In photos: Egypt-Japan mission reveals Second Dynasty tomb, artefacts in Saqqara

The joint archaeological mission from Waseda University, in collaboration with the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), has unveiled a rock-cut tomb and a myriad of artefacts spanning different historical periods during its current excavation season in Saqqara Necropolis.


The discovery "provides invaluable insights into the history of this region," said Nozomu Kawai, head of the Japanese team.

The architectural marvel, believed to date back to the Second Dynasty, boasts intricate designs and offers a glimpse into the craftsmanship of ancient Egyptian builders. The tomb's design and the pottery discovered within it serve as significant markers for understanding the historical context of its creation.

Mustafa Waziri, the SCA’s secretary-general, said that collaboration with Waseda University has proven to be fruitful, revealing a tomb that adds a new chapter to the rich history of Saqqara. 
“The artefacts and burials uncovered provide a window into the lives of those who lived in this ancient civilization," he pointed out.

Among the notable finds are the remains of a human burial with a coloured mask and another burial for a small child. Additionally, the mission discovered burials from the late and Ptolemaic eras, as well as a poorly preserved coffin from the 18th Dynasty containing a well-preserved alabaster vessel.

The trove of artefacts includes two terracotta statues depicting the goddess Isis, a terracotta statue of the child deity Harpocrates, various amulets, pottery models and ostraca featuring hieratic inscriptions.

Kawai said that the mission has documented all the discoveries. "We hope to uncover more secrets of the Saqqara archaeological site in the upcoming seasons, further enriching our understanding of this historically significant area," he stated.


By Nevine El-Aref / Ahram Online Reporter
(Source:; January 4, 2024;
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