Missing time and implanted memories as mechanisms of contact with UAP intelligences

Missing Time and Implanted Memories as Mechanisms of Contact with UAP Intelligences: Incident on Highway 62 Reexamined

I had a missing time experience on Highway 62 while driving back from Joshua Tree National Monument in 1993. A fellow volunteer contact worker (I call him “Misha”) and I had been doing fieldwork attempting to attract UFOs as part of the what was called the “CE-5 Initiative.” An hour before sunrise, we saw a strange red light on top of a hill that was at the exit point of a ravine we had just driven through. We pulled to the side of the highway, and I used a powerful lantern to signal at the red light. To my amazement, the hillside dissolved into mist as the beam shined upwards. We then lost about an hour of time on highway 62. 

My friend reported several days later that he had recall of “being on-board an ET spacecraft.” He asserted that he had experienced what is called a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind while driving back to Los Angeles with me. He did not “remember” seeing me aboard the “craft.”  I had no recollection on anything like “an alien encounter.” 

I only remembered signaling at the red light, watching the hillside dissolve into mist and then suddenly feeling dazed. In the black sky I saw small white lights flying around. For some reason I assumed they were private pilots, perhaps getting in time for their “night flying certification.” From the southeast, in the direction of Palms Springs, a very bright light, low in the sky, was accelerating directly towards us. While all this was happening, my coworker complained about his being cold and that I should roll the widow up. He started the car and drove off the shoulder onto highway 62. 

There was a break in my what can be called “the continuity of my consciousness. The next thing I knew was that “suddenly” we were racing down the road towards US 10 and the sun was already high in the sky. At that point we were still only a few miles from the ravine.  Later I was to discover that we had lost at least an hour of time. I recall that when I arrived home and looked at the clock, the entire journey from fieldwork site to my house in West Los Angeles had required almost two hours longer than usual. 

Several months after this event, a memory surfaced in my mind that we had done a separate fieldwork investigation in Joshua Tree and while driving home in the dark we had again stopped on highway 62. It was on a different section of that road further down from the entrance to the ravine. I recalled that my friend’s vehicle was filled with a blinding white light. 

For some strange reason, I was convinced that it was a totally different outing from when the missing time event had occurred. The problem was I couldn’t recall when this particular field investigation had occurred, or any of the specific details of the contact work.  The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. This was because it was my custom to write extensive fieldwork notes. No notes had been written. 

I eventually shared my confusion with the Misha. He told me that we had stopped in the darkness twice on the night of our missing time experience. I had completely forgotten this detail. I suspect that my mind constructed a false recollection that we had done a separate investigation from a fragmented memory. However Misha didn’t recall our vehicle filling with brilliant light during that second stop on Highway 62. 

I believe contact experiencers should be open to the distinct possibility that UFO intelligences can create not only missing time. They might also manufacture false memories in targeted contact experiencers. These have been labelled “screen memories” and are considered to be false recollections imposed by the psi technology of UFO non-human intelligences. Most researchers, however, haven’t entertained the possibility that entire “abduction scenarios” might also be the product of advanced psychic capabilities. In other words, no “abduction” has physically occurred, and instead false, yet nonetheless vivid recollections are engineered and that they are convincingly “real”. One might call this memory implant psi technology. I have given it the name “Virtual Memory.” 

What I am suggesting is a direct attack on the notion, “if you remember something, then it actually physically happened.” I realize that this proposed mechanism of contact (implanting false memories) undermines the entire data base of “alien abduction” literature. The scoop marks that experiencers point to as “proving” the physical nature of abductions might merely be props placed on witnesses’ bodies by something akin to small mobile surgical probes. Such devices might manifest in our physical reality and leave marks, with the result that in combination with false memory implants we are misled into thinking that “abductions” are exclusively physical rather than primarily psychic events. 

I have coined the term “Prime Contactee” describing people who act like a kind of magnet for “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UAP), a term that has surprisingly surfaced in government documents recently. In my judgment Misha was this kind of remarkable individual.

“Primes” have the astounding ability to request a UFO sighting when others are present; when UAP manifest, the Prime Contactee’s special relationship with non-human intelligences is verified by the other witnesses. Misha, like other high level contactees, had acquired advanced meditation skills with no adult encouragement; this is another trait of “Primes.” Having him on our Los Angeles based contact team was associated with a boost in our ability to attract UFOs which I have documented in reports at. 


It turns out that I am not the first North American physician to work with and chronicle contact events surrounding a high-level experiencer.   A half century ago, the US physician Andrija Puharich published a book about the Israeli psychic/entertainer Uri Geller. In “Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller, Dr. Puharich reveals a series of High Strangeness events which supports the existence of “memory implant technology.” A link provided below analyzes Andrija Puharich’s account.  

At the current time, government action and the public discussions are mostly limited to the topics like military sightings and the existence of UFO retrieval and reverse engineering efforts. In my judgement in the future, the contact experiences of thousands of witnesses describing intimate encounters with non-human intelligences will be impossible to ignore. In other words what are labelled as “alien abductions” will be part of a vigorous societal discussion of all aspects of contact with UAP associated non-human intelligences.

Understanding the non-physical, i.e., the consciousness-based core components of contact will be of the utmost importance in perhaps the not-too-distant future. In preparation for a broader public conversation, I urge experiencers, contact/disclosure activists and researchers to familiarize themselves with what I have called “The Virtual Experience Model” of which “Virtual Memory” described above is one subtype.   

Hopefully the civilian UFO advocacy community will soon realize the importance of focusing on the psychic mediated mechanisms of contact with non-human intelligences and go beyond categorizing the details of sighting reports, both military and civilian. 

Important Proviso: The Virtual Experience Model doesn’t propose that all encounters are holographic or psychic. In my judgment, interactions are occurring via both virtual and physical means.

To access additional blogs discussing missing time, the Virtual Experience Model, and the implantation of false memories as a mechanism of contact, the following links are provided:

“Missing Time on Highway 62.” A wave of missing time events occurred across the CE-5 network in 1993. I describe in detail the bizarre sequence of events involving missing time for two members of my Los Angeles based contact team. 


The work that Andrija Puharich did with Uri Geller revealed a dramatic case of “Virtual Memory”, aka a Virtual Experience of the Third Kind.


“The Virtual Experience Model: An Overview” As the result of carefully studying numerous interactions with the intelligence responsible for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena UAP, I have developed a new paradigm for understanding the important role of illusion as a mechanism of contact. 



By Joseph Burkes MD / Medical Consultant for (FREE) and Author

Joseph Burkes MD volunteered as a Working Group Coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative from 1992 till 1998. He has continued to study the flying saucer phenomenon working with the Peruvian based contact network now called Rahma and more recently as a medical consultant for the Foundation for Research into ET Encounters, (FREE). He is co-author of the book “Paths to Contact” edited by Jeff Becker. Dr. Burkes retired from the Southern California Permanente Medical Group after thirty years of service in 2008. He is a board certified internal medicine physician and is licensed to practice in California.

(Source: underground.contact; October 1, 2023; https://tinyurl.com/yvq4zoh3)
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