The changing jet stream and global cooling

Studying the JET STREAM has long been an indicator of the weather to come. And to study the jet stream attention must turn to the SUN.


When solar activity is HIGH the jet stream is tight, stable, and follows somewhat of a straight path. But when solar activity is LOW that meandering band of air flowing some 6 miles above our heads becomes weak and wavy, it effectively buckles, which has the effect of diverting frigid Polar air to atypically low latitudes and replaces it with warmer tropical air masses.

The jet stream reverts from a Zonal Flow to a Meridional Flow — and, depending on which side of the jet stream you’re on, you’re either in for a spell of unseasonably cold or hot weather, and/or a period of unusually dry or wet conditions.

THIS FORCING fully explains why some far-northern latitudes (such as parts of Siberia) have been experiencing pockets of anomalous heat of late, while the lower-latitudes have been dealing with “blobs” of record cold.

It’s a phenomenon long-predicted by those studying the Sun, and one forecast to intensify as the Grand Solar Minimum continues its deepening.

Let’s note all the recent hysteria regarding the anomalous warmth lingering over Siberia. Well, the region’s cold temperatures didn’t simply up and vanish, nor had they been heated by the magic CO2 affect, or escaped Earth’s atmosphere and leaked into space — no, they were merely diverted south on the back of a meridional (wavy) jet stream flow. And it’s THIS that’s the main reason for the lower latitudes experiencing record low temperatures of late.

Residing to the south of Siberia is Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and little town called China. And while Siberia was reportedly melting into oblivion, these regions beneath it were experiencing anomalous, often record-breaking COLD.

And now, coming out of the Siberian Times –who it has been said know a thing or two about Siberia– a “swing” is on the cards, with a recent June 9 article revealing that Siberia’s heat has been followed-up by “June snow, tornadoes and floods”.

Furthermore, and serving as another example of the Changing Jet Stream, the ST article goes on to explain that while snow in the northern mountains melted some two-weeks ahead of schedule, “further south, though, several roads in Khakassia –known to locals as ‘Warm Siberia’ for its mild climate– were blocked by snow.”

Rare June snow in in Khakassia aka ‘Warm Siberia’.

North America is another example.

Because while parts of far-northern Alaska/Canada were experiencing anomalous heat in May, the lower-latitudes beneath them –where the majority of us humans reside– were busy breaking records for all-time COLD:

Earth’s climate is changing alright, there’s little doubt about that.

But it’s the Sun that’s at the wheel, not Man and his puny CO2-excretion.

We’ve known the above outlined mechanisms for decades, as the this article from 1975’s Science Mag would indicate, but as they clash with the modern politicized AGW agenda, they’ve conveniently been forgotten:

The COLD TIMES are returning, the lower-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with historically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow.

Even NASA appears to agree, with their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) seeing it as “the weakest of the past 200 years,” with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Don’t fall for bogus, warm-mongering political agendas.

Our future is COLD as the Sun continues its descent into its next Grand Solar Minimum cycle.

Prepare accordingly — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.

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Grand Solar Minimum + Pole Shift


By Cap Allon / Electroverse Contributor
(Source:; June 12, 2020;
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