Who are the Annunaki and how are they connected to Nibiru?

A few weeks ago, one of our members asked about the reports of Nibiru and wanted to know more about the mysterious Planet X. With all the reports of the rogue planet coming to smash into us in recent history, and with the soft disclosure we are experiencing in the government, I think it is time we take a look at it. However, if we are going to talk about Nibiru, we also need to talk about its inhabitants, the Annunaki. In this article, we are going to dive into the stories, the folklore, religious text,and scientific fact surrounding the legend.

Who were the Annunaki?

The first mention of the Annunaki and Nibiru are found in the ancient Sumerian texts. All the stories feature the same idea that the Annunaki came down from their home planet to mine for gold on Earth to save the depleting atmosphere of Nibiru. According to www.annunaki.org, the Annunaki were: “Sumerian: those who came down from the heavens.’” However, they are also known by other names: Old testament Hebrew: Anakeim, Nefilim, Elohim; and Egyptian: Neter. For those that are familiar with the TV show Ancient Aliens or have read The Book of Enoch, they will recall right away that the Hebrew word for the Annunaki sounds a lot like Nephilim. The story in The Book of Enoch talks about how the Sons of God came down to mate with the Women of Men and created a race of giants called the Nephilim. In fact, Bible scholars believe that Nibiru is in fact Heaven and that the people that came down to Earth were indeed the Fallen Angels.  It is not hard to believe, especially if you remember the stories of how the streets of Heaven are paved in gold; yeah, eventually they would need more resources.

The story that most subscribe to is that they came from their planet and they needed workers so they began experimenting on the creatures running around Earth at the time. Some believe that evidence of their genetic experiments can be seen in the Gods of Egypt, half human and half animal creatures. Eventually, they worked their way to the lowly Neanderthal and spliced their DNA with that of the Annunaki, creating homosapiens as their gold mine slaves. This is also why some scientists believe that it has been so challenging to find the Missing Link between early man and modern man. If you remember your Bible studies, it is said that “God created man in His own image.”

Some of the Gods of Egypt

The Bible is not the only book in which the Annunaki are mentioned, though. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh chronicles the adventures of the son of a goddess. Although they are not stated directly as the Gods, it cannot be any other God race other than the Annunaki, especially in that area during that time. Gilgamesh was not the first Annunaki/human hybrid, but probably the most well known in ancient Sumeria. The original design of the slave race was sterile; meaning they could not reproduce with other miner slaves. Here is where the Annunaki come into play in Gilgamesh. Because the demand for gold was so high, there were demand for more workers as well. Annunaki.org says: “...Having become a stable genetic stock and developing more intelligence the Anunnaki had anticipated, the Anunnaki began to be attracted to humans as sexual partners and children were born of these unions…” It has been thought that the Watchers were so displeased at the coupling that a great flood was sent to destroy the offspring. Great flood; haven’t we heard that story before somewhere?

It is believed that the God Enki, driven by the love of humans, spared them from destruction and eventually allowed the human race to spread throughout Africa, the Middle East, and even South and Central America. After a few thousand years of careful observation, the Anunnaki left Earth to their own devices…or did they?

Carvings of “Gods” from Ancient Sumeria. It is thought that Nibiru is one of the planets circling the large star in the upper left side of the picture. Archaeologists believe that this is an early depiction of our solar system.

Where is Nibiru and what is it?

Nibiru is sometimes called either the “10th Planet,” “12th Planet” or simply “Planet X.” Scientists think that Nibiru has an orbit around our Sun, and some theorize that Nibiru orbits another Sun altogether and thus is hard to detect. According to one source, it is thought that Nibiru’s orbit may take on a figure 8 pattern. Scientists have been able to record “irregular patterns surrounding Uranus and Neptune…” and “...there is speculation that another planet exists beyond its orbit…” In 2014, there wasa hypothesis that another planet exists that is fifteen times the size of Earth and that has an inclined orbit. It is said that when the orbit of Nibiru gets closer to Earth, that is when things begin to stir. We see massive weather shifts, including hurricanes, floods, droughts; pretty much anything you have seen recently in the daily news. Science will tell you this is normal; but others think not so much. We are currently living in a world where it seems like every passing year comes with yet another supposed date of when this mysterious planet will collide into Earth.

Potential orbit pattern of Nibiru

The sole intention of this article is to help familiarize our readers with some key ideas that are common in the UFO and Ancient Alien circle. Nobody even knows for sure if this planet truly exists. Nobody can actively predict to the date when something catastrophic may happen, so there is no need to stock up your Doomsday bunkers. Until scientists can officially come out and show proof positive that Nibiru and its funky orbit exists, its story will live on in the realm of myth and legend.

For full references please use source link below.


By Jodie Bares / Shadow Pokers Writer
(Source: shadowpokers.blogspot.com.au; February 17, 2018; https://is.gd/VVhGYa)
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