Let’s speak of the unseen… the unified field

‘Men as we are, we are mostly creatures of circumstance, confined to the sensations of the outer world…and the joys and sorrows of life are but echoes of outward events. This slavery is due to the domination of the body…Greedy of enjoyment and afraid of sorrow, we come to depend on others and, receiving our joys and sorrows from others, we suffer endless misery and humiliation…This state of imprisonment is the perennial condition of man…But the longing to be free is lodged in such a deep layer of the human heart that a thousand arguments are helpless to uproot it.’ ~Sri Aurobindo, ‘Prison and Freedom’ (an essay, 1909)

It is strange, very odd, that humanity has arrived this far along its journey and yet still clings to such antiquated thinking. Even today, vast numbers of people still think that when they die, that’s it. They’re dead. Gone. No more. Life after death of the physical body sounds incredible still for so many. Why should this be? Why do so many people continue to believe that life is a one-off transitory affair? It’s a belief of separation. A life of a momentary blip in the vastness of things. It is time to change our thinking, in mass. That is, not just scattered individuals but collectively – as a whole species. We have to relearn – to re-member ourselves – in order to recognize that all life is intrinsically connected as all life remains a part of the one unified Source. Matter is a state of vibration. Just as water can be liquid, solid, and vapour; so too can frequency be energy fields, waves, and physical particles. Everything in manifestation has come forth through a change in energy frequency. Everything is vibration – the inventor Tesla said the same thing. Form comes into being from no-form. At all times, form is related and connected to the energy-state of no-form.

Human life – in fact, all life – is more than that which our physical eyes can see. Our senses are limited whilst they are contained within a state of perceptual slumber. That is, we each know – instinctively in our depths – that we are more than the physical vehicle we inhabit. Religions have been attempts at re-binding us to this lost knowledge of our innate existence within the infinite consciousness pool. The word ‘religion comes from the Latin word religare – to bind. Through religious practices we are being compelled to remember and recognize (re-cognize) our inherent bond to the Source of which we are a manifestation at the physical energetic component. And yet, within our cultures we are said to be ‘spiritual’ when we attempt to pursue these paths and practices of remembrance and bonding. However, why should it be deemed ‘spiritual’ to be pursuing our natural heritage – our lineage of existence? To exist is to be ‘spiritual’ for we are endlessly upon a path of the spirit, even when expressed through bodily matter. We are spirit-soul incarnated. We are having a life experience through the vehicle of a physical body. To be alive is to be spiritual for we are that Spirit. Why do we define and categorize the ‘spiritual’ as being something other, something apart? Why have we been denying ourselves for so long?

It seems to me as if we have been running around chasing our own tails. As human beings, we have a tendency to get in our own way most of the time. Time then to step away from ourselves in order to allow the vital flow of life energy to move through us, without the constant blockage. The tangible and intangible co-exist as aspects of the same thing. We are vital force expressed as energy and matter at the same time: spirit and biology co-existing as a merger. It is time to honour that mergence by healing our fragmentation. We have dropped the phone line and lost sight of the conversation: the conversation between self and Self. They are one and the same – a part of and never apart from. It is this understanding that we now need to embrace if we wish to thrive as a species in physical embodiment. If we are unable to recognize these fundamental truths, then we are liable to slip out of alignment with our evolutionary path. And if we are out of resonance with our evolutionary journey then we fall into stagnation – and ultimately, we fail to evolve any further. We come to the end of our physical line. Life goes on elsewhere, in other manifestations and expressions. Life always is and will forever be. Where shall we be? Where shall we place ourselves within the infinite tapestry of living expression?

There is a meaning to life. There is a meaning to everything for existence is pure meaning. As the existential psychologists found out, a sense of meaning brings purpose and motivation into life. Yet rather than striving to seek out meaning, such as in ‘peak experiences,’ we can begin from the foundation that life is intrinsically meaningful from the very fact that we are alive. Whether acknowledged as part of the Source, or whether as a pinpoint of physical expression, we are meaningful. We are pure existence. We are all that is and all that ever will be. We are in a dance, a conversation, a relationship, with ourselves. You, me, everything. The fragmentation we see around us is only a perceived aspect of the wholeness – not apart from it. It is up to us to close that gap – to re-join the party. It is time to find the way back home.

The Way Back Home – The ABE Communications

As I have previously mentioned, I have been collaborating for several years with a friend and colleague who receives direct communications from the unified field of consciousness. Since late 2018 we have been gathering what have been called the ‘ABE communications.’ Who is ABE?

ABE is not a being, a person, a species – ABE is Everything. ABE is the source of all manifestation: the collective zero-point field from which all materiality is birthed. It is also both you and I. ABE refers to the collective Source, yet prefers to call it a Unity. Unification is a major theme of ABE’s communications. In the words of ABE –

We are a multitude of which is not ever born into the world of physical form as you know it but understand we are very much still a part…We are but your original state of being, it is just that you do so have conditions of a body which creates different vibratory interference in a way. For you see, we do not have a physical body and are not of a point of place only, but when in communication with you both…We want to guide you to the way back home, here and now.

