The Scole Experiment - The Afterlife Investigations

For five years a group of mediums and scientists witnessed more phenomena than in any other experiment in the history of the paranormal, including recorded conversations with the dead, written messages on sealed film, stunning apports, video of spirit faces, and even spirit forms materializing. Highly-qualified and objective scientists, and a whole range of other people who attended the Scole Group's sessions is several different countries, came away convinced that (mostly) invisible, discarnate intelligences were making direct contact with those present.

A VERY USEFUL ANALYSIS OF THE SCOLE EXPERIMENT Canadian scientist William Treurniet writes "I purchased Robin's book, 'Witnessing the Impossible', in 2012 at a séance in Spain. The book is an account of the extensive Scole experiment that he oversaw. It seems appropriate to celebrate this accomplishment now. The book is summarized in Chapter 22 of Signs of a Multidimensional Reality - available as a free pdf download. The summary was mentioned in a social media post, and I recall that he liked it".

SCOLE WITNESS TESTIMONIAL: PROFESSOR DAVID FONTANA David Fontana was one of three senior members of the Society for Psychical Research who accepted an invitation to attend over 20 sittings with the Scole group from 1995 to 1997. Together with Montague Keen and Arthur Ellison he authored a formal report for the SPR which noted that this was the first serious investigation of physical mediumship by SPR members since the 1930s and that it had "put physical mediumship back on the agenda".


By Victor Zammit / Afterlife Lawyer

Victor James Zammit, B.A.Grad. Dip.Ed. M.A. LL.B. Ph.D worked as an attorney in the Local Courts, District and Supreme Courts in Sydney Australia. For many years his main interest was in human rights and social justice. Around 1990 he began to experience spontaneous clairvoyance and clairaudience which led him to begin a systematic investigation of the afterlife. He was astonished to discover a hidden world of research that he felt provided overwhelming evidence for life after death. Since that time his priority has been sharing his discoveries on this website where an earlier version of this book was viewed by more than a million people.

(Source:; April 15, 2022;
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