Bombshell nuclear coverup on the scale of Fukushima

In 1959, in the San Fernando region of California, in a highly classified facility known as the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, one of the world’s worst ever nuclear accidents occurred. To date there has never been an admission by the US government or the corporate entities responsible. Nor has it ever been reported in the mainstream news.

Carolyn Tyler was a young child at the time of the accident, her family home just six miles away. In her extraordinary testimony as part of the ITNJ’s Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponisation of the Biosphere, Carolyn reveals the path that led her to discover the accident and the devastating toll it took on the life of her and her family, and many thousands of others who lived and continue to live in the area.

Beginning in her teens, Carolyn suffered for decades with long periods of deep and debilitating depression, and an overwhelming desire to end her life. Driven by a need to understand the deeper reasons for her mental state, Carolyn underwent medical testing several years ago, which revealed the presence of deadly levels of heavy metals in her body including arsenic, cesium, thallium and manganese, the type that can only result from having been exposed to nuclear fallout and rocket fuel.

Over the years Carolyn lost five of her closest family members to cancer, including both parents and a sister, while many thousands of other residents have also lost their lives to cancer and other diseases. Meanwhile the site has never been cleaned up and the criminal coverup continues to threaten the lives and health of the 1.4 million people who live in the surrounding areas oblivious to the dangers.

Through an intense process of detoxification Carolyn has been able to rid her body of all heavy metals and is now free from depression. Last year she suspended her successful jewelry designing business to devote herself fulltime to the crucial job of getting this story out to the world.

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By International Tribunal for National Justice

The ITNJ is the world’s first people powered tribunal that operates independently of governments and corporations, and is therefore willing to issue rulings against those organisations based on Natural Law, where agents of governments and /or corporations have caused harm or loss to living men and women.

(Source:; September 25, 2019;
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