Third Reich's occult research in the USSR: Secrets of Stone Grave

Nazis’ area of interest also included the Stone Grave, a mysterious object in Ukraine that beckons with its mysteries... Petroglyphs of Kamyana Mohyla are dated from Upper Paleolithic (Kukrek culture) to Medieval, with Stone Age depictions subjected to most archaeological interest. The site encompasses a group of isolated blocks of sandstone, up to twelve meters in height, scattered around an area of some work continued only until 1941, as they were interrupted by World War II. The petroglyphs were made with small hard rocks that easily left marks on the soft sandstone.


By Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill

I am an author, lecturer, television consultant, and researcher of Russian, East European, Central Asian and Far Eastern paranormal phenomena. My articles have been translated and published in many languages, from French to Ukrainian to Hungarian to Japanese to Spanish; and the books co-authored with British author and researcher Philip Mantle, have been translated into 7 languages. The latest one is Russia's USO Secrets (2016). I have consulted and appeared in various American (History Channel, TLC, Discovery, Sightings, TNT).

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(Source:; February 9, 2025;
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