Lake Vostok: Mysteries of the Russian Antarctica

Opening a new scientific frontier lying under the Antarctic ice, Russian researchers have drilled down and finally reached the surface of the gigantic subglacial, freshwater lake, Lake Vostok. The mission chief compared the achievement to placing a man on the moon… We are finding out, rather slowly, interesting facts about the mysterious, dark lake.

Links to my other videos about Russian Antarctica and Mariana’s Trench    • UFOS OF THE RUSSIAN ANTARCTICA  PART ...      • UFOS OF THE RUSSIAN ANTARCTICA  PART ...      • MYSTERIES OF MARIANA TRENCH  


By Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill

I am an author, lecturer, television consultant, and researcher of Russian, East European, Central Asian and Far Eastern paranormal phenomena. My articles have been translated and published in many languages, from French to Ukrainian to Hungarian to Japanese to Spanish; and the books co-authored with British author and researcher Philip Mantle, have been translated into 7 languages. The latest one is Russia's USO Secrets (2016). I have consulted and appeared in various American (History Channel, TLC, Discovery, Sightings, TNT).

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