NEW! Expedition decoding the mystery of the Great Pyramid and homeopathy begins this fall
Written By: John Stuart Reid
This fall, in a series of ground-breaking water memory experiments to be conducted in Egypt's Great Pyramid, a powerful new version of the legendary CymaScope instrument is set to reveal insights into the mechanisms of homeopathy, as well shedding light on what the real purpose of the King's Chamber may be.
To learn how you can contribute to this important research mission, join the upcoming AUREA event on June 9-11th, and please read on...
Some of you may already be aware that a painful condition in my lower back was seemingly miraculously healed in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, during a cymatics experiment I conducted in 1997. The healing, which occurred within only twenty minutes, lit a fire in me to discover the biological mechanisms by which sound had forever banished the pain, when no amount of analgesic pills had dulled the excruciating sharp jabs, experienced with every movement of my body. That fire continues undiminished to this day, and some of the discoveries concerning how sound heals, made in over two decades of research, are encapsulated in a chapter I wrote for a new medical text book, which is available as a free e-book download, at this link.
The cymatics experiment was phenomenally successful. Astonishingly, a series of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs appeared in quartz sand, sprinkled on a membrane stretched over the open top of the granite sarcophagus.* The remarkable series of cymatic images I witnessed that day, inspired me to develop the CymaScope, a new type of scientific instrument that makes sound visible, not in sand, but in pure water, rather like a fingerprint on glass. The famous scientist, Sir Humphrey Davy once said, "Nothing tends so much to the advancement of knowledge as the application of a new instrument", and his long ago words echo today in the continued success of the CymaScope instrument, now in use in Universities and independent research labs, worldwide. Since sound underpins almost all aspects of our world and Universe, and is even key to the foundations of life, the CymaScope provides a new window on the sonic aspects of Nature, shedding light on scientific mysteries; mysteries that may have forever remained unsolved without cymatic science. Now, in 2023, the CymaScope will return to its place of genesis, the King's Chamber, an auspicious and poetic event, but also one that carries great potential for humanity, as I will soon explain.
A new fully portable CymaScope model is under development, the CymaScope Light, a highly functional, beautiful and simple to operate instrument. Its built-in Wi-Fi camera can be wirelessly connected to a portable hand-held video projector, allowing dynamic CymaGlyph imagery to be projected in real time. And in the King's Chamber experiments the imagery, created by the voice of Anders Holte, the Danish master vocalist, will be projected onto the granite walls. Anders will intone the chamber's prime frequency in long, steady vowel sounds, perhaps precisely as ancient Egyptian priests did, 4,500 years ago. We know that the ancient Egyptians enunciated sounds (as distinct from words) by a Greek traveller called Demetrius, who reported: "In Egypt, when priests sing hymns to the gods, they sing the seven vowels in due succession, and the sound of these vowels has such euphony that men listen to it instead of the flute and the lyre." (Quote from Aristotle, Poetics). It is also known that the ancient Egyptians considered vowel sounds sacred, so much so that they were omitted from their hieroglyphic written language, which (even today) gives Egyptologists an additional challenge when deciphering hieroglyphic texts.
As Anders intones the sacred sounds, Tsipi Raz, the award-winning Israeli documentary filmmaker, will capture the beautiful geometry created by the CymaScope Light instrument. Hopefully, later laboratory analysis of the imagery will yield clues concerning the resonant properties of the feldspar-crystalline matrix that created the cymatic hieroglyphs, photographed in 1997. But the main, ground-breaking research concerns the water memory experiments that we have planned to conduct. Many scientists, including the late Jacques Beneviste and the late Nobel laureate, Luc Montagnier, showed that water has the ability to store vibrational imprints. Homeopathy holds huge, drug-free healing potential for humanity, and the King's Chamber experiments have been designed to reveal insights into the Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) properties of water, continuing the work of the late Tamar Yinnon, who made important contributions to QED research in relation to homeopathic serial dilutions.
In essence, we will immerse small vials of water in the sounds we create in the King's Chamber, including the vowel sounds intoned by Anders, in addition to multi-voiced chants made by the seven-strong research team, and single frequency electronically-generated sounds. After each vial has been immersed in its specific soundscape, it will be labelled and stored in an individual Faraday cylinder, to ensure that no ambient radiation can "erase" the stored frequencies. Later, laboratory spectrum analysis will be applied to detect the recorded sonic signatures, and if successful will provide incontrovertible evidence of water-based QED phenomena, and a giant leap toward validation of homeopathic medicines.
As with all scientific research, funding is needed to make this mission possible. This is where your help is needed, please. If you make a donation toward the mission costs, whether $10 or $100, you will be helping us to gather important experimental data toward creation of the frequency medicines of the future. And as a special reward for your generosity, you will be given access to a private Zoom meeting in which you will be among the first to see the CymaScope Light imagery from the King's Chamber experiments, and to experience Anders beautiful toning, and to hear the team members describe their personal experiences of this unique series of cymatic experiments. And if you donate $100, you will also receive digital files of the King's Chamber primary frequency, and the sarcophagus' primary frequency, as captured by the CymaScope Light, which can be printed for display in your home, office or therapeutic practise.
To make a donation to help support this important medical research mission, please donate at the following link through our affiliated 501c3, Universal Fund-Raising Organization (select 1-Field when asked which project to donate to): www.UniversalFundraising.Org
The CymaScope Light will be the world's first fully portable CymaScope, with integral electronics, camera and battery compartment, and is designed for field research, for use in sacred spaces, and for art therapy applications. To register your interest, please visit the CymaScope web site and scroll down on the home page to complete the registration form. The CymaScope Light will be launched later this year, and you will be the first to receive a PDF brochure and pricing as soon as it becomes available.
* A short article on Egyptian Sonics is free to read at this link:
If you wish to read the full 40-page Egyptian Sonics report it is available for $10 at this link:
Join us at AUREA, happening in Miami, FL June 9-11 and streamed live around the world to learn more about our upcoming experiments and expedition to Egypt. You can get access here.
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