INFJ: 12 clear signs you have the worlds rarest personality type

In the Myers Briggs personality test, participants can fall into one of 16 categories. This simple, 15-minute test helps to pinpoint what it is that makes a person tick, how they interact with the world and information and other people.

INFJ is the rarest of personality types in the Myers Briggs system. Possessed by only 2% of people, it is a personality type that doesn’t like to bring attention to itself — and often has conflicting personality traits. What follows is a list of common traits for INFJ people:

1 . They are “big picture” people, and always invest in long-term goals. Carefully weighing options, they choose the best way available to them.

2. They are hard workers, and will always do their best on every job available to them.

3. They trust their intuition, and think deeply at the same time. When all other options are equal, they trust their gut.

4. They seek the truth, and search for meaning in everything that happens in the world.

5. They don’t like working with disagreements, and prefer small groups over larger ones. If unable to agree with them, they are likely to ostracize you.

6. They are naturally comforting, and will likely give a shoulder to cry on without your asking.

7. They are excellent at reading people, and can sniff out a lie with ease.

8. They are lonely, and always feel like the “odd man out” even in a room full of people.

9. They work in extremes, going all-in or not engaging at all.

10. They are walking contradictions, again as a result of working in extremes. There is very little compromise for an INFJ.

11. They see patterns, and are great at “connecting the dots”.

12. They write, rather than talk. They are better able to express themselves through written than spoken language.

The following video has a summary of INFJ traits:


By Brian A.
(Source:; September 4, 2017;
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