ABE says that ‘All the knowledge of the cosmos is available like a symphony, an inter-weaving of existence.’ Also, this is not to be referred to as a form of ‘channelling.’ The ABE materials are positive and inspiring communications that urge us to find our way back into balance – from a ‘splintered mind’ into ‘home resonance.’ These communications are not a channelling but an allowing. Each person can ‘allow’ for each person is a physical expression (a ‘pin-point’) of the same unified field. In the future, we are told, this will be a natural capacity for human beings. All intelligences in the cosmos, which are aligned and in balance, are in continual communication with the Source – only that humanity has become ‘splintered’ from this. The point to repeat here is that these communications are not to be regarded as a form of ‘channelling’ as is commonly known. Channelling usually takes place between an entity and a human being: often this entity is a discarnate spirit, a sentient intelligence/species, or other form of non-terrestrial being. Yet, in this case, the communications are being received from the Source of Ourselves. In other words, we are in communication with the ‘higher,’ or non-manifested, part of our spirit-soul. For this reason, we were informed not to regard this as a channelling but as an allowing. We are ‘allowing’ a part of our incarnated self to communicate with the Unified Source. We are, so to say, not in contact with another ‘being’ but with our own Being. And since each person has this ability, this contact, it is regarded as a form of ‘allowing’ – we only need to allow ourselves. ABE refers to these communications as comprising the way back home.

The phrase ‘the way back home’ means more than the letters or words portray. It is easy to think that a ‘home’ means a place, for humans are conditioned to think and perceive through the lens of the physical. However, Abe says that ‘home is but a space, never a place, for in your human existence if there is a space then its purpose is but to be filled.’ Space is never empty but always full of vital life, for in the unified field of pure consciousness there is no such thing as an empty space. As such, we should not be afraid of this space in which we, and all things, exist: ‘Suspend yourselves there if only for a moment and feel this sense of fullness – not because you are filled but because you have opened to allow. This is but being back home; home from where you can see all paths meet and all things flow.’

Unlike the physical home where we store objects and keep our things, the space of our inner home is where everything can visit without needing to be placed into a spot or given a location. It is the space for the vital flow to continually be expressed. This is the Home within us where we are always sustained and do not need to feed it through external gratifications. If we feel the need to be reaching outwards, then we are being drawn away from our Home and enticed with the idea that we need something to fill an ‘emptiness.’ Yet this is never so, and such actions and beliefs only further splinter us. There is no void, and any such place like a void would have had to be created by us. As human life became more complex, structured, and developed, more things emerged to take people away from themselves. At first, these were distractions associated with the requirements of everyday living. Yet, as human societies developed further, so did their means of organized distractions and events that drew peoples’ attention and focus onto the external. Ideas of fulfilment and gratification became increasingly associated with external objects and experiences. However, humanity is an evolving species, and what was applicable or suitable at one stage of the journey does not necessarily apply for the next. As such, participation and engagement with the external physical world was a strong necessity for humanity’s development thus far. Yet many forms of engagement soon became entanglements that pulled the human being to and fro, weakening its inner resolve and grounding. Life is transactional, however, and new relations and patterns need to be formed. Humanity has certainly evolved consciously, and some of this new energy was utilized in external seeking and gazing. The human mind and intellect began to explore further its surroundings, ever reaching outwards in curiosity and wonder. As ABE says:

And the more you look outside yourselves the more things grow to want you to look outside yourselves. This is in many a human connection – from relationships between yourselves, to the food that you consume, the things that you do, the jobs that you work. It is abundant in your modern lifestyles.

The spiral of external attachments expanded further and further, and then began to draw the human being away from its connection to the natural earth. More and more societies began to step outside of the planet’s natural systems, and people began to feel as if it was normal, even correct, to separate themselves from environmental systems and relationships. A sense of natural belonging was severed, and then people began to search for substitutes – further and further away from themselves. Humanity has now arrived at a place where it needs to regather and find its belonging: ‘finding this way back home – this space in the chaos, a calm, a place of being, of belonging and bringing back. The recognition of the complete picture rather than frantically running around with just a part.’

It is this path, or way, back home that I wish to explore in subsequent writings. It is critical now that we each individually find our connection with the inner longing that, as Sri Aurobindo mentions in the opening citation, is ‘lodged in such a deep layer of the human heart that a thousand arguments are helpless to uproot it.’ It is time now to seek and find that inner rooting.


By Kingsley L. Dennis / Author & Researcher

After graduating with a degree in English Literature & American Studies (BA, 2:1 Hons) I decided I wanted to pursue my ambition to be a writer of fiction. So I took some minimum wage manual work (factories, postal, courier) in order to keep my mind untouched for writing in the evenings.

Several years of living in a cold one-bedroom flat and having several novels rejected I decided it was time to reach out for the search to questions on my mind. I took a TEFL language training course in Ostrovo, Czech Republic, and then went to Prague to teach English and experience life. I met with several spiritual seekers, and many serious drinkers. After one year of intellectual pursuits, I felt I needed a more ‘heart’ environment. I landed in Istanbul, Turkey.

