirit team that they will take the evidence and proof of the 'Afterlife' "much further than we ever achieved at Scole".


By Victor Zammit / Afterlife Lawyer

Victor James Zammit, B.A.Grad. Dip.Ed. M.A. LL.B. Ph.D worked as an attorney in the Local Courts, District and Supreme Courts in Sydney Australia. For many years his main interest was in human rights and social justice. Around 1990 he began to experience spontaneous clairvoyance and clairaudience which led him to begin a systematic investigation of the afterlife. He was astonished to discover a hidden world of research that he felt provided overwhelming evidence for life after death. Since that time his priority has been sharing his discoveries on this website where an earlier version of this book was viewed by more than a million people.

(Source:; July 2, 2021;
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