Heliodor meanings and uses

Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Heliodor & Golden Beryl

Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Golden Beryl and Helidor

A crystal of golden light, Heliodor radiates the warmth and power of sunshine, the illumination of higher thought, and a centered, more vibrant physical well-being. Its name literally translates from the Greek as a gift of the sun.

Heliodor invokes the celestial Golden Ray of knowledge and learning, to stimulate the higher mind and enable the brain to function more efficiently. It is a stone of true nobility and selfless leadership, and allows one to make decisions based on wisdom instead of emotion or reaction. [Ahsian, 188]

Yang in nature, Heliodor helps one develop aspects of the male virtues – assertiveness, self-confidence, physical and mental strength, benevolence and power. These traits serve both men and women. [Simmons, 188]

Heliodor is the yellow variety of the Beryl family, generally referring to the greenish-yellow crystal, but includes all yellow, yellow-green, light green and brown Beryl.

Golden Beryl is a variety of Heliodor with a bright, pure yellow to golden yellow color. For the purpose of this article, we will refer to both as Heliodor except where the metaphysical properties may vary.

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Uses and Purposes – Overview

Heliodor is a hope stone, alleviating irritability and nervousness, and providing relief from heavy burdens and immense pressure. It brings stability and optimism. [Gienger, 45-46]

Heliodor has been used as a talisman to bring out honesty in others, and to regain what has been lost in terms of employment, prospects or money. It is an excellent crystal for the self-employed, or for those who struggle to balance care-giving and career. [Eason, 92]

In the workplace, Heliodor boosts drive and determination to succeed if others have worn away your enthusiasm. Carry or wear Heliodor to persuade others to back you financially or with resources. [Eason, 92]

Keep Heliodor in your home, or wear it as a gem, to increase your happiness and buoyant energy, especially in winter or if your home is dark with little natural light. It also helps you acclimate if you move to a colder part of the world, and a small piece of Heliodor allows tropical animals, fish and birds to live happier in a cold environment. [Eason, 92]

Golden Beryl increases the capacity to recall new information, and is a good study stone, especially for reluctant students. [Eason, 103]

Golden Beryl guards against psychological and emotional manipulation of others, unfriendly ghosts, and dark energies of any sort. Keep a dish of tumbled stones where the sun will shine on them to avert spookiness and to attract angelic energies. Golden Beryl is also a great naming-day or christening gift for a child as a good-fairy gem. [Eason, 103]

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Healing Therapies – Overview

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Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Physical Healing Energy

Heliodor strengthens the immune system. [Gienger, 46] Its white/golden light may be projected onto objects contaminated by others during cold and flu season to purify them. [Melody, 315]

Heliodor is useful in the treatment of disorders of the liver, spleen, and pancreas. [Melody, 315][Gienger, 45] It is believed to aid problems with the digestive system and small intestine, bilious attacks, nausea, jaundice, diarrhea and chronic constipation. [Eason, 92, 103]

Heliodor may benefit the heart, help in the healing of concussion or skull damage, and aid in Seasonal Affective Disorder and exhaustion. It is also known for warming stiff limbs or cold fingers and toes caused by cold weather or poor circulation. [Eason, 92, 103]

Heliodor fortifies the eyes and helps with short- and long-sightedness. [Gienger, 45-46]

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Emotional Healing Energy

Heliodor promotes balance between the intuitive and conscious levels of oneself, helping to eliminate the duality within one’s character. It brings about a sympathetic and compassionate understanding when confronting delicate issues. [Melody, 315]

Heliodor encourages a sense of hope, possibility and vitality to the emotional body. It is empowering and optimistic, and assists in learning whatever is necessary to promote change in one’s reality, helping to accomplish one’s dreams and goals. [Ahsian, 189] It is the ultimate confidence and well-being crystal, often called the sunshine stone. [Eason, 103]

Heliodor is a support stone for survivors of abuse of all kinds. It assists in taking back one’s power, and lends confidence and a sense of self-trust. It helps those who avoid making decisions out of fear of doing the “wrong” thing, and increases mental fortitude in moving forward. [Ahsian, 188-189]

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Heliodor focuses at the Solar Plexus Chakra, the center of gravity for the astral and etheric bodies, and the chakra that allows one to channel spiritual energies into physical realities. [Simmons, 188]

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems. When in balance physically, you have strength to fight infections, are free of allergic reactions, and are able to use the nutrients you ingest. When the solar plexus is out of balance spiritually, you feel fear – of the disappointment or displeasure of others or to subordinating your life and pleasures to the will of others. Spiritually, when the solar plexus is in balance you are free to interpret the world through your own thoughts and emotions and not live in fear of violating the dictums of others.

