Enki = Osiris

Parks finds numerous correspondences between the Sumerian Enki-Ea and the Egyptian Osiris, and Quetzalcoatl as well, supporting his “memories” that they are indeed one. (Quetzalcoatl is the subject of a future book.)

We do not have space to convey here all of the material from his Neb-Heru appendix, but here are a few of the main points:

The Sumerian word ENGUR generally designated the underground waters of the Abzu, the subterranean world. It was often employed as a synonym of “Abzu”. ENGUR also corresponded to the Akkadian term Apsu. It was a saintly name associated with the goddess Nammu and her son Enki.

We can decompose the term as EN-GUR8 and translate that in two ways:

“The lord (or ancestor) of the profoundness (or depths), or again “to the depths”.

Parks finds an Egyptian form in the hieroglyphic En-Khu-Ur (“for the glory of the prince”).

The Cuneiform sign for ENGUR resembles the plan of the Osireion of Osiris at Abdju.

“Enki” [Lord of the Earth] declines to “É-A” [(Master of the) Temple of the Water] in Akkadian. Parks shows a Mesopotamian cylinder seal depicting Enki-Ea, solitary and vegetative, in his watery sanctuary Engur-Abzu.

Shown below is a corresponding Egyptian image, a symbolic representation of the Osireion of Abdju (Abydos).

The hidden meanings of the Engur of Enki such as “place where one restores the heart” or “place absorbed in repose” correspond perfectly with the diverse Egyptian temples, such as the Osireion, in which were sheltered tombs in honor of Osiris.

Note to the right of Osiris, the Ankh, and symbol of life.

The ENGUR sign as given by Parks is a rectangle containing a cross, symbol of the KIR-IŠ-TI [Decoder], captured by the Christian church as the symbol of Jesus Christ.

The sign of course well antedates Christianity and is found on numerous ancient monuments, especially those of Central America, where it is identified as the “Cross of Quetzalcoatl” – the being assimilated to the Morning Star and the Christ of the pre-Columbian culture. We will see that he appears to be a double of Horus.

The circled cross of Quetzalcoatl symbolizes the new (fifth) sun of the Aztec culture, created after the destruction of the preceding world by Quetzalcoatl and his “shadow” Xolotl.

The planet Venus, as the Morning Star, was also considered as the new sun by the ancient Egyptians, and was none other than Horus, the Egyptian “Christ”.

The Engur symbol equally resembles a coffin or casket, the semblance being confirmed by the fact that this sign can be pronounced ZIKUM, meaning “sky” in Sumerian. But ZIKUM can also be decomposed as ZI-KUM, meaning “wounded life”, “wounded spirit”, or even “wounded and carried away”!

Does not the spirit of a mortally wounded person ascend to heaven? Is this not what happened to the spirit of Osiris?

Given that the Akkadian pronunciation of ZIKUM is Šamû, Parks offers more wordplay; see the Decoder entry for Šamû.

In summary, Parks has shown a number of connections between the Mesopotamian Enki-Ea and the Egyptian “god” Osiris and with notions relating to the resurrection of the Egyptian “god”.

He mentions that…

…numerous Egyptian cities possessed culture centers designated as “Per Ankh “House of Life”, generally attached to major temples of the kings.

We may compare them to schools or universities for learning distinct sciences following disciplines such as history, astronomy, writing, etc. The city of Abjdu (Abydos) was reputed to have specialized in medicine.

Interesting that Enki-Ea was, in the eyes of the Sumerians, the great doctor, the healing serpent of the “gods”!


By Anton Parks

Anton Parks, French self-educated author, Franco - German writer produced in Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres an epic accounting, a mythology, ... or a "history" book?

Parks' work remains unclassifiable as it poses the essential questions: What was happening on the earth before the coming of man? What led to and provoked the advent of the human civilizations?

The author of Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres enthralls thousands of readers around the world with his epic report on the origin of human civilization. But let us not be mistaken: in this novelistic form, Parks may have restored to us our true genesis, that which figures in the Sumerian texts, clairvoyantly decrypted and presented without complexity.

Nexus Magazine (French Edition) Nos. 43-44, Spring-Summer 2006

We are the fruit of complex interactions with extraterrestrial entities that we have long taken for the "Gods". Far from the paradigms of Darwinism and creationism,

Parks proposes an exogenesis of humanity based on the decryption of great fundamental myths, but also on Sumerian and biblical texts. 

A fascinating voyage to our ultimate origins.

Karmapolis in Nexus Magazine (French Edition) No. 50, May-June 2007


(Source: locklip.com; https://tinyurl.com/yd7leujr)
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