Aerial shot of the Santa Monica Freeway (Interstate 10) and the tracks of the Expo Line in Los Angeles. Aerial shot of the Santa Monica Freeway (Interstate 10) and the tracks of the Expo Line in Los Angeles.

High Strangeness galore after returning from a UFO investigation in the volcanic zone

Introduction: In 1993, I travelled into the Volcanic Zone near Mexico City as part of a Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE-5) investigation. “CE-5” can also be designated as a “Human Initiated Contact Experience” (HICE). While there, I had a number of remarkable sightings. One night I witnessed a large silent triangular craft that signaled at our team. On another occasion in broad daylight at close range, I saw a metallic disc with rectangular windows as it flew past three members of our group.


My Level of Contact Dramatically Increased 

On returning to Los Angeles, I was very excited about what I had experienced in Mexico. I was eager to share with anyone who was willing to listen. During the weeks after arriving back to the States, I had several different kinds of “high strangeness” experiences. I had two personal UFO sightings in broad daylight. In addition, during contact work in the Malibu Hills with my LA CE-5 team, an anomalous sound tracked through our research site. I also started experiencing a recurring ringing in the ears that seemed to represent some kind of communication with non-human intelligence. (The link for more details on this topic is found in the blog titled “When Ringing is More than Tinnitus” on my contactunderground wordpress blog page.

High strangeness as defined on a past page of Wikipedia was as follows:

“High strangeness refers to a global phenomenon so strange and foreign to our daily terrestrial mode of thought, which it carries with it many implications of the existence of intelligences other than our own. It describes UFO cases that are not only peculiar but that can often be utterly absurd. In some cases, there are events before, during, and after the “sighting proper” imbued with elements of time and space distortion, bizarre synchronicities, strange states of consciousness, beings that act absurd, strange “creatures” associated with the sighting, but not necessarily part of the sighting, anomalous phone calls, electronic glitches, paranormal events including poltergeist type activity, and what are popularly known as MIB – Men in Black.”

It All Started with a Simple Family Celebration

My wife’s birthday is on February 14th making her a St Valentine’s Day girl. I got back to LA from Mexico during the second week of February, and we made plans to celebrate at a nice restaurant. We chose the Inn of the Seventh Ray located in Topanga Canyon. In late afternoon, Yael started to get the children ready for our night out. I went upstairs to meditate in the loft above my wife’s studio. I was following the guidelines for CE-5 investigators. The contact protocol that we used encouraged us to maintain a daily practice of meditation. After I completed meditating, I stared out the window. For no particular reason, I just gazed over the rooftops of my neighborhood. 

Suddenly out of the sky, a bright white disc several feet across fell straight down. It appeared to go into my neighbor’s back yard across the street. There was no sound associated with the sighting. It had a flat two-dimensional quality to it that made it appear more like a visual display than a solid three-dimensional object The sighting lasted only two or three seconds. It was quite weird. I have never seen anything like it before or since. In retrospect, the sighting was a harbinger of what was about to happen during our ride to the Inn of the Seventh Ray. 

I drove our ten-year old Toyota Camry west on the Santa Monica Freeway. Yael was in the front passenger seat. Jonathan and Julia were in the back. I was going about 60 miles per hour in moderate traffic. Patches of fog were rolling in from the coast. As we passed the Santa Monica Municipal Airport, I noticed two low-flying red lights emerging out of a fog bank directly above the freeway to my left. They were at an altitude of less than 300 feet.  The lights were slowly going on and off as they ascended into the fog. As one came on the other turned off. The pair of red lights were separated by approximately 100 feet and moved at about 75 miles per hour. I thought this was too slow for them to be conventional aircraft. They also seemed to be dangerously low over the highway. At first, I imagined that they might be two ultra-light craft. As they flew upwards and westward towards the beach, I realized that the distance between the lights was fixed. They were part of wing like structure that had been initially obscured by the fog. There was no fuselage attached to the wing. We heard no engine sound. For a few moments I lost sight of it in the fog. The flying wing reappeared as a dark oval silhouette at an altitude of about 800 feet.   I clearly heard a woman’s voice softly state, “It’s a disc.” I assumed Yael said this.  To my surprise when I repeated back to her what I had just heard, she totally denied that she said any such thing. 

I stepped on the gas hoping to catch up with flying wing to get a better look. After driving through the US Highway 1 Tunnel, I pulled into a county beach parking lot. I jumped out of the car calling for my son to join me. I opened the car trunk and pulled out my signal lantern. Jonathan and I ran towards the water while scanning the sky. Sure enough, we spotted the craft as it plowed through the fog. It seemed rather large from my perspective on the beach, perhaps 200 feet across at an elevation of about one thousand feet. It was flying across Santa Monica Bay headed towards Malibu. Viewing it from the rear, it appeared to be cylindrical and there were no lights on it. We managed to fire a few salvos from my “light bazooka,” but the craft soon became totally enveloped in fog as it flew towards the Malibu Hills. Curiously this was where our then current research site was located. I suspected this was no coincidence. Events during our next field outing in Malibu seemed to confirm that the direction of its flight was no accident. 

