Reconnect with ancient Indian holistic wisdom to treat the root cause of obesity and weight gain

Everything in the universe is composed of energy including the human body. Traditionally, when we lived in harmony with nature our body’s energies vibrated in resonance with the universal energies, we experienced optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Today, as we strive to meet the demands of our fast paced lifestyles, we have unknowingly become detached from nature through breathing polluted air, eating unnatural food, drinking chemical-laden water, ingesting toxic medication, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, using inorganic body and household products, absorbing electro-magnetic pollution and being exposed to continuous stress. This has resulted in our energies becoming congested and imbalanced, which is the foundation for dis-ease.


Traditional energy healers had a wealth of knowledge on how to diagnose and treat the root cause of dis-ease by natural, holistic methods, and through the generations a great deal of this ancient wisdom has been kept alive. Traditional Indian energy healers believe that the root cause of obesity and excess weight gain stems from energy imbalances within our thyroid and reproductive glands.

The thyroid and reproductive glands are part of the endocrine system. The endocrine glands have a profound effect on our entire being as they regulate the functions of our systems, organs, tissues and cells by secreting the numerous vital hormones essential for our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Our endocrine and exocrine glands act as buffers to absorb the negative impact of emotional, mental and physical stress, including toxic chemicals from our diet and environment. If our glands are exposed to excessive amounts of negative stress, energy imbalances result, and our glands become impaired, leading to dis-ease. The glands are inter-related; therefore if one gland becomes imbalanced, the health of the remaining glands are affected.

To empower the endocrine and exocrine glands, and treat the root cause of obesity and weight gain, follow these ancient practices:

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By Vera Kaur
(Source:; February 26, 2017;
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