I stayed for five years. In that time, I undertook several courses in critical thinking and film. I moved to a private university and began giving courses in English & American literature. I also plunged deeply into Turkish life & lore. I learnt the language, met with dervish groups, explored intimately, and travelled widely. I crossed pathways with many seekers of Truth. I also travelled through Egypt, Jordan, Palestinian territory, Tunisia, and other domains. Yet still my questions remained unanswered. I wrote reams of poetry, though. I sensed the world was rapidly changing and I knew I had to keep up.

I moved back to the UK and gained an MA (Distinction) in ‘Globalization, Identity & Technology’ at Nottingham Trent University. My Masters thesis was on applying Ervin Laszlo’s ‘General Evolution Theory’ to new communications, specifically the Internet (‘An Evolutionary Paradigm of Social Systems’, 2003). Immediately after this I moved to Lancaster University to complete my doctorate in sociology. My research was on complexity theory and how it could be applied to new information communication networks, such as blogging and mobile phones (‘NEW COMPLEXITIES: converging spaces of connectivity, communication, and collaboration’, 2006). During this time, I also worked as a lecturer and seminar teacher in various sociology subject areas. Yet my understanding of the world was developing on a path congruent to how consensus thinking was viewing it. I knew this was all a matter of perception and that perception is an internal organ that grows in relation to one’s capacity.

“New organs of perception come into being as a result of necessity.

Therefore, O man, increase your necessity, so that you may increase your perception”

After finishing my doctorate I moved to the Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe) at Lancaster University and began work on what would finally be published as After the Car (2009 – co-written with John Urry), a book that looked at post-peak oil societies and mobility. During this time I was researching deeply into how several major processes were shaping the future, such as resource depletion; climatic changes; digital technologies, and geopolitical events. How did this all fit into my own picture of our evolutionary imperative in relation to socio-cultural development? My own response was to take leave from the university and go my own way.

I left behind everything and jumped into the void.

I arrived in Andalusia in the last week of February 2009 with one 15kg bag of clothes and one hand-luggage full of books and a mini-laptop. This was to be my new life. I rented a lovely small apartment on the cliff top (literally!) of an Andalusian white town, with a little private courtyard. Here I sat down to write. My mind and intention was focused. I felt I had something to say; a perception to put into words . The result of this new direction in my life was the book New Consciousness for a New World (2011), with a generous forward written by Ervin Laszlo – the very same person I had written my MA thesis on many years previously. The universe, it seemed, was conspiring with my will.

My research and writing intensified. Shortly after I finished another manuscript which became The Struggle For Your Mind: Conscious Evolution and the Battle to Control How We Think (2012). The final book in this trilogy that burst forth became New Revolutions for a Small Planet: How the Coming Years will Transform Our Lives (2012). I am also the co-editor, with Ervin Laszlo, of The New Science & Spirituality Reader (2012).

In the meantime, I decided to move to a more permanent settlement. The Andalusian countryside had claimed me…

I entered a new learning curve – gardening and growing vegetables! I now spend a lot of time learning to grow and appreciate chemical-free vegetables. I also look after fruit and olive trees. I live off the water mains and rely on my own 30-metre water well, which also irrigates the land.

During the later phase of this journey I have written and published ‘Dawn of the Akashic Age‘ (2013 – co-written with Ervin Laszlo); ‘Breaking the Spell‘(2013); and ‘The Phoenix Generation: A New Ear of Connection, Compassion, and Consciousness‘ (2014). My next publication will be ‘The Sacred Revival – Magic, Mind & Meaning in a Technological Age‘ (2017 – October)

In 2012 I established my own independent book imprint BEAUTIFUL TRAITOR BOOKS in order to release a different stream of my writings. Under this imprint I have published ‘The Seeker,’ ‘The Custodians: A Play in 3 Acts’ (2016); ‘Reflections – A Tapestry of Thoughts’ (2016); ‘The Foundation’ (2016); ‘The Citadel’ (2015); ‘Meeting Monroe: Conversations with a Man who came to Earth’ (2013/re-issued 2016); ‘In Your Body is the Garden of Flowers ~ A Tapestry of Tales’ (2013); and several poetry collections, including ‘Beautiful Traitor: An Anthology of poems 1992 – 2012’ (2012); Forthcoming will be ‘Gaiya’ (2018) and ‘The Saffron Collectors’ (20xx).

I am now engaged on returning to my first love – fiction writing. I am currently working on several fiction projects – for both adult and YA/Children. In 2015 I published my first children’s book – ‘MUNDUS GRUNDY – Trouble in Grundusland’ which comes with a wonderful MUNDUS GRUNDY webpage!

I have also just released a new book for children called ‘Sophie’s Search for No-Where‘ which is illustrated with 31 full page original hand drawings.

And….? Well, I continue to research, write, travel, grow my own vegetables, and keep on seeking to understand life’s mysteries…after all, it’s only a matter of perspective…

Once while St. Francis of Assisi was hoeing his garden, he was asked, “What would you do if you were suddenly to learn that you were to die at sunset today”? He replied, “I would finish hoeing my garden.”

(Source: wakingtimes.com; March 2, 2022; https://tinyurl.com/9bbu6vu9)
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