Heliodor may stimulate both the Crown and Solar Plexus Chakras, connecting wisdom with spirituality, and stimulating activity, adaptability, and vitality. [Melody 152] This connection to the crown allows for the personal identification with the Infinite, and provides peace and oneness with God. [Raphaell, 165]

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Spiritual Energy

Heliodor’s golden yellow energy connects the mind and the will, and aligns one’s personal will to Divine Will. It activates in us the traits we associate with the Christed One – spiritual love, awakened awareness, clairvoyance, the power of transmutation and ultimately the vibrational quantum leap called Ascension. It is the surrender of will that leads to the highest spiritual development, and helps eliminate confusion of purpose. It aids in one’s path of service and in understanding the lessons and benefits behind obstacles faced on the life path. [Simmons, 188][Ahsian, 189]

Golden Beryl may be used to provide insights into the rites of ceremonial magic. It promotes the will to succeed and follow through, even if one’s courage fails. The message of Golden Beryl is as long as one remains open to a solution, there is no obstacle in any circumstance that confidence and conviction cannot resolve. [Melody, 152]

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Color Energy

Yellow Heliodor brings the power to solidify new interests and new relationships, helping you to see things in a different light. It adds clarity, waking things up and adding zest, optimism, and meaning to your life and relationships. Light Yellow crystals ensure that new relationships get off to a good start by aiding in the establishment of good communication. They help you focus on the needs of the person or group you are getting to know. Dark Yellow Heliodor is an excellent aid when decisiveness, precision, or persuasiveness is needed. It is the “Salesman’s Stone” that bring success in efforts to sell ourselves, products, or services to others. Most importantly, it brings the power and energy of clarity that comes from true awareness, and the ability to verbalize your needs to yourself and others.

Gold Heliodor brings success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power. It is traditionally the color of kings, riches, and the sun. Gold touches a deep part of our minds, conjuring up images of mystical places and adventure. Light Gold crystals provide us with the simple pleasures of life–cheerfulness and contentment. Dark Gold Heliodor has a deeper, more pronounced sense of devotion and commitment, providing us with a mature enthusiasm and ability to share a lifelong commitment of care and love.

Yellow-green or Light Olive Heliodor combines the green rays of growth with the yellow rays of pure sunshine, a time of development, strength and maturity. It enhances our receptiveness to new meanings and ideas, and lights the path to wisdom and understanding. It is a talisman of the search for knowledge and enlightenment. Light Olive Heliodor provides the perseverance needed in our quest for understanding the natural universe, efforts that require deep concentration, determination, and endurance for mental challenges.

Meditation with Heliodor & Golden Beryl

Heliodor is a meditation crystal used for careful consideration of serious issues. It helps you make decisions based on wisdom and learning and helps avoid decisions made on emotion. It leads to confidence in one’s decisions.

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Divination

Heliodor is used in divination effort to connect the mind to the will. It brings the light of awareness in efforts to see clearly into the future of events or people. It brings a ray of knowledge and enlightenment in understanding what might be next in our lives.

The Divinatory meaning of Heliodor: A return of hope and the way ahead at last seems open. It is a good omen for unexpected holidays abroad and winter sun. [Eason, 92]

The Divinatory meaning of Golden Beryl: Anything is possible right now with determination and effort. [Eason, 103]

Heliodor & Golden Beryl and the Angelic Realm

If your birthday falls in any of the following periods, a Heliodor of the color listed can be a valuable conduit to your Guardian Angel. The table also provides the name of the Guardian Angel of those born in the time period.

DateCrystal ColorName of Guardian Angel

April 15-20Lt. OliveLelahel

April 21-25YellowAchaiah

May 11-15Lt. YellowLauviah (Laviah)

June 11-15Lt. YellowLauviah (Laviah)

June 22-26Lt. YellowLauviah (Laviah)

June 27-July 1Dk. YellowPahaliah

July 23-27Dk. YellowNith-Haiah (Nithhaja)

August 7-12Dk. YellowSeheiah (Sehijah)

August 18-22Dk. YellowOmael

September 24-28Lt. OliveAnael

 December 17-21YellowNithael

There are other Angels that are partial to Heliodor. The table below gives you the information about them.

PurposeCrystal ColorName of Angel

Guardian of the Fourteenth Mansion of the Moon; Virgo.Dk. GoldErgediel

Risnuch helps you while Dealing with Agriculture and Animals.Dk. GoldRisnuch

Ruler of Earth/WindDk. GoldRuchiel

Samael is known as the Severity Angel; Tree of Life, is the Guardian of Tuesday, and the Ruler of Mars.Dk. GoldSamael

Protector and Ruler of the dates July 23-27; Leo.Dk. YellowNith-Haiah

Protector and Ruler of the dates August 18-22; Leo.Dk. YellowOmael

Protector and Ruler of the dates June 27-July 1; Cancer.Dk. YellowPahaliah

Protector and Ruler of the dates August 7-12; Leo.Dk. YellowSeheiah

Master of the 8th Tarot Card “Strength” and is associated with Leo.Dk. YellowVerchiel

Guardian of the Nineteenth Mansion of the Moon which is Scorpio.GoldAmutiel

Gabriel is the Foundation Angel and known as the Tree of Life. The Angel of  Monday, and the Ruler of the Moon, Earth, and Lighting. Gabriel is also the Master of the 2nd Tarot Card “The High Priestess” and Tarot Card 12 “The Hanged Man”. Gabriel is also the Angel of Pregnancies/Child Birth, the Angel of the North Wind, Creativity, and Truth. he is also associated with the sun sign Aquarius, and also the Guardian Fifth Mansion of the Moon; Taurus.GoldGabriel

Master of the 2nd Tarot Card “The High Priestess”.GoldSchelachel

Uriel is the Master of the 21st Tarot Card “The World”. Also, he Heals Resentment and is the Ruler of the South Wind. Uriel is also known as the Angel of Music and Repentance, and is associated with the sun sign, Libra.GoldUriel

Master of Tarot Card 0 “The Fool”.Lt. GoldChassan

Angel of the MountainsLt. GoldRampel

Protector and Ruler of the dates Sept.24-28; Libra. And is the Master of the 15th Tarot Card “Devil”, and is also the Master of the 3rd Tarot Card “The Empress”. Anael is also the Angel of Friday and the Ruler of the planet Venus.Lt. OliveAnael

Protector and Ruler of the dates April 15-20; Aries.Lt. OliveLelahel

Master of the 18th Tarot Card “The Moon”.Lt. YellowAmnitziel

Guardian of the Fifteenth Mansion of the Moon; Libra.Lt. YellowAtaliel

Guardian of the Twenty-First Mansion of the Moon; Capricorn.Lt. YellowBethnael

Guardian of the Second Mansion of the Moon; Aries.Lt. YellowEnediel

Protector and Ruler of the dates May 11-15; Taurus.Lt. YellowLauviah

Mihr is the Angel of Friendship.Lt. YellowMihr

Ruler of Earth/ThunderLt. YellowRa’amiel

Master of the 13th Tarot Card “Death”.Lt. YellowSayitziel

Angel of PatienceYellowAchaiah

Ruler of Earth/Sun.YellowGalgalleil

Protector and Ruler of the dates December 17-21; Sagittarius.YellowNithael

Angel of Free WillYellowTabris

Master of the 1st Tarot Card “The Magician”.YellowTiriel

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Goddess Crystals

Gold and green Heliodor honors Persephone, Greek Goddess of Spring. She represents celebration and the Earth alive with new growth.

All Beryls honor Tiamet, the Sumero-Babylonian Mother and Chaos Goddess. She is the elemental force of chaos that was split in two to form the heavens and earth, and is often depicted as either as a serpent or a dragon.

Heliodor may also be used to honor Grian, the Irish Sun Fairy Queen, Latona, the Roman Goddess of Light, and Amaterasu, the Japanese Sun Goddess.


There are several ways to find an appropriate birthstone. The traditional one is listed first. These are from the popular lists that most people are familiar with. The second way is to find your natural birthstone by the color wheel of life. You can click on the Natural Birthstone graphic below to learn more. Finally many people use the traditional stones of the Zodiac.

In this section you will find information on all three approaches.

Helidor & Golden Beryl Traditional Birthstone

Heliodor is not a traditional birthstone.

Helidor & Golden Beryl Natural Birthstone.

Heliodor which is yellow in color is the natural birthstone of those born in the beginning of summer (June 2 – July 21). Yellow crystals bring you enlightenment, optimism, warmth, and clarity.

Heliodor which is gold in color is the natural birthstone color of those born in the magical month of midsummer (July 2 – August 21). Gold crystals bring you success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power.

Heliodor- Stone of the Sun

Helidor is the stone of the Sun. The Greeks believed that Heliodor contained the power and warmth of the sun and that it was responsible for the alternation of day and night. This strong belief is reflected in the name itself, for the Greek meaning of heliodor is “gift of the sun”.

Helidor & Golden Beryl Amulets and Talismans

Heliodor is a Seeker Energizer crystal. Seekers contain the crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind to find the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. They’re also crystals of the student and the researcher.

Energizer crystals, such as the Beryls, are powerful conduit crystals for focusing and amplifying the Universal Life Force and our energy to accomplish our goals. They aid in our efforts to gain what we seek, enhance our lives, protect what we value, and defend us from undesirable elements.

Helidor & Golden Beryl Feng Shui

Heliodor has subdued Fire energy, generally used in the center of a home or room to bring cheerfulness, light, and energy to the entire space. Yellow is the color of the middle of the year, the middle of space, the sun, and light energy. Use Heliodor in the center of a space to energize and vitalize it.

Helidor & Golden in Ancient Lore and Legend

The golden yellow Beryl was believed to cure liver complaints and jaundice, reconcile married folks, chase away idleness and stupidity, and was sacred to the month of October. [Fernie, 117] 

For full references please use source link below.


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(Source: crystalvaults.com; October 14, 2022; https://tinyurl.com/4b5976nu)
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