New Zealand: 100 hikers cut off after deluge destroys roads and sparks landslides

About 100 hikers are being rescued by helicopter after becoming stranded overnight on popular bush tracks in New Zealand’s South Island when a month’s rainfall in a single day washed out roads and bridges and caused flooding and landslides.

Eight helicopters and waiting buses ferried the hikers stuck in shelters in Fiordland – and about 70 drivers trapped on the Milford Road – to safety in the town of Te Anau. Two of the hikers were injured when the hut they were sheltering in was hit by a landslide.

Officials on Tuesday began checking among those rescued to confirm that everyone on the trails had been accounted for.

Nearly 400 others – including 195 tourists – are trapped in the nearby township of Milford Sound and will have to wait until at least Wednesday to be rescued after flooding cut off the highway in and out of the town.


By Charlotte Graham Mcla

I have taught journalism and public relations at Massey University, where I completed a Master’s in Journalism. My thesis covered the impact of gendered online harassment on high profile women in broadcast journalism. I also have a Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications, majoring in TV and radio journalism.




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