The stone that crashed the TSA security system at Doha International Airport

In 2013 I was invited by Nassim Haramein to do a presentation on my research to his team of scientists at the Resonance Research Institute On Kuai Island Hawaii.

I brought along my best Torus stone from my museum as a present for Nassim. When boarding the flight to Chicago, everyone is processed by the USA TSA.

After an extended delay on the plane, I was called to exit the plane where 5 guys with guns asked me to open my bag because there was a security threat in there. I will cut this story short here - the full event is described in several videos on my video channel here:

After returning to my seat, my partner informed me that the captain came out of the cockpit very annoyed, stating that "whatever is in that bag, crashed the TSA security system." Thanks to TSA for providing the evidence that the Torus stones are advanced ancient technology.

IN unity - Keep exploring - Michael Tellinger


By Michael Tellinger / Author Scientist Expolorer UBUNTU Founder

Michael has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making ground-breaking discoveries about advanced vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa. His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books.

Michael is the founder of the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement of higher consciousness and the UBUNTU Party as a political front for this global movement, with members in over 200 countries. The UBUNTU Party participated in the South African elections on the 7thof May 2014 under his leadership - and is now also registered in the UK as a political party. The UBUNTU Party UK will participate in the UK elections on 7 May 2015 under the leadership of Paul Toussaint.

Michael's major contribution to the field of ancient discovery has been delivering the proof of the tools and artefacts that support his scientific findings. He discovered more than 10 million stone ruins that are not dwellings, but energy generating devices. His Torus Stone, that crashed the TSA security systems at DOHA International Airport in July 2013, has sparked the imagination of the global scientific fraternity in the quest for delivering a new free energy device to the people of the world.

(Source:; September 27, 2021;
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