The Search for the “Perfect” Research Site Had been Daunting. 

Our contact team was using a new site that we located in the Santa Monica Mountains. It was in Malibu Canyon not far from Malibu Creek State Park. We regrettably had been forced to abandon our first couple of research sites for several important reasons. The first location in the Santa Susana Pass had security problems. One night during fieldwork a group of intoxicated young men went rock climbing there. After finishing, they came over to investigate what we were doing. I told them we were “minding our own business”, the implication being that they should do the same. That was our last night there.

That first research site in the Santa Susanna Pass was hard to give up. It had a spectacular view of the San Fernando Valley and was only a relative short driving distance for about half of our Working Group. More importantly many anomalous events had transpired there indicating that we had contacted what we believed was an extraterrestrial intelligence. It was at this location that the CSETI Director had conducted a demonstration of the contact protocols with immediate success. An amber colored UFO had appeared briefly, and he signaled at it. Later we had other encounters. Anomalous red orbs were seen above the ridgeline. They seemed to be playing a kind of “peek-a-boo” with us by going up and down behind the ridge in Rocky Peak State Park. Powerful lights had also signaled at us from that steep hillside. When I signaled back to one of them, I received an immediate strobe light response. It was done in such a way that I strongly suspected there was a consciousness link between me and the intelligence controlling the light. 

The next site we used had other problems. It was located in Rocky Peak State Park up and required a 40-minute hike up a steep fire trail. This was not to the liking of several researchers.  There were other security problems at this second location as well. It seemed as if our activities were being monitored by intelligence personal, possibly from the Department of Energy Lab. And then there was the night that the two Black Hawk helicopters buzzed us as we attempted to hike up to the summit of Rocky Peak. Another site we worked at was in Topanga State Park. This was designated as day use only and was surrounded by homes that made it impossible for us to use our lights. It just wasn’t very private, so we abandoned it as well. After some reconnoitering of other mountain locations, we finally chose the Malibu Canyon site.

High Strangeness in Malibu Canyon

Located off a mountain road some 500 hundred feet up above the canyon floor, we had a good view of the sky. To get there we had to drive up a treacherous narrow road with many switchbacks. Sparse chaparral clung to the steep walls of the canyon. A mile away and above us on the ridge was a row of newly completed luxury homes that stood in a line facing us. I didn’t envy the new owners. Building homes in Southern California canyons is a high-risk venture. Fire, floods and mudslides make living there a recurring challenge. But then again, this Malibu Canyon site was not without some pluses. It was a secluded tiny county park not easy to get to and hardly ever frequented by the locals. There was no running water, no toilets, and not even a single bench. Its meager accommodations meant that we would not likely be disturbed. We parked our vehicles by the road and climbed up a rocky path shaded on both sides by stunted trees. The actual site was perfectly level on a bluff and was about the size of a basketball court. There was plenty of room for our team to move around during breaks in our guided meditations called “CTS” (Coherent Thought Sequencing). 

Coherent Thought Sequencing And the Presence of Consciousness

This is a psi technique used by volunteer contact workers in the CE-5 network. It involves a series of visualizations combined with the mental request that UFO intelligences (assumed to be ET) stage a sighting of what is presumed to be “craft.” We first visualized deep space, such as our star’s position in the Milky Way. This was followed by visualizing the location of Earth in our solar system, then the North American continent and finally zooming in on the team’s exact location. Activists were encouraged to obtain accurate maps on which the fieldwork site was located and project these locations as mental images to any “ETs” capable of receiving such communications. Throughout this process our intention to have peaceful cooperative contacts were held in mind. 

This wilderness park had one very important drawing point that I discovered my first night out. It had what Dr Greer called the “presence of consciousness.” He also described this as simply “mind.” It can be understood as the feeling that someone or something is present even when clearly there is no one in sight. On our first night out at this research site I experienced this particular curious sensation of “mind.”

It was nightfall and getting darker by the minute. The team had already set up camp on the bluff and I went down the trail alone to retrieve some equipment from the car. I distinctly recall climbing up the trail and stopping dead in my tracks. I slowly looked over my shoulder listening. The sense that I was not alone was extremely powerful. I listened quietly, probably holding my breath. I recall trying to make out the sound of someone on the trail or perhaps in the dense bushes around me. There was no movement detected, no sound of small animals. It was totally quiet. The presence of consciousness seemed to increase as I stood there just listening. It wasn’t frightening, just somewhat eerie. I took this experience as a good omen. Several weeks later at Robson Mining World in Arizona I was to learn more about the importance of the “presence of consciousness.

