When archaeologists explored a ruined Aztec temple, they opened a gateway to a lost world

Mexico has an ancient history that dates back 20,000 years. There were cultures before the Aztecs, such as Teotihuacan, Monte Alban, Palenque, and Tajin. Aztec Temple, Templo Mayor, is one of the archaeological sites that define the civilization of the Aztec empire. During the excavation, archaeologists saw an open gateway to a lost world. That was a surprising and, at the same time, terrifying thing to consider. So, when did the civilization form, what was their culture, the discovery of Templo mayor, and everything?

Today we will discuss discovering the mysterious gateway to a lost world in the ruined Aztec temple and everything about the culture. So, what was there that shocked the archaeologists?


By The Archaeologist

Daily archaeological news – Human prehistory and history, artifacts, architecture, biofacts and cultural landscapes from around the world.

With awareness and love for all cultures of all people around the globe. By respecting their differences, their contradictions and their perceptions. By recognizing their contribution to the development of human energy and consciousness.

(Source: thearchaeologist.org; November 22, 2022; https://tinyurl.com/yjrmllj9)
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