Michael Tellinger on Veritas Radio: history of money and is human origin history wrong?

Michael Tellinger on Veritas Radio - History of money, is Bitcoin a trap and is history wrong on human origins? This recent interview covers a number of fascinating topics.

What is the history of money? Is there a better way? Communism and socialism are not the answer, as evidenced by so many failed experiments like the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and Venezuela, just to name a few. Our guest is of the opinion that capitalism is not working either. Could we learn from the ancient ones in order to bring about a system that renders money useless, but that uses the exchange of energy by the people instead? Why is history wrong on human origins? Does ancient technology give us a new perspective on the Anunnaki? What is the nature of reality? What is the scientific agenda? Have you seen mountains with a flat top? Think of Devils Tower in Wyoming. Could these have been giant trees cut with ancient technology (sasers - (sound amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) in order to mine monoatomic gold? (think of the movie Avatar). These are some of the topics being discussed on this Veritas installment.

This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to http://www.veritasradio.com


(Source: www.veritasradio.com; February 22, 2018; https://is.gd/gmLU9Q)
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