On the bluff, six members of the team had set up folding low beach chairs in two rows facing each other. Lights, water, tape recorders, cameras, all our assorted equipment lay on the ground within easy reach. As was our custom, we took turns leading the meditations. We then played anomalous tones that according to the CSETI Director had been recorded in a crop circle. We sat quietly meditating for about 40 minutes and we conducted thought projection in the manner prescribed by the contact protocols. Kathy Kaminsky sat four feet away directly in front of me. United Airlines Pilot, Captain Joe Vallejo was off to my left. On my right was my co-worker from the hospital Shirley Jones. On the other side of Shirley sat my medical partner Dr. Eve Gordon. As I listened to the crop circle tones, I became more and more relaxed. I was surrounded by my team, and we were all meditating together. It felt secure. Each member had been personally trained by the CSETI Director. As the result of months of demanding fieldwork, a high-level unity had been forged between all members of our group.

I went deeper and deeper into the meditative state. As I sat there quietly breathing, I became aware of a gentle pressure sensation in the center of my chest. It was constant and not painful or unpleasant. There were no other symptoms that a physician might associate with any illness. I did not want it to stop. I was quietly sitting with eyes closed, meditating with my friends. I felt at peace. It had been an arduous six months of fulfilling my responsibilities as volunteer Working Group Coordinator in the CE- 5 Initiative. The trip to Mexico had been both exciting and dangerous. Now I was safe and sound, back at home, coordinating the research efforts of our local contact team. Back then I thought that we would have continued success. I did not rule out the wildest of scenarios including possible landings of flying saucers and meeting face to face ETs.

As I quietly meditated with my team around me, I stared hearing something strange, softly at first, and then louder. A weird mechanical whining sound seemed to be coming from a source directly in front of me. It slowly increased in volume. It had a kind of electronic quality to it. I thought perhaps someone’s tape recorder was malfunctioning. Back in the days before digital recorders, we used magnetic recording tape in cassettes.  If the cassette was defective, the tape could wrap itself around the spinning drive wheel, thereby producing an odd sound as the tape stretched tighter and tighter. Could that be the sound that I was hearing? It was so loud that I was convinced everyone in the team must have heard it. I was concerned that noise would disturb the others. However, no one spoke up. I simply ignored the strange sound. The pressure in my chest continued; it felt really good. Time passed. The weird noise slowly drifted away. We completed the meditation, and I asked my co-workers to take several “deep cleansing breaths” and to open their eyes. 

I wasted no time to inquire about the strange sound. I asked Kathy to check her tape-recorder as the noise seemed initially to be coming from her direction. She didn’t know what I was talking about. She sat four feet from me, yet she claimed to have heard nothing unusual. Her tape recorder was working just fine she said. Captain Joe Vallejo had heard nothing remarkable either. Shirley to my right and Eve to Shirley’s right, both admitted to hearing something strange. Their descriptions of the sound matched mine. To them however, it was very faint and seemed to move from left to right rather than emanating from the fixed source in front of me. It was then that Joe Vallejo dropped his bombshell. Captain Vallejo, a” line captain” for United, was a skilled observer. He had flown thousands of hours piloting aircraft worth tens of millions of dollars. He also was an experienced meditator with a vast knowledge of esoterica. He told us that during the group meditation he had witnessed something quite strange.

For some reason during the meditation, he had opened his eyes a little. Through the darkness, he was able to see a small being standing directly in front of me. It was no more than three feet tall and had a kind of rectangular or box like appearance. As he opened his eyes to get a better look, the image disappeared. Joe could not describe what he had seen in more detail. His sighting had lasted just a few seconds. Several months later, I received a package from “CSETI Central.” It was a tape that was being distributed to all the CE-5 Working Groups. As I recall it was as an anomalous tone recorded in New Hampshire, allegedly in the vicinity of a UFO. I popped the cassette into my tape-recorder. To my amazement it sounded very much like the strange noise that had tracked through our Malibu Creek research site. I wondered what was the significance of the chest pressure that I had experienced during meditation. One member of the team suggested that it might have been my heart chakra opening up. Did Joe’s vision of a being standing in front of me have something to do with the anomalous sound that three of us had heard during fieldwork? These inexplicable events associated with contact work in my opinion fulfilled the definition of high strangeness.

For More reports of high strangeness the following links are provided:


By Joseph Burkes MD / Medical Consultant for (FREE) and Author

Joseph Burkes MD volunteered as a Working Group Coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative from 1992 till 1998. He has continued to study the flying saucer phenomenon working with the Peruvian based contact network now called Rahma and more recently as a medical consultant for the Foundation for Research into ET Encounters, (FREE). He is co-author of the book “Paths to Contact” edited by Jeff Becker. Dr. Burkes retired from the Southern California Permanente Medical Group after thirty years of service in 2008. He is a board certified internal medicine physician and is licensed to practice in California.

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