Photo: Brian Mack/Screengrab from video Photo: Brian Mack/Screengrab from video

Massive Big Sur landslide tumbles into Pacific

Part of Highway 1 is now covered under tons of dirt and rock.

An estimated 1 million tons of debris crashed into the Pacific last week, burying a quarter-mile portion of California's Highway 1. (Photo: Brian Mack/Screengrab from video)

If you had plans to drive end-to-end along California's iconic coastal Highway 1 this summer, you're going to want to table them ... indefinitely.

At about 9:30 p.m. on May 20, an estimated 1 million tons of rock and debris slipped 250 feet down a hillside in Big Sur, burying a quarter-mile stretch of Highway 1 before crashing into the Pacific. Fortunately, no injuries or missing persons have been reported.

According to Susana Cruz, a spokeswoman with the California Department of Transportation, the landslide is likely the largest in California state history. More troubling, it's not yet finished.

"We haven't been able to go up there and assess. It's still moving," she told the AP. "We have geologists and engineers who are going to check it out this week to see how do we pick up the pieces."

Picking up the pieces is an understatement. As you can see in the drone footage shot below, the highway is buried under an estimated 40 feet of debris.

Not surprisingly, the uptick in damage to roads in California over the last 12 months is largely due to the record-breaking storms that have impacted the region. According to federal scientists, the state is in the midst of its wettest year in over 122 years of record keeping.

“There was so much saturation and so much weight,” Cruz said of the slide.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Michael d'Estries / Co-founder of Ecorazzi

Michael is an online entrepreneur with a focus on writing, social media, and content marketing.

Since 2005, he has been heavily involved in the green industry; co-founding such websites as GroovyGreen, Ecorazzi, Ecotality LIFE, Ecorattle, and VEGDaily. He is also a serial writer, with consistent contributions to sites like Green Options, the Mother Nature Network, and General Electric's Ecomagination site.

With a passion to share the knowledge spent promoting and targeting content through social media and SEO, Michael regularly gives talks and consults with companies interested in pursuing new media. Past clients have included General Electric, Ecotality, and SEFE, Inc.

Governed by emotions, ambitious in ideas, short in implementation, optimistic and grinning, enjoying the random moments of life that happen at 3 am on a Thursday, love to read, create, play devil's advocate, and travel the world getting lost and enjoying the company of random individuals.



(Source:; May 24, 2017;
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