Cosmic consciousness – The dawning of a New Age

The time has come for humanity to reassess just about everything we believe about our past and the way in which we move forward.  It is time to explore and embrace a new model of human existence – one that explains our celestial origins, multidimensional capacities and a recognition of ourselves as co-creators of an expanding universe. This is cosmic consciousness.

“A cosmic consciousness, then, isn’t just real – it’s totally necessary. It rescues physics and science in general from a dead end – the total inability to create mind out of matter – and gives it a fresh avenue of investigation.” – Deepak Chopra

The Inaugural Cosmic Consciousness Conference is being held at Uluru in Central Australia from 12-14 January 2018.  The organisers have chosen this World Heritage listed site, commonly referred to as the spiritual heart of Australia, for its significant energetic and spiritual importance – on many levels. Throughout the world, this site is known as a sacred site.  Uluru and Kata Tjuta is an important twin site, located on the third of the Earth’s chakra points. These chakra points are where energetic leylines intersect.

​The local Anangu believe the area was created at the beginning of time by ancestral beings – Uluru is regarded as physical evidence of the ancestors’ activities during creation.  On 12 January 2020 at a rare Saturn Pluto conjunction, it is believed by the elders that a significant shift will take place – perfection will spread throughout the world – a cosmic umbilical cord will unite heaven with earth – a true cosmic consciousness.

Conference Co-Organiser, Kathryn Hand, said “We envision this to be a pilgrimage every year to build the energy towards 12 January 2020 at this incredible place, Earth’s solar plexus. Just as our bodies have meridians and chakra points, so too does Gaia, and to be able to go to some of these significant places on the planet and connect with the energy is magical on its own, but when you are in this this incredible collective energy that you get at our conferences it is truly transformational - as David Icke calls it the ‘truth vibration’. It is getting stronger, people are waking up and we attract these people to our events, the energy is exponentially growing. Instead of living that old paradigm, people are wanting to open up and live their biggest potential and experience the possibilities of love and joy and peace, and do what they are here to do and fulfil their missions. So, to step into that in a place like Uluru-Kata Tjuta is something not to be missed.”

Of course, many believe that Uluru is a Pleiadian artefact, left behind when the Pleiadeans seeded the planet.  Indeed, there is a strong Pleiadian connection with this site and it is hoped that Aunty Nellie, an Anangu Elder, will be able to share the Seven Sisters Story at the Conference, health prevailing.

Whatever one’s belief around the history of this ancient site, one thing is unanimously agreed upon by all that visit – the energy is palpable. Even the most spiritually underdeveloped revere the atmosphere, without the words to articulate.

As we know everything is consciousness, and this rock is a gigantic library of extraordinary levels of knowledge about everything that has happened on this planet ever since it was there. Uluru extends like an iceberg, way down below the surface and Uluru and KT are interacting with the earth’s magnetic field.  You can tap into that history of the planet from the time it was formed. For those of us who are vibrating in that frequency you can sync in and tune into it - and that’s the beauty of gathering people of this same frequency who want to be there for the highest good and empower humanity and when you are there with that mindset, with incredible people.

Additionally, bringing in people like Laura Eisenhower from the US, whose dream it is to come to Uluru and unlock the 13th stargate, people like Tracey Ash (Japan) and Carmel Glenna who travel the world working with powerful vortex gridding in sacred site destinations, and Graham Nicholls coming from Europe, a world leader in out of body experience who will help people explore their cosmic consciousness – it just amplifies the entire experience.

It is unknown what magical possibilities will happen at this conference. But organisers did get a mind-blowing clue. This is beautiful story of synchronicity that shone a big light on this event and its significance.

Author and medium, Valerie Barrow, wrote a book titled ‘Alcheringa’ about the Pleiadian connections with Uluru.  A young man named Chris read her book late in 2016 and was compelled to learn more from the author.  He was so in awe of her book, he jumped in his car with girlfriend, Kat, and drove from Bryon Bay to Bowral to meet Valerie. During their meeting, Valerie and Kat discovered they were both going to be presenting at the Close Encounters Conference, only a matter of months away. Kat started telling Valerie that the organisers were to be holding a new event at Uluru. As Valerie listened, goose bumps travelled down her body. She realised she had predicted this event in a book that was published back in 1995 called ‘The Book of Love’. Excitedly, she pulled out the book and read out the prediction to Kat.

Here is an excerpt from that book:

“The difficulties with getting out there is because it is right in the peak of school holidays.  Apparently, the resort is booked out but somehow places are being found for those that obviously the Sar People want to be there.  There is a certain amount of testing going on in that whether people are really intent on going for the right reasons. The ones feeling strongly moved to go and feel they have to be there.

The Event will become World Wide in its happening, in other words all the World will hear of it.  It will lead on to other experiences similar, all around the Earth, but at Uluru it will be like a door opening and it will be an en masse appearance of Star Ships so that all that are at Uluru will experience the presence of Extra Terrestrials.

It will be a short visit, but it will be one that will leave no doubt in anybody’s mind … there will be much communication take place and much understanding will come to the Black man and the White man.”

Could there be another important reason why the Cosmic Consciousness Conference had to be held at this particular time?  On 11.1.2018 (11.11.11) the gateway into our highest potential as a human being and our connection with all that is, opens up.  It gives those that choose it the opportunity to break free of the shackles that have been keeping us from our freedom and sovereignty.

It is no surprise that the Conference officially kicks off with the Welcome Reception on Thursday, 11 January 2018.  This will be an opportunity to acknowledge the opening of a doorway into the new energies of 2018 – an 11 year. It has been said that this gateway activates the Master of Light – a biological ascension, being able to unify with your divine purpose as you step through this significant energy doorway. The energetic qualities will naturally shift into a higher octave. This is the time to gain mastery over your ego, your life, your conscious mind, it is the year to manifest and reap what you have sown.
Is this the doorway mentioned in Valerie’s prediction? 

No matter what occurs, the connections, growth, learning and insights that will eventuate at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference bring memories and positive change which can last a life time. Speakers such as Laura Eisenhower are equally as excited as the delegates for the energy this Conference is preparing them for.

Laura commented, “This event is going to powerful, as this rounds out the end of the Stellar Activation Cycle and more and more activations from the 13th gate Mother Arc energy, which is connected to the Sacred site of Uluru in Australia. This is a time of wisdom keepers and lightworkers to gather and unite energies and connect deeply to Gaia and the Organic Ascension timeline.

This is an amazing opportunity to be in the heart of these powerful energies of activation. It will expand your consciousness and assist in the upgrading of DNA and will help you to heal on deep and profound levels. We are the shift and this is the time to really gather in this profound location.”


By Kathryn Hand / Cosmic Consciousness Conference
(Source:; December 1, 2017;
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