Mapping brain circuits – deciphering the connectome

Neuroscientists want to understand how tangles of neurons produce complex behaviours, but even the simplest networks defy understanding.

An exciting and profoundly consequential endeavor of neuroscience that may be realized this century is the complete mapping of the human brain – the connectome. However, just like the mapping of the human genome, the usefulness of such data is limited if there is no contextual understanding of what it means. The mapping of the human genome revealed some surprising results, but it was met with limited success in previously purported claims such as enabling greater prediction of genetic predispositions for particular diseases. In part because even with the genomic data it is not yet understood exactly how gene sequences correlate to certain traits — they are defined by complex molecular circuitry that do not have straight-forward and easily decipherable “rules of expression”, i.e. there is little to no predictive power.

Similarly, as discussed in a recent Nature news report, “the resulting neural-network diagrams emerging from mapping brain circuits [in a variety of species] are yielding surprises — showing, for example, that a brain can use one network in multiple ways to create the same behaviors. But understanding even the simplest of circuits presents a host of challenges. Circuits vary in layout and function from animal to animal. The systems have redundancy that makes it difficult to pin one function to one circuit. Plus, wiring alone doesn't fully explain how circuits generate behaviors; other factors, such as neurochemicals, have to be considered.”

As Florian Engert, who is putting together an atlas of the zebrafish brain at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, puts it “What do you even mean when you say you understand how something works? If you map it out, you haven't really understood anything.”

William Brown, a biophysicist with the Resonance Science Foundation, has stated that the complications in ascertaining a clear and understandable picture from all the (highly important) data coming from mapping genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes, and connectomes may be due to the bottom-up reductionist approach that attempts to understand biological systems as the sum of action of their parts. Yet, such systems are more than the sum of their parts—they are necessarily highly integrated and synergetic, which may require a complimentary top-down approach that evaluates the ”big picture”—in this case the unified view of the organism that has emergent properties that can only be understood in the context of the synergetic action of the system as a whole. Such approaches have seen remarkable success with researchers such as Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, who has decoded the spatiotemporal global activity of electromagnetic patterns of the brain to describe function and even enable mobility of paraplegics with neuroprosthetic devices.


By Nassim Haramein / Resonance Project Foundation

Nassim Haramein has spent over 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations.

These studies lead Haramein to groundbreaking theories, published papers and patented inventions in unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance.

Haramein’s findings are focused on a fundamental geometry of space that connects us all; from the quantum and molecular scale to cosmological objects in the Universe. In Haramein’s paper, Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass, a prediction of the charge radius of the proton was confirmed with greater accuracy than any other theoretical framework. An experiment performed in 2013 by a team of scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute, confirmed the prediction.

In 2004, Haramein founded the Resonance Project Foundation, (now the Resonance Science Foundation) where as the Director of Research he leads physicists, mathematicians and engineers in exploring unification principles and their implications in our world today and for future generations.

In fall of 2014 Haramein began The Resonance Academy Delegate Program - the first and only unified physics program of its kind, educating thousands of students from over 70 countries around the world.

In 2015 Haramein opened a laboratory where he serves as the Executive Director of Research and Development. Here, Haramein leads teams of scientists and engineers applying his revolutionary theories and patents to resonance technologies that focus on vacuum energy and gravitational effects. Production of such technologies could provide indispensable energy and open up space exploration in a completely viable and safe manner.

The Connected Universe, a feature length documentary film, was produced based on Haramein’s discoveries and their potential for generations to come.

(Source:; August 11, 